Part Three: Digital Marketing Terms (P-Z)
Here is the final installment of our handy marketing jargon buster series. We have collated a three part digital marketing glossary series to break down everything you need to know. What is a tech stack? What is the definition of scale? Which metrics should I be tracking?
Feel free to bookmark this post and come back to it when you have a question!
To read Part One (Letters A-D) of our jargon buster series you can click
Alternatively, to read Part Two (E-O) click
Short for Pay Per Click, PPC is advertising where the advertiser pays per click on their advert. Typically this would be through search, keyword or sponsored advertising e.g. usually found on the first page of Google.
Your profit is your monetary value once the production expenses have been taken from your overall revenue per sale.
QR code
A QR code, or Quick Response Code, is a unique pattern code which can be read by a machine to give you information about an item. Most mobile phones will now have an in-built or downloadable QR scanner app. This allows users to scan the code on their device and instantly visit the link encoded in the label.
Qualified Lead
A qualified lead is a potential customer who is showing continued interest and engagement in the buyer’s journey.
Reach refers to the total number of unique users who have seen your post.
Referral marketing
This marketing involves encouraging a customer to share a product/service with their friends to boost more sales. Often a company will use a referral scheme. A referral scheme gives a user a unique referral code to share with others. This code will take money off their own order or for future purchases every time a new sale is achieved.
Responsive web design
Also called RWD, this refers to a style of website design which prioritises dynamic, flexible and interactive design. The priority is that it’s suitable for a range of screen sizes, devices and browsers.
By re-targeting those who have previously visited your campaign, you can remind them about your product with relevant ads.
Scale is the systemisation of a business in order to facilitate space for growth, prioritising revenue and improving existing systems.
Search advertising
What is search advertising? Search advertising is when companies adopt marketing strategies which focus on gaining web visibility through paid and organic search engine results. This could be advertising on a search page to prompt clicks or advertising using relevant keywords to answer specific queries.
Search engine
A search engine is an online program which allows you to input questions or statements into a search bar. The search engine will then trawl its database and show the most relevant results to your query.
Search engine marketing
Search engine marketing or SEM is a strategy that involves optimising your content to perform well in search engine results. It refers to paid search advertising such as PPC, keywords and paid search page ads.
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation, referring to the process of optimising your online content in order to boost relevance and performance on search engine results pages (SERPs) via organic means. General SEO practice could include: using relevant keywords and phrases, inbound and outbound links, writing compelling meta descriptions and more. You can find lots of useful SEO tutorials here.
A site map is a collection of all of your web pages in order to allow search engine trawlers to easily navigate through your site and find relevant information. This is often coded into the website but can also be available for web users to navigate too.
SME refers to a small or medium sized business, essentially an independent business company that has less than 250 employees. Most of the business market is made up of SMEs however the market is dominated by large corporations.
Social media marketing
This is a marketing strategy that prioritises social media content and how the brand is received by potential customers. It can help you understand who your audience are and what they interact with best. Engaging social media content can help to attract new customers, gain brand loyalty, improve conversions and more.
A start-up is a fledgling company in the beginning stages of operation, looking to develop and market a new product or service to the wider market.
Tech stack
The term tech stack refers to a group of technologies that are required to build and operate an application. For example, if building a website, your tech stack would be made up of the software, tools, frameworks, servers etc. Anything you need to meet that end goal.
Tracking code
This is a snippet of code embedded onto a web page so you can track and analyse your user activity such as clicks, conversions and bounce rates.
Standing for Uniform Resource Locator, a URL is essentially a unique web address to identify a specific page on the internet.
User interface
A UI or User Interface is essentially the front-end of a system, allowing a user to interact with the computer or system in a simple and accessible way via tailored web design.
Your USP or Unique Selling Point is what makes your product or service unique to your target market, standing out from the competition and offering something different.
Viral media
The term viral means that something has grown in popularity massively quickly. It is engaged with on a large scale and is shared all over social media e.g. a popular meme or an important news story.
A vlog is a video blog in which a content creator will typically film and share aspects of their life to the camera.
White Hat SEO
This SEO strategy essentially favours best practice, always adopting the most professional and conscientious approach to your marketing strategy. You prioritise precision and achieving the best results whilst always appearing ethical and retaining integrity e.g. not bombarding irrelevant keywords.
Thanks for reading! Remember to save this post for next time you come across something new! We’ll post our final jargon buster installment soon!
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