Everyone is struggling to make a fortune for their future, but what happened to people along the way? We want to become rich very fast without struggles, understanding the basics of foundation, growth, and development of building and managing wealth. Thus, through the invention of the online marketing affiliates platform, some have been created to manipulate people to invest with empty promises of attracting a lot of income within the few days of investing their capital. It is very easy to accept such a deal without risk, but it only dawns on you later after you have been conned or realize you will not earn even a dime, and it is hard to reverse your capital, but only to be extra cautious about falling into a scam program. Many online marketing affiliates are legit and authorized, but in this article, we will focus on click clone cash in detail on how it works and what you will get from investing in it.
What is Click Clone Cash System?
Click Clone Cash is an online marketing affiliate program invented in 2014 to make sales for web hosting. You benefit by accruing money on your site by clicking, copying, and pasting to promote Clod pro hosting that is part of the network click sure. Josh Owens and Tim Atkinson created this platform. According to the click clone cash system, you earn according to the number of followers who will click your link whenever they visit your website per day and the hosting. To become a legit and active member of Click Clone Cash System, you are not required to pay any registration fee, meaning it is free of charge to conduct your business, but the platform owner earns through commission on every sale you make.
This program is easily accessible to install and use within minutes of your time and has an after-purchase customer support system. On purchase of this program, constant sound guidelines shall be emailed to you regularly to advise you on usage. Click Clone Cash software is an effective program when clear guidelines are followed, and it promises to grow better day the day. Therefore, if you happen to come across this site, know that it is neither a fraud nor a non-effective system. Besides, this program is under constant development to ensure clients get the best service and make a lot of earning as much as they can. Furthermore, according to Owens YouTube video, he assures that they sufficiently monitor consumers for you to know the amount of commissions that your affiliate programs owe you from the gross sales you made. Hence, there is accountability and reliability in dealing with affiliate programs in your hosting.
According to the advertising video, the salesperson guarantees that the earnings from your hosting and link followers will immediately reflect once your work is satisfactory, and you will get paid via PayPal every weekend. Thus, making them the best online marketing affiliates to invest in.
How does Click Clone Cash System Work? Is it a Scam?
Yes. This program is a SCAAAAM!!!!!!! It is very easy to invest in such a program because they sell or tell what you want to hear because you are after making money. Such opportunities are hard to let pass because everyone has the mentality that “opportunity only comes once in a lifetime,” but have you ever thought deeply about the downside of such a mentality? Therefore, it is good to understand that there are no quick riches in this world, not unless you payback with a great sacrifice or it costs you a lot because everything is tagged with its price hidden even if it is free of charge. Hence, it would be best to stay awake on everything they sell you through the online marketing affiliates. For the uninformed marketers, this would sound like a great deal because, for a small price, you’re earning millions of dollars in a year.
As mentioned above from Owens manifestation about this program, you will be surprised that it does not deliver as he states it, but instead, the magic behind making a lot of money involves cloning of any program without access code or prior permission from the owners of which it is practically impossible if you understand how online marketing works. However, in reality, Owens intends to collect your data and will sell you his other affiliate programs because the idea behind it is that every owner of the site requires web hosting services, hence this system will serve as a sales funnel of another web hosting program. He creates traffic for hosting providers who will help earn him a percentage of commission for each hosting package sold by doing this to you.
Before you become a Click Clone Cash System member, the owner of the site will do his best to encourage you to buy his many other products that aren’t even brought to your attention, of which you will fall it easily because some of them do not cost a lot.
Secondly, when joining this program, you will be surprised that it is not free of charge, as Owens claims. In fact, you are redirected to the Web Cloud Pro Hosting, which is a potential scam that will require you to first pay a $90 fee for 6 months semester or pay $153 as the annual fee. Since you have been compelled by the idea of earning more and become rich very fast, you won’t have other option but to pay for your benefit before you get access to the information of how to start earning big within a short period. When your registration is successful, the site owner will keep you on your toes by providing recommendations for hosting services for you to earn. He is trying to buy your trust by intelligently manipulating you to create more traffic for him to earn more in the real sense. Deep down psychologically, he has won your emotions and hopes you do not doubt him for his benefit.
