Adult Swim’s Rick and Morty has explored an existential amount of possibilities in the way people lead their lives. The main character Rick Sanchez even birthed many gadgets to make his life a breeze, and one of the devices was the sentient “Pass the Butter.”
The machine’s main purpose in the show was to help Sanchez make toast. Though the idea was clever, the bot was made aware of its meaningless existence.
Now, Adult Swim and Digital Dream Labs have decided to turn the product into a reality by launching the Butter Robot. Don’t worry, it’s not sentient to some extent.
The product comes with a complex “emotion engine,” allowing it to react to external forces and become more ‘self-aware” over time and even choose to “rebel” against commands in the future. Besides that, it’s a really cool device to have.
It will listen and respond to the phrase “Pass the Butter” and will pass the butter stick to the person who gave the instruction. It even comes with a distinct voice a lá the character on the show, allowing the machine to interact and repeat phrases instructed through the mobile app’s text-to-voice feature.
At its core, the Butter Robot is simply a tool that makes sure the butter is given to the people seated at the dining table. The user can pick three control modes (Direct Control, Coding, Passing) to relay for the robot to carry out.
The show’s co-creator Justin Roiland has released an unboxing video to show off the nifty new gadget. Watch the video below.
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