COVID-19 Has Led To Many Changes In Digital Marketing
With the COVID-19 pandemic have come a large number of “new norms”. These changes are also dramatically impacting the way people are searching, thus altering the way small businesses can market their practice, firm, or general business. People have shifted the way they traditionally search for businesses, services or products they need, and their expectations have altered regarding how they believe a business should interact with them.
For this reason, many small businesses, especially health care practices, lawyers, and other traditionally “in-person” businesses are having to alter their operational approach and how they interact with their patients or clients. This is even more true when it comes to how to market their practice, firm, or business. Below is a list of just a few of the changes we noticed during the pandemic and following the nation’s re-opening, which businesses should consider when determining how to enhance their opportunity to obtain net new patients, clients or customers.
Marketing Changes & A Few Considerations On How To Respond
Sources: The Verge. Source: https://www.theverge.com/2020/4/29/21241845/facebook-q1-2020-earnings-coronavirus-covid-19-daily-users-engagement-up
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