Complete Digital Marketing Course (हिन्दी में) in Hindi

[100% Off] Complete Digital Marketing Course हिन्दी में in Hindi [2020] Udemy Coupon

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Become a certified Digital Marketer – Learn Step by step everything in Hindi With simple and clear Explanation

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Grow your digital marketing results faster through the power of growth hacking! In this industry-leading course, you’ll discover the extraordinary benefits of digital metrics, including lean analytics, web traffic, digital conversion funnels. You’ll also gain access to cutting edge info about inbound marketing, email marketing, SEO, paid acquisition, public relations, viral marketing, and much more!

You can now earn your  Udemy Digital Marketing Certificate by completing 100% of this course. Udemy will customize, host, and issue your certificate so that you can impress clients and employers with your knowledge and commitment to building growth hacking skills!

Introducing…The Digital Marketing Toolkit for the Connected Economy

Want to have huge success in modern digital marketing? With this remarkable course at your fingertips, you can hone the much-needed skills to attract and retain customers through any online channel. By leveraging the advantages of growth hacking, you can:

  • Compete head-to-head with even the biggest firms in Silicon Valley

  • Build your business with secrets unknown to most entrepreneurs

  • Qualify for more prestigious and higher-paying digital marketing jobs

  • Improve your outcomes with content marketing, social media, and SEO

  • Discover the real potential of email marketing, viral marketing, and public relations

  • Lead digital marketing teams to massive increases in conversion rates

  • Multiply your results with growth hacking applied across numerous channels

The demand for digital marketing experts is increasing every day, and one of the key factors of success is keeping up with the latest trends. This growth hacking course puts you in the driver’s seat with the most relevant, most effective information available.

And no boring powerpoint slides, ever! This flagship course was developed in partnership with leading instructional designers. The course is exceptionally well-crafted, allowing you to learn growth hacking concepts and apply them immediately.

Growth Hacking – The Secret Key to Digital Marketing Mastery

Ready to get feedback quicker – and make changes faster – to supercharge your digital marketing results? You’ve got all the strategies you need in this growth hacking course.

In the first part of the course, you’ll gain essential “big picture” skills, including developing your customer personas, interviewing your target markets, and analyzing your “buyer center” (i.e. the individuals in your target market with the most purchasing power).

Next, you’ll learn how to analyze your results. With any growth hacking effort, you always want to know what’s working, where it’s working, and what needs to be changed. For this, you need digital marketing tools like web traffic analysis and lean analytics.

Lastly, you’ll discover highly effective tools to bring boatloads of new customers – ones with money to spend – into your online eco-system. This includes the concepts of digital conversion funnels, lifetime customer value (LTV), and customer acquisition costs (CAC).

Develop a User-Centric Approach to Digital Marketing

You’ll start by learning what Digital Marketing is and then move on to building your digital analytics skills. We’ll take your Google Analytics skills to the next level by teaching you how to use these advanced tools with real data from the Google Merchandise Store. Then, you’ll learn how to develop marketing personas and user segments–using online research methods (like Facebook Audience Insights)  Then, you’ll learn how to work with Pirate Metrics and marketing funnels so that you can guide potential customers through each step… from awareness to revenue to referrals.

In the second half of the course, you’ll discover how to create digital marketing materials that target the unique wants and needs of your customer. This might seem like a given, right? In fact, it’s a much rarer skill than you might think, and absolutely crucial for maximizing sales. No growth hacking course is complete without this must-know info!

Then you’ll get a crash course in both online SEO and in content marketing, allowing you create relevant and memorable content that’s designed to be discoverable on the web. The email marketing section will introduce you to automated strategies for email. You’ll also develop the ability to use email platforms to manage your subscriber lists.

In the later parts of the course, you’ll learn how to estimate and use both Lifetime Customer Value (LTV) and Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC)–two critical metrics for building a digital marketing engine. The course wraps up with a section on paid acquisition (like PPC Ads and social media ads) so that you can bring traffic into the “top of your funnel” on-demand.

Since giving you the most possible value is so important to us, We are offering this course with our 30-day guarantee. If you’re not totally wowed by the content, feel free to ask for a refund. We will give you one immediately, no questions asked. Sound good?

Version 3.2 Release Notes:

  • You have an updated study guide that is better synchronized to the lectures and further study resources in the course. Happy learning!

