Best Planning Advice from a Digital Marketing Specialist – Marketecs

Best Planning Advice from a Digital Marketing Specialist - Marketecs

In this article series, we’re giving you all our best advice to make your plans a success. Because we know everybody is unique in their approach to goals & planning, we’ve asked each of our team members to share what works (& what doesn’t) for them. Below, our Digital Marketing Specialist is giving you her best advice. Happy Planning!

Here’s a recap of what our team members have to say:

Take a few minutes out to read this, and you’ll learn:

Have you ever felt super inspired as you set a goal, ready to totally crush it…only to have it fizzle out?

We’ve all been there.

The Missing Link Between Setting Goals & Achieving ThemPlanning advice for digital marketers

You’re 3x more likely to accomplish your goals if you write them down, versus if you don’t have any written plan at all. You might have heard of that now famous Harvard MBA Business School Study that proved the power of writing down your goals.

Goal setting is widely touted as crucial to success in various life domains. But scores of personal development experts insist that achieving goals requires writing them down,” explains Lydia Saad in Gallup.

Planning = Less Stress for You

That said, I love to plan! Whether for work or at home, planning helps me to focus, organize my thoughts, and ensure that every “i” will be dotted and every “t” will be crossed. Planning allows me to be more productive and efficient – a must for anyone juggling work and life (which is pretty much all of us!).

When I go into the week with a plan, I find that my days run more smoothly, I’m less stressed, and I know that I’m delivering quality work. If I fail to plan ahead, I can expect a much more chaotic week and it’s likely that some tasks will slip through the cracks.

My Favorite Tips for Smart Planning

I prefer to plan in smaller segments rather than trying to get too far ahead. I’ve learned that realistic planning for me usually means taking a general look ahead at the next few months to see what’s coming up, and then focusing on only one week or month at a time in detail.

I find that this also provides a good flow to the year because I’m essentially planning by season. And an added bonus? This method leaves space for any changes that may come along from a sudden burst of creativity.

Here is my best advice to make planning manageable & realistic:

If you feel overwhelmed or discouraged, consider changing course. If one strategy isn’t quite right for you, don’t be afraid to mix it up and try something else.

Get Ready to Conquer MORE in the Next 90 Days!90 day marketing planning guide from Marketecs

Want to transform how you accomplish your goals over the next 90 days? Then we’ve got exciting news for you!

Discover how to plan your goals like a pro with our free 90 Day Planning Guide! We’re pleased to offer this to help you conquer more in the next 90 days than ever before.

The best part? You don’t have to wait until a new year to begin. Start planning attainable goals for the next 90 days – right now. Access your complimentary Guide here.

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