Let’s set the scene…
Can you imagine? You’ve accepted a job offer. You did your due diligence. You’ve signed contracts. You’ve resigned and are getting ready to start the new job but you get a call letting you know it’s not going to happen. This seems to be happening more and more often where employers are last-minute withdrawing job offers that you’d have expected to be secure. After all, you’d asked all the right questions in the interview without spotting any new job red flags. It just goes to show nothing is 100% failproof nowadays.
In this case, it was all the more horrific as this happened to return to work Mum, Lily, who’d already made the necessary nursery arrangements for her little boy, Timmy. A double whammy in her frustration levels.
Feel the need to point out that this job-which-vanished-off-the-face-of-the-earth was one that Lily had sourced herself and this was prior to contacting clockworkTalent. In fact, it was this horrific event that brought Lily to my inbox!
…but then I realised I’d known Lily 3+ years earlier! We had first been introduced when she was starting out in the industry. I remember that she’d wanted to make a difference in life and gone to university to study Sociology with a view to working in policy making. She told me at the time she was too opinionated for that, so instead chose Marketing starting out as an intern at a local agency. Since then she’s done on to encourage many brands and businesses to incorporate accessibility into their marketing (which was secretly her end goal). You see, Lily is deaf. Not that you would know. Her skills in lip reading are remarkable and she uses technology to assist her. And more recently she’s been an industry speaker for digital accessibility drawing on her own experiences and passion for digital marketing, which just deepens her advocacy.
Lily has now been recruited as a Digital Marketing Executive at the web design and full-service agency, Britweb. They’re local to me and the Managing Director, Dan and I have known each other for quite a few years. Dan shared,
“I have spoken to Natasha a few times over the years and with a number of hires. Until recently, I managed to source staff internally but Natasha was always happy to speak and offer advice based on her extensive industry knowledge and experience.”
This digital marketing job for Lily is perfect. It plays to her strengths and enables her to balance being a return-to-work Mum, working from home whilst her son is at nursery locally. It also allows her the opportunity to get together with the team at their nearby offices. It provides Lily with the potential to grow her career to the next level upon passing probation and becoming a Digital Marketing Manager. Again, so closely in line with Lily’s aspirations. It gives me pride to play a part in turning what had started out as an awful scenario for Lily. Where she had no control over having her new job whipped away from her just before she’d even started. To where we are now, landing a new job. One which is so very close to her ambitions and personal goals. It’s almost like it was meant to be! When we asked Lily why she got in touch with clockworkTalent, Lily said,
“I met Natasha before when I was fresh out of Uni and my internship was coming to a close – Natasha has boundless energy and enthusiasm and makes you feel like you’re the only candidate she’s working with. I was so happy to come back to her when I was looking for a new opportunity after a new job contract was rescinded, and after roasting my CV in a very loving way, she set me up for success with a brand new CV and an interview.”
Knowing why Lily got in touch with me, you can only imagine the pressure I put on myself to make sure she landed herself the “right” job. By the way, if you work in digital marketing and want your CV “roasted” as Lily puts it, you can claim your CV critique here. Interestingly, Lily clearly found it so good she “… recommended my partner to also speak to Natasha and she also gently destroyed his CV and with it, he got a new job within 2 working days.”.
We asked Lily about her experience of landing a new job with clockworkTalent’s recruitment support. She shared,
“After each interview, Natasha checked in with me and made sure I was okay. After being on maternity leave and my life revolving around my baby, it was lovely to have someone just checking in with me and making sure that I was looked after! Next time, (hopefully in a few years!), I’ll be going straight to Natasha.“
Lovely as this is Lily, you stay where you are now and I’ll be helping you recruit as you expand your team at Britweb in no time!
Meanwhile, Lily has now started her new job. It’s early days but there’s every indication it’s going well as Dan the MD of Britweb told us he’s
“…especially pleased we were able to work with them to a conclusion and hopefully have someone who is a perfect fit!“
Lily also said,
“I started my first day yesterday! They were brilliant at onboarding and Natasha checked in with me to make sure everything was okay. I am not used to this aftercare!“
We’re so happy that we were able to pair Lily with Britweb and turn a terrible situation into an even better opportunity! If you’re looking for the next step in your digital marketing career or looking to hire new digital marketing talent into your team, get in contact with us here!
We always keep our job board up to date with the latest opportunities, and give out lots of job-seeking advice across our blogs and social media!
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