Search for ‘062146
‘ if you’re struggling to remember a BSB Number.
Various stylistic and features are altered by way of shortcode as detailed on the BSB Number Plugin Page. As you can tell, the simplistic nature of the design lends itself to the tool being used within post content.
The free version of this plugin permits you to query usage by way of a dedicated endpoint. If there’s sufficient interest we’ll build a graphical interface into your WP dashboard.
BSB data is updated daily although changes are usually pushed once per month.
The Client Version
Clients obviously don’t need to install this plugin as advanced functionality is built into your website. Your site already includes around 15,000 back-end pages that returns BSB data… and the point of creating thousands of indexable pages, of course, is to support your ‘every page‘ conversions (we submit a BSB sitemap to your website for indexing).
As mentioned, you still have access to a standalone BSB website that searches full numbers, bank codes, partial matches, and so on. The demonstration website is now about 7-years-old so it’s a really poor indication of what the site now looks like (we’ll update it soon – it’s completely different).
The client version of this plugin sends user data to Yabber in order to create a running commentary of usage. While not a funnel-feature as such, having the data helps build a BM Index engagement score.
What is a BSB Number?
A BSB number (or Bank/State/Branch number) is used for the purpose of abbreviating a customer’s bank information. It is far easier to assign a customer a BSB number than to have a customer remember a large string of text. Instead, a short string of numbers is assigned in a block that can be easily deciphered by any bank or business to determine pertinent bank account information.
The First two digits specify the parent financial institution, the third digit specifies the state where the branch is located and the fourth, fifth and sixth digits specify the branch. For example, the BSB 033088 actually breaks down into the following.
3 = Victoria
088 = 383 Chapel Street, Prahran
While banks usually follow this numbering convention, building societies and credit unions often don’t, but it doesn’t affect the way in which the bank details can be decoded. A financial institution may also use one centralised BSB for all accounts. For example, Suncorp uses 484799 for all deposit accounts regardless of which branch or state the account was opened.
As a general rule, BSB bank State information (the third digit in the BSB) will indicate its state of origin as dictated below:
3 – Victoria
4 – Queensland
5 – South Australia, Northern Territory
6 – Western Australia
7 – Tasmania
The numbers are required for online transactional tools, employment information, and other types of processing systems.
The BeliefMedia Core plugin is required before this plugin may be activated. Core registers your site API Key and enables future updates. Your website and details are sent to us on registration so if you’re not comfortable with this please don’t install the plugin. The plugin should normally be downloaded from our Facebook Group .
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