Conversion Rate Optimisation and the Role it plays in Digital Marketing

Conversion rate optimisation is a process where internet users are persuaded to visit a website and take actions that are beneficial to the website owner. In other words, it is a great tool to drive traffic towards a website.

Conversion rate optimisation includes a multitude of techniques, to convert prospective buyers into real buyers. This is achieved through digital media such as social media forums, digital advertisements and banners. It acts as an efficient sales tool by planning, designing and optimising a client’s website. Professional conversion rate optimisation specialists are available, who offer their expertise in this field to achieve what their clients want. (Information Credit –


The benefits that CRO provides to organisations such as poorly performing e-commerce websites, are immense.  E-commerce websites which are un-optimised can see an increase of up to 200% in conversion rates after working with a conversion optimisation specialist.

Content rate optimisation includes persuasive or proven techniques that encourage site visitors, to act in a certain way. From the marketing point of view, it encourages online users to visit a website.

Thus, as modern businesses tackle falling margins and rising advertisement costs, a digital presence and a well optimised website are the keys to achieve success. Implementing CRO tactics for a business can help achieve the following goals.

  • Generating more leads for the sales team
  • Increase in sales, revenues and profits
  • Engaging more users
  • Increasing page views for advertising
  • Reduces customer acquisition costs
  • Contributing towards customer email lists

Practises Followed by Content Rate Optimisation Specialists

Content rate optimisation specialists can achieve conversions by following some steps and using the tools available. They use existing information of customers and use it in a way to increase their level of engagement. Most specialists tend to prioritise some major factors to increase conversion rates, which are mentioned below.

  1. Designs which are credibility-based
  2. Memorable slogans
  3. Originality in logo
  4. Easy navigation
  5. Best content placement
  6. Benefit oriented headlines
  7. Benefit oriented content
  8. Increasing interactivity and engagement
  9. Call to action

How to select a conversion rate optimisation specialist

CRO specialists are almost always involved with a digital marketing agency. Businesses should thus look to work with competent digital marketing agencies to achieve their requires business goals.  For a business, it requires looking at some factors to determine whether the professional help is worth it.

  1. Track Record: Looking at the agency’s past records and client testimonials will give the client a good idea about the competence of the agency involved.
  2. Ethical: Make sure the company does not use any ‘black-hat’ techniques or other questionable practices which may harm the brand name in the long run.
  3. Reports and Accountability: Whatever measures a marketing agency takes, it should properly inform and explain the steps to their clients before moving forward.


Digital marketing has largely replaced traditional methods of marketing, such as billboards, newspaper and TV ads, because of the cost-effective advantages they provide.