Hahaha!! My friend forgive me for such an outburst, and I am just laughing at my best because I was once a victim to such “A quick attraction of wealth program.” My friend, the mistake I made back then was to follow his link and found myself compelled into reading his template. I become overwhelmed and over-anxious with curiosity; “How fast will I start making money within few minutes am in the site while just seated behind my monitor and how will I increase riches over the next days, when will I start receiving orders?” The moment I began investing, I have never earned even a penny. I wish to call this guy to ask him where he vamoosed, what happened to lucrative earnings he was assuring me because after clicking the button for orders I received no programs. Through my disappointments about this program, it led me to another question who is Josh Owens?
Who Is Josh Owens?
As mentioned above, Josh Owens and Tim Atkinson invented the Click Clone Cash System, but actually, there is no one called by Josh Owens, but it is believed that Tim Atkinson is the owner of the site. Besides, he even launched numerous similar products in the past, including Cash Machines 2, Automated Income App, Money formula, and Make Money with Meghan, of which most are defunct now. The face used to sell this product from YouTube is not him but an actor he has used to convey information to brag how the program has benefited him. Since using an actor as a character, it swayed many people to invest in his program because people believe it is unlikely to be scammed by a famous face. The guy playing Josh Owens is an actor from a Fiverr site, a freelance content marketplace where you can hire spokespersons for your videos.
Tim Atkinson must be a genius or a good actor; since he knew human weaknesses, he decided to make unrealistic images of cars, places, and vacations to manipulate people to invest and give fake customer manifestation reviews. Atkinson hides behind Cloud pro hosting because it is a legit firm that provides a decent referral system and a lot of scam artists build their programs around the referral system without seeking permission from the owners.
Is Click Clone Cash Listed In The Better Business Bureau?
Click Clone Cash is such a small company that it’s not even listed so that you won’t find any complaints on the better business bureau. Hence, people should not trust their Click Clone Cash investment because the Better business bureau lists the authentic and licensed firm that offers honest and legit business to the citizens. Thus, it will not be easy to trace Atkinson, and you won’t even find any support from BBB because they are not reliable on your loss, and you should be on the radar next time not to find yourself a victim of these programs.
Besides, try to research Google about Web Cloud Pro Hosting that Josh Owens recommends you to join by paying $90 per semester or $152 a year. You will not find anything meaning it is a fictional hosting program used to extort money from innocent citizens, especially those who do not understand how online scammers operate.
Click Clone Cash Complaints
Honestly, since you began reading this article, there nothing good that you have come across about this program; instead, customers have raised a lot of complaint about this program, they include;
• No customer support
If you want to clarify this program further, you won’t be able to get any feedback; you cannot contact the owner. Instead, the owner keeps you on your toes and gives you satisfactory customer service until you have paid the requested amount required from you for your account to be legit, you will not be able to contact the owner. Furthermore, the owner’s contact and address are not even legit since you can’t even reach him/her via email and phone call, and the address does not even exist.
• The identity is common.
The identity used to advertise the program has been used to promote many other affiliate marketing programs to impress people with many lies in his long videos. Therefore, meaning the face is very common, this makes a lot of people easily swayed and invest their hard-earned money and valuable time on a program that will waste them.
• The program is damn expensive.
When you come across this program, you are easily swayed by the idea of free account sign up, but after joining, Owens recommends you to join and later starts billing you with a huge amount of money for hosting services that will cost either $90 or $152. Since you are desperate with no other alternatives, you will pay these bills to realize late how much you have wasted your hard-earned money. They charge a lot of money for a very basic service. There’s absolutely no reason to double the price when you could be paying half of that for a legitimate service with a good track record.
