In the
peak years of career, when everyone seeks stability and bank balance in their
lives, Farha quit her digital marketing job to savour the taste of blogging.
Since then
there is no looking back for her and she reveals how she decided the name of
the blog, how things changed after becoming a mother, challenges she faces and
much more:
Describe how did you first get into
influencer blogging?
Farha: I’ve worked very closely in the
digital space ever since digital marketing was very new in India. I’ve worked
as a digital marketing manager with two MNCs in my corporate tenure of 8 years.
Over the years, I learned how influential this space is and how constructively
it can be used. Since I’m a “People’s Person” and love interacting
with people, be it virtual or real, I knew the digital space was my calling. I
started influencer blogging after I quit my full-time corporate job. I now am
building a brand for myself as I did for corporates previously.
How did you decide on what to name
your blog?
Farha: My only criteria to decide on a blog
name was that the name should have a positive connotation and should spread
positive vibes.
ideology behind my blog name “Mumfiesta” is MUM, of course, means Mom
and FIESTA represents the celebration associated with being one.
represents my perception of motherhood and the joys associated with it. Of
course, I highlight the non-fiesta moments as well on my blog but the joys of
motherhood far exceed the lows. Hence the name seems just right for the journey
I’ve set on.
What is the most challenging aspect
of being a mommy blogger?
Farha: The most challenging aspect for me
is time management. Though I’ve had to multitask so much more while I was
working in the corporate. This experience is completely different. Each day
here is different, right from work to baby demands to the chores. Sometimes I’m
able to adhere to my plans to the T, and sometimes I’m not able to work out
even 10% of my to-do-list. Thankfully I’m able to pull off everything because
of the strong support system I have back home.
What major changes have come into
your life after being a mom?
Farha: After completing my MBA, I started
working with an MNC in marketing. The corporate world is all I knew and was
comfortable with. Since I am very career-oriented, work was my only priority. I
knew that I had to give it my very best and I did.
When we
planned our baby, my priorities changed. There was someone else I had to
nurture apart from work. I quit my job to give more time to family and my
little one. As I was already acclimatized with the digital world I started my
blog to document the little snippets of motherhood and lifestyle.
I factor
my baby in every decision of mine. In fact, most plans revolve around her, my
blog too!
With this
I would like to add that though life has taken a 360-degree turn, I love the
new aspect and am using it constructively to build a brand and space of my own.
Despite all the hurdles, each one of us moms can work towards achieving our
goals. I’ve also come to realise that motherhood is my strength!
Why do you follow a particular
pattern for your Instagram posting?
Farha: I’ve done a lot of research to
understand online trends, consumption patterns, and consumer behaviour online.
The best time to post depends on the kind of content one creates. For me
particularly, I’ve tested different times and have found that engagement and
reach is the highest in the evenings for me. Hence I prefer to post in the
evening to ensure that my content reaches a number of people.
Is blogging your profession or just
a hobby?
Farha: It’s my hobby turned into a
profession. As I mentioned, I love interacting with people and this is a space
which keeps me updated with new market trends, professionals of different
genres, individuals from different parts of the world, moms who share honest
motherhood snippet, it also helps me get closer to fashion trends. I love
creating content which keeps me connected to my audience. My passion keeps me
motivated to do better each passing day.
Do you collaboration with
brands/products for promotional activities?
Farha: Yes, I love associating with brands
and reviewing them on my blog. I feel honoured to introduce brands to my
audience. Blogging is a great platform and I have seen brands build themselves
due to influencer marketing. While I say so, I do a background check of the
brands before associating with them and recommend brands that have genuinely
worked well for me or my baby. “Influencer” – the word comes with a
lot of responsibility, and I do my bit to ensure that I do justice to it.