It can often be overwhelming when first setting out to design a website for your business, especially when budget is a consideration. Oftentimes small business owners think that going with a predesigned template like those offered on Squarespace may be the way to go and save them money. In actuality, going that route may severely limit how well you can highlight what your brand has to offer customers and what makes it stand out. Telling Your Unique Story One of the most difficult things to do with a website is to not only tell your unique and compelling brand story, but also differentiate yourself from your competitors. Working with a team of experts allows you to tap into their unique knowledge of what type of designs are successful, what added features increase performance of the website and what graphics and visuals will work best to highlight your products or services. Experts on Call When you work with a custom website design company, you have quick access to assistance and customer support people who are dedicated to ensuring that your site is successful in every way. This feature is especially important for small business owners who have limited time to devote to updating and maintaining their organization’s website. Featured Restrictions Some small business owners may start out on Squarespace, but quickly discover that there are many limitations. These can range from trying to fit personalize brand content into predetermined templates, expensive add-ons and poor SEO performance. Businesses that require multiple functions may also be frustrated to find that their activities are severely limited. While Squarespace may seem like the quick answer, nothing can replace working with a company who has your best interests in mind and helps clients with every aspect of their online marketing efforts. Need help getting started? Contact us here.
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