• There Is No Secret Sauce behind Click Clone Cash
The disadvantage of this program is it does not give you any secret behind how it works; instead, you are redirected to a cloud hosting service where you could make money and how things are done to make money from their system. Thus, the moment you sign up for a cloud hosting program, they don’t tell you how to go about showing you the amount of money from their system. If you want to earn from an online marketing affiliate and make it your source of income, you have to make a lot of effort and be patient to build it because you will never find an affiliate program that will offer you a direct solution to make a quick cash.
• There is no official website
After signing up for cloud hosting services, that will be the end of your last process because there is no website to do cloning. Hence, you will have to make your website to host on their platform. The Click clone Cash online program is not the first automated online money-making service that shares limited information about what you will be getting in return after signing up. Hence, you will not even get what you have paid for apart from the hosting service.
• There is no refund as they claim
The program claims that all the transactions are done through PayPal, but the moment you realize that there is nothing you will earn out of this program and claim your money back, they don’t respond to any ticket for a refund
• There is no genuine proof about this program
Josh Owens sells you his ideas through creating illusions videos showing the luxurious life everyone wants to achieve in their lifetime to encourage you to invest in his program. However, the luxury life advertised on YouTube is not genuine proof because the program itself does not even provide a substantial income to afford such a lifestyle. There are no opportunities that offer lucrative earning.
• You do not get what you have sign up for
The program then advertises a certain web hosting provider with the best online services to make the individuals’ dreams come true. Basically, Click Clone Cash does because the registration later sends you the Cloud Pro Hosting site, which provides cloud-based hosting services. You can only purchase the 12 months or six months hosting packages, a move that forces you to commit lots of resources up front. Again, the 6-month hosting package that goes for $90 is expensive, considering the service’s average quality. Nevertheless, you are told that you should use a hosting service from another online company to begin making money at the end of the sales video, which doesn’t even make sense totally if you are keen.
What to consider before becoming a member of any affiliate online marketing platform
Many people have been lured into investing in illegal affiliate online marketing without understanding the characteristics of a legit online marketing platform. Therefore, before you decide to be a member of any of them, please consider checking the following characteristic about it, these include;
• Do they offer any private coaching, and is there any step by step training? Before you throw your money to invest into any online marketing platform, they will ensure that you are well-oriented and understand how the program works and how you can operate it to have a better experience when handling your clients.
• Do they have a domain platform, and is web hosting included? Whenever you want to register with any affiliate marketer, check if they provide their domain platform and web hosting. Most scammers redirect you to a different domain platform or web hosting, which is likely, not legit.
• Is there any live chat, customer service support, and easy to get help? Always ensure that where you are going to invest your hard-earned money will not limit you against your rights of accessing clarification and help if you have a problem anytime you need it, and in fact, it should be available 24/7.
• Does it allow you to do free trials? A legit affiliate online marketing should offer you an opportunity to do some free trials on their platform to understand how it works with its trend according to the timing.
• Do they refund cash? A lot of businesses do not offer cash refunds; instead, they will always try to seek a way that you will be handled for you to receive a product that will satisfy your need. Thus, when it comes to the legit online affiliate platform, they will always attend to your insecurities by doing a thorough follow up about your funds because they value your role in their company.
However, please do not make the mistake of going through their reviews or following client manifestation about the site. Sometimes, most of the reviews and manifestations you will likely find in the sites are not genuine, and staged managed to lure you into investing with them. Therefore, it is good to consider the above characteristics to help you avoid becoming one of their victims. For instance some of the best affiliate online marketing platform that is well-known, legit, the best and genuine that are worth to invest your hard-earned money they include;
• ShareASale Affiliates
• Solvid affiliate
• Leadpages partner program
• Shopify affiliate program.
• eBay partners
In my own opinion, you should totally avoid Click Clone Cash System and do not even attempt listening to their services they will offer you because they will manipulate and milk every penny in your account. Thus, it is advisable to follow the right channel of making a fortune, but do not let anyone manipulate you with the super easy idea to earn an income because no building stands tall without a solid foundation. Therefore, it is good to take your time and check which affiliate online platform will suit your needs, even if it takes three years to start earning a reasonable income from it.
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