Version 3.1 Release Notes:

  • We’ve added a premium tutorial for you in the Google Analytics part of the Growth Hacking Series. In this live event rebroadcast, you’ll see how to call specific data from your Google Analytics properties, leverage it to create automatically-updating dashboards, and publish these dashboards to a private site. Think of this as your business or entrepreneurial HQ. For those of you who have board members, investors, or teammates, you can select the people who will have access to these dashboards so that your team can use data to drive good decisions. Enjoy!

Version 3 Release Notes:

  • Woohoo, Growth Hacking 3 is here and the course is better than ever. Using feedback, the Udemy learning team, and other student feedback, we’ve made a whole host of upgrades! The course is now more project-based, so you’ll be able to use sections as you need them to achieve outcomes related to your growth objectives. We’ve also trimmed out some of the more outdated exercises and SideBYSides and replaced them with fresh content. As a part of this upgrade, there are all new intros in the course and it has been totally re-structured.

What’s new in version 4.0?:

  • Growth Hacking 4 includes tons of new content, including content related to the application of bots to social media, Google 360, and a lot more. We’ve also streamlined the learning experience by de-escalating some modules from previous course versions. To see a full content upgrade journal, see the final lecture of the course.

  • Growth Hacking 4.1 migrates course document support from Dropbox to Google Documents. Students in the course should not experience any learning disruption from Dropbox’s recent hosting infrastructure change!

Released November 2017: What’s new in version 5.0?

  • Where to begin? This learning experience has just received the most MASSIVE upgrade

    • You can now earn your Udemy Growth Hacker certificate by completing 100% of this course. Udemy will customize, host, and issue your certificate so that you can impress clients and employers with your knowledge and commitment to building growth hacking skills!

    • All new hands-on practicums by former Googler and European growth hacking leader Maja Voje that takes you all the way from developing personas, using the Growth Marketing Canvas to generate growth hacking ideas, launching a landing page with Leadpages, setting up tracking with Google Tag Manager, Hotjar, and the Facebook Pixel, analyzing traffic to the page, optimizing it, watching user recordings, and moving into retention cohorts, user analytics, installing third-party tools on the page, and optimizing the funnel. It’s AWESOME.

    • All-new side by side updated for the all-new Google Analytics interface, Facebook’s newest changes, new Mailchimp workflows, and more.

    • TONS of brand new animated modules. Growth Hacking has become an increasingly cohesive community and best practices are starting to solidify around the ecosystem. More than 80 lectures… 80 lectures! were upgraded as part of this update.

    • An all-new study guide that’s hosted on the cloud and give you links to tons of online spreadsheets built to support this course, guides, and references. It also includes the world’s first Growth Hacking dictionary so that you can stay up-to-date with the language used by growth hackers.

    • A new suite of interviews all included as part of the upgrade plus full-length versions of the interviews accessible on the YouTube channel. We wanted you to have a streamlined learning experience, so none of the interviews are over 10 minutes in length during your experience in the course.

  • Released February: What’s new in version 5.2?
    In version 5.2 we’ve added Assignments throughout your learning experience. This is a brand new Udemy feature released in beta mode that enables your instruction team to blend videos with questions and images. We’ve heard from many of you that you would love even more hands-on activities, so we answered with 8 new hands-on Assignments in version 5.2 of the course!

  • Released November: What’s new in version 6?

    • Overview: Hello  Growth Hackers! This year, the course content upgrades are heavily focused on working with on-site user psychology. As the digital world becomes more common in our lives, it’s becoming increasingly important to create a sense of scarcity, to provide social proof, and to move towards personalized digital experiences so that we can retain our users. This is also important because the cost of acquiring customers in the digital space is rising quickly. Below, you’ll find some specific areas we upgraded in this huge update!

    • Growth hack with Google. This year, you’ll be learning how to growth hack using actual data from the Google Merchandise Store. We’ve re-engineered your learning experience to include the use of this popular e-commerce storefront so that when you learn a concept you can see examples of it applied to a big, real-life digital business.

    • Work with Awesome Practitioners. This year we are so pleased to introduce you to a third co-instructor. In addition to learning with Growth Strategist In-residence Maja Voje and with co-founder Davis Jones, you’ll also be learning hands-on training with Jure Knehtl–an e-commerce advertising expert who has sold more than $30m worth of products online. Our goal is for you to learn important concepts, meet experts in the field, see these concepts in action, then use the new skills you have. Which leads us to…

    • Brand New Assignments. You all are awesome! We were so impressed with your response to the (Version 5) assignments that we’ve made the Growth Hacking assignments in this course even better. In the 2019 (Version 6) Growth Hacking course, you’ll be moving into the role of the Head of Growth for the Google Merch Store. You’ll be creating custom segments, looking into data for insights, and launching practice growth experiments for the Google Merch Store.

