Why is Creating Content So Important For Your Website?
We need to be found in search engines like Google and creating content is the best way to do it. More than ever the content we develop for our website has to be informative, entertaining and engaging for your audience. Clients ask us all the time, “where do you think people are searching for you?” The answer is a search engine. In today’s world of AI searching the web for things relevant to different searchable topics it is important to have content there for AI to find.
We want to explain three ways you can be improving your digital content.
#1 Where Should You Host Your Content?
It is easy to get lost in the online world. You can publish content on many different platforms including LinkedIn, Facebook, Blogs, and your website to name a few. Choosing where you host your hard work is sometimes clouded by where you think it will make the most impact for your business. Social media has been used for a few years now as a place to publish new articles and news. The problem with hosting the content on social media is that each social platform acts as a satellite for brand. While you can share and generate interest for your business on social platforms, not all business SELL from those platforms natively. In addition, they don’t always reach as many people as you think they do. You can read my article on this topic ” Digital Marketing Strategy – Start With The End In Mind.”
In most cases we usually recommend hosting the content itself on your website. After all, the goal of the website is to teach your audience about you, sell your stuff, and generate brand awareness for you business. When we talk about SEO or Search Engine Optimization we are talking about improving the value search engines give to your website in your area of business. That SEO is improved by developing new stuff. New stuff is content you create that is unique. Don’t copy someone else’s “stuff.” Do your own thing.
By hosting your content on your website you also have the most control over how it is shared. Most experts agree that sites that have lots of “shares” or “link backs” are often ranked higher than sites that are not actively sharing new content. Thus share the stuff you create for your page on social sites. Make sure that the content you are making is shareable by adding “social share” plugins to the backend of your website. The easier you make it for people to share, the better.
Share it yourself. All arrows should digitally point back to the source you want to promote. Don’t water it down by sourcing it on platforms you can’t control.
#2 Do Your Homework For Topics People Are Searching For.
You know that little search bar at the top of the screen, or that little magnifying glass? Do yourself a favor and before you write a blog search the internet about the topics you are looking to contribute to. As an example we typed “chocolate bars” into Google Search. Notice the drop down menu of topics that pop up? They are all related topics to the search. Using those phrases when writing about chocolate bars will help people searching those common phrases to find your content.
As you can see the search for “chocolate bars” gave very general results for chocolate. The top results are Wikipedia. The next two results are articles about Candy Bars. We did not search for information on “Candy Bars” yet with AI the results include things that are relative to what we searched for even if they are not an exact match.
The image results for “chocolate bars” were brands of chocolate bars. In fact the images were featured above the articles. Is it interesting to you that the images you use may be featured above the content you create? Why does that happen? We are visual creatures. We like to look at pretty things. So make sure that when you develop your content you think equally about the images you are using to help your audience visualize what you are writing about.
#3 Don’t Forget The Backend Of Your Website
We spend a lot of time talking about how to come up with content and how to write it. We need to talk about how to use the backend of your website to help search engines identify what is important about your content.
Each website platform has options for using SEO plugins. I use YOAST for WordPress. Yoast is a great website plugin if you have a WordPress website. It can help you identify exactly where you need to put your keywords and phrases. It can help you write meta tags and descriptions. In addition tools like Yoast will be able to help you gauge how easy your content is to read.
Make sure that when you are writing, you are using a SEO tool that helps you analyze your content before you publish it. It will help you identify potential problems you may have with your blogs and web pages.
Next Steps:
OR if you are interested in Google check out this article: https://elizabethink.net/why-does-google-search-hate-my-website/