Digital Marketing and Making Money Online – Niche Market #13
Digital marketing and making money online go hand in hand. Unfortunately, when it comes to making serious money from digital marketing, you have to spend money to make money. How much you have to spend depends on how fast you want a return on your investment.
The Digital Marketing and Making Money Online Niche Market
This major category includes the following subcategories. Like many categories, your chosen niche may cover more than one subcategory.
Bloggers and Blogging
Most of this niche category covers one aspect of blogging or another. There are plenty of bloggers who ignore the making money aspect of blogging, but there are far more who don’t. After all, blogging is very difficult when you have no incentive to continue.
I’ve been blogging since the end of May 2006. I made a lot of money before microblogging became popular, without spending a small fortune to make a slightly larger fortune. It seems like a numbers game, as I alluded to when I wrote about the passive income lie. Whereas I used to make hundreds of dollars a month, these days I make far less than one hundred a month.
I’ve been blogging for nearly 15 years. Doing more of it than I’m doing now makes me more tired than it should. Since I have a fixed income, I can’t afford to spend money to make money. For me, the cost of doing “business” has to be kept to a minimum, so I can handle the rising cost of everything else. My pension doesn’t go up nearly as fast as prices, and it never will.
Photo Attribution: NikolayFrolochkin from Pixabay
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