    • Multiple New Expert Interviews. Maja recruited two fantastic new experts to include in your Growth Hacking learning experience. You’ll be learning design thinking from Alan Faljic, a former business designer with IDEO, and referral marketing with Savvas Zortikis from ViralLoops. As always, these experts will now be part of your growth hacker network.

    • Automated Learning with Dynamic Creative. Davis Jones has developed an extensive Practicum for you related to using Facebook’s new Dynamic Creative feature as a way of automating your progress towards language/market fit with an audience. You’ll learn what this is and how to take advantage of it!

    • You’ll also find so much more new stuff inside the course!

  • Released November: What’s new in version 6.1?

    • We’ve just done a massive upgrade to the Version 6  Growth Hacking Course study guide! Now your study guide has bookmarks that enable you to navigate to the relevant parts of the course study guide based on whatever growth hacking skill you’re applying at any given moment. Make sure to check out the new Version 6 study guide!

  • Released November  What’s new in version 6.2?

    • We noticed that some students are here to learn how to set up their digital marketing system (for example, setting up Google Analytics, the Facebook Pixel, Hotjar, etc.) and that others are here for different reasons. So, we’ve launched the Accelerated Learning Pathways initiative. Early on in your learning experience, you’ll find two “learning pathways” that offer you a guided sequence of course lectures and tutorials to help you achieve what you came here to do faster. We hope you like the upgrade!

    • January 2019 6.2.1 Upgrade: We’ve added a new interview with Joey Ayoola from the Growth Revolution agency in Belgium. He has an alternative method and tool to use to develop personas. You can find the interview with him and a link to the free tool in the study guide!

    • February 2019 6.2.2 Upgrade: Maja’s newly-added interview with Jakob Marovt is now one of our favorites. In it, they discuss coding for growth hacking, how to get the most from your website traffic, and how to get new products to rank on Product Hunt.

  • Released in November 2019: What’s new in version 7?

    • When you complete 100% of this course you’ll have the opportunity to request your own personalized, hosted, and verifiable 2020 Growth Hacking certificate. You’ll get a brand new, cool-looking design that’s perfect for sharing on your LinkedIn® profile and personal websites and for linking on your resumé.

    • You’ll meet some brand new experts this year, like:

      • Gabe Villamizar, the author of LinkedIn’s official Social Selling with LinkedIn® online course. He’ll help you understand how to leverage social networks and LinkedIn Sales Navigator® to sell high-value B2B offerings.

      • Katie Espinoza, the Head of Operations at Rebrandly®. Katie will teach you about link management and link branding. There are amazing new capabilities in this area!

      • Matthew Guay, formerly the lead content marketer for Zapier®. Matt will help you learn how to use online tools to chart a pathway that enables you to rank for competitive keywords if you decide to focus on acquisition through SEO.

      • Pedro Clivati, the Head of Growth at GrowthHackers dot com. Pedro has loads of experience helping enterprise teams implement growth hacking programs. He’ll share some very useful tips on starting your growth hacking program.

    • You’ll also get fresh interviews with two experts who many of you have “met” in the online course before: Jure Knehtl (one of Europe’s top Facebook Ads experts) and Stella Korošec (a very successful brand manager, product developer, and social media marketer).

    • You’ll get fresh Practicums from Maja Voje, Growth Hacker in Residence, and also an extensive tutorial on the use of Google Data Studio–an easy-to-use tool for turning your analytics into dashboards and sharing them with other people.

    • There is a suite of new Assignments that will enable you to put your learning into practice.

    • Finally, you’ll get all-new introduction and overview lectures from your host, Davis Jones, which help improve the flow and effectiveness of your online learning experience.

    • If you’ve earned your  Growth Hacking certificate for previous versions of this course, you’ll want to complete all the new lectures and complete all of the new assignments. After you do that, you’ll be eligible to request your custom Growth Hacking 7 (2020) certificate from.

    • Enjoy Growth Hacking 7!

Instructors: Abhishek Singh Thakur