Council Post: Five Tips For Selling Digital Marketing To Local Businesses

Local businesses that hope to stay competitive in 2020 and beyond would be wise to invest in digital marketing. However, many small business owners don’t have the time to sit down, learn and implement the best digital marketing tactics for their needs, several of which I share here.

That is where an experienced digital marketing agency comes in. The right kind of agency — that is, one with a cohesive team of like-minded employees who are always hungry to take their clients’ SEO to the next level — can generate tremendous amounts of income and growth for local businesses through digital marketing. The trick is knowing how to sell those services.

Though some small business owners are interested in learning how to handle the marketing themselves, others have no idea where to begin. Platforms such as Google and Facebook have many easy-to-use advertising products, but there is nothing like having an experienced, full-time marketing team behind a business to drive up sales and revenue.

For you longtime digital marketers out there, I would bet you have found it challenging to “sell” local business owners on what you have to offer. Their perspective is understandable; after all, if they know nothing about SEO, PPC, social media management or web design, why would they purchase those services from you?

This is exactly my point. You must not let a miscommunicated or otherwise poor sales approach limit the number and quality of clients you are able to bring in. Below are some tips on how to sell digital marketing to small business owners and convert them from skeptics to raving fans.

Stop being a ‘traditional’ salesperson.

Even the best-known digital marketing companies out there rely on outbound sales to bring in clients. What separates a good agency from an amazing one is how it goes about doing that. Cold calling, desperate pitch attempts and mass digital spam do not work. People are smarter than that, and, quite frankly, they are tired of it.

Companies will also try to sell particular packages or services without knowing what the business owner wants or needs. This approach can be off-putting to potential customers and diminish your credibility.

Just selling a product or service isn’t enough. To succeed in landing that next client, you need to earn their trust, build loyalty and develop a relationship that goes beyond basic buyer-seller mentality.

Help them; don’t sell them.

Smaller businesses are under constant attack by marketers trying to sell them products they may not need. Don’t be another attacker. Business owners tend to build up walls so high to fend off the vultures that it is sometimes nearly impossible to get through to them right away. They have heard the same spiel pitched to them more times than you have changed your Gmail password. Be a solution, not just another problem.

Selling your digital marketing products and services to local businesses allows you to meet with potential clients face to face. Speaking to them in person will instantly set your agency apart from the endless onslaught of virtual assistants and spammy emails. This gives you the advantage and helps potential clients feel listened to when you ask them about their business and marketing needs.

Ask them everything.

You want to figure out what people’s business and marketing goals are. Ask business owners as many questions as necessary to pinpoint what they want. Then, pitch the solutions your agency can provide.

Ask them what parts of their job, especially when it comes to marketing, they find most tedious. If they have used marketing services in the past, why did they not work out?

Your ultimate goals are to figure out what has failed them previously, to build a trustworthy and equal relationship and to help them feel involved in their own marketing efforts.

Sell to their aspirations, not their bank accounts.

Small business owners love what they do. Though profits are certainly a huge part of their day-to-day, they primarily want their freedom. It can be much easier to talk about business owners’ aspirations than to try to sell hard numbers.

You probably have intimate knowledge of all the services your agency provides, from SEO to website design standards. Most local clients do not care about the fine details, however. Learn what they would rather spend time doing, whether it’s golfing, traveling or even getting more than four hours of sleep every night. Then, show them how your services can help them obtain that.

Seal the deal with value.

Do not just talk about all the good your company can provide — demonstrate it. Design your products so you can deliver results before even asking for payment. For example, send over a few leads or a website audit before asking for a financial commitment. Many small business owners do not mind spending money; they just need to know it is worth their while.

Try not to get caught up in explaining the process. Instead, talk to possible new clients about generating leads, expanding their market share or providing a steady flow of business. Prove to them that your digital marketing expertise can make their life easier, not more complicated.