A new Digital Marketing Academy has been launched specifically designed for the esteemed Future Leaders Programme run by Co-operation Ireland. Co-operation Ireland’s Future Leaders Programme (CIFL) is an all-island training programme which aims to empower the next generation of young leaders and peacebuilders, equipping them with the skills, confidence and networks to make a positive contribution to the future development of their own communities. It ensures young people from diverse backgrounds take on an active role in peace building across the island of Ireland and with its neighbouring island. The Digital Marketing Academy, which will be delivered by the expert Digital Marketing team at SHR Group, will take place over a four week period and cover the essentials of Digital Marketing Strategy, Pay Per Click Advertising, Search Engine Optimisation and Social Media Advertising. The aim of the programme is to equip participants with the foundational knowledge required for key areas across Digital Marketing and support them with Google accreditation. Through this partnership, SHR Group and Co-operation Ireland aim to set a new standard for professional development in the digital age and empower the next generation of digital marketing professionals. The pioneering initiative will initially welcome participants from the Gold Award Level, aged 18 and above, including a select number of Co-operation Ireland staff members, with a maximum size of 20 for the pilot run. Frank Reeves, Chief Evangelist at SHR Group, said: “This partnership is a testament to our commitment to nurturing talent and fostering innovation in the digital marketing space. By equipping these bright, aspiring leaders with the skills and knowledge to achieve Google accreditation, we’re not just contributing to their personal and professional growth, we’re also investing in the future of the digital marketing industry. It’s our belief that through education and empowerment, we can inspire a new wave of digital marketing experts who will drive our industry forward in exciting and innovative ways.” Steve Collins, Vice President of Digital Marketing at SHR Group, said: “We are thrilled to collaborate with Co-operation Ireland to pave the way for future leaders in the digital marketing space. Our aim is to give young people a clear pathway into a digital marketing career with the tools and resources to succeed in today’s dynamic digital landscape, something that will be invaluable as AI completely transforms what these jobs look like.” Ian Jeffers, CEO of Co-operation Ireland, said: “A key component of our flagship Co-operation Ireland Future Leaders Programme is to build up the vocational skills of our programme participants as they prepare to embark on their chosen career path. This partnership with the SHR Group will be a hugely valuable learning experience that will equip the Future Leaders with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in the workplace of the future.” Founded in 2004, SHR Group is a global specialist technology and service provider to the hotel sector. Through a full suite of tools and services, SHR Group helps over 2,000 hoteliers globally maximize revenue by optimizing all aspects of the booking and retention ecosystem. See more breaking stories here. More about Irish Tech News Irish Tech News are Ireland’s No. 1 Online Tech Publication and often Ireland’s No.1 Tech Podcast too. You can find hundreds of fantastic previous episodes and subscribe using whatever platform you like via our Anchor.fm page here: https://anchor.fm/irish-tech-news If you’d like to be featured in an upcoming Podcast email us at [email protected] now to discuss. Irish Tech News have a range of services available to help promote your business. Why not drop us a line at [email protected] now to find out more about how we can help you reach our audience. You can also find and follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat.
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