Beginners Guide To Digital Marketing | IT Briefcase

Beginners Guide To Digital Marketing: 4 Of The Most Effective Strategies

Featured article by Caitlyn Bell, Independent Technology Author

Marketing has changed at a fast pace. And there’s no question that, as of now, a big part of everybody’s marketing strategy is digital.

Earlier, marketing used to be all about spending money. If somebody wanted to take over a more significant portion of the market place, all they had to do was outspend their competitors. Creativity did play a part, but success was measured by the number of dollars spent.

Today, however, marketing is more complicated. Brands, now, want to build relationships rather than just making it all about money. They have started blogs, built an online presence on dozens of social media platforms, etcetera, etcetera.

That being said, if you are just getting started in digital marketing, this overload of information can create confusion.

This post outlines 4 of the most effective digital marketing strategies. Hopefully,  by the end, you will have a solid understanding of the basics and ample knowledge to get started on the right foot.

Create Relevant, High-Quality Content

Content marketing and are one of the most popular forms of digital marketing.

With a massive amount of content out there, you need to make thorough efforts to possibly stand out from the rest. Most of the content available online is crap, it’s reworded, rehashed, and brings absolutely nothing new to the table.

So, to beat your competitors in the race, you need to create radically useful content that stands out. Content that adds value. Content that is unconventional. But how do you do it?

You do it by creating in-depth, well-researched guides, and long-form posts, that are clear and descriptive.

Be Smart With Social Media

Social media rules the internet world. So, it is important to understand how to reap the rewards.

No matter what your industry is, it is highly likely that a large part of your audience is coming from one of the other social media platforms. Having said that, the only challenge faced by many people is that the number of different social media platforms becomes overwhelming.

What’s the best social media platform? Should you set up a twitter profile, dive into Facebook, or create an Instagram account?

Experts at the best say that rather than taking on multiple platforms, focus your energy on one platform where most of your target audience hangs out, and become more productive.

Once you decide which platform works best for the company, figure out what kind of content works best.

Optimize Your Landing Page

The only way your landing page is going to convert is if it gets fully optimized. This is precisely very important since many people simply use a landing page tool, toss in some copy, publish their page, and think they are done with the rest. But then they wonder why their landing page isn’t getting them money.

Here is how you should optimize landing pages if you want to convert.

* Focus on the Benefits

Instead of making your landing page all about how awesome your product or service is, highlight how it can bring a positive change in the customer’s life.  How will it make their life better? How will the benefit of your product/ service make the customer feel?

* Create Different Landing Pages for Different Audiences

It’s highly likely that your brand has more than one ideal customer; that is why it is important to create multiple personas, separate landing pages to address the needs of each target market.

This is a great way to dive into details without actually overwhelming the customers, focusing on calls to action tailored for them.

Start A Podcast

The podcast industry is growing really fast. Whether you want to hone your skills in a foreign language or learn about a newfound talent, there is a podcast that can help you do just that.

Starting a high-quality podcast is no big deal. It just requires a bit of learning and equipment, and choosing the right topic. The topics you must cover vary majorly on the type of industry you are in. The best way to start is by reviewing industry tools and products, interviewing industry leaders, and covering facts relevant to your audience.

Here you have them – 4 of the most effective digital marketing strategies.

All these strategies have proven to boost your customer experience. Choose the strategy that helps you reach out to your audience, and start putting it to work for your business. Once you have covered that, try another one, and tailor it for your brand. 

Remember, the only through digital marketing is to figure out what works best for you, not what works for everyone.