If you speak to any of us ‘old hats’, you’d hear us say, search engine optimization (SEO) used to be all about Google. Back then it was simply about the number of keywords used on your web pages, combined with the keywords in links that pointed to your website. That… read more Running a small business can be hugely demanding; it takes hard work, determination and grit. Whether you have staff or you’re a lone soldier, as a small business owner you’re most likely doing more than one person’s role. Juggling many roles and responsibilities at… read more If you are a business owner and want more traffic to your website, then stay tuned. You are about to discover the fundamental three-part Framework to drive as much traffic as you can handle. You know, it wasn’t that long ago where in order to find a business, you’d… read more Over the last decade, digital marketing has developed in leaps and bounds as the reach of the world wide web has stretched to every corner of the globe. Organisations have greater opportunity than ever before to reach billions of potential customers through online… read more Just about every business needs a website in today’s digitized world, regardless of industry. But not all business owners know what it takes to create a great one. Website design horror stories are a dime a dozen in the ever-growing online landscape, with small… read more Having a big following on social media is one thing, having a tribe of loyal fans is another. The world of social media can be fickle and superficial; what’s currently trending today, will most likely be forgotten tomorrow. However, there are a growing amount of… read more SEO. You always hear the word being thrown around, but not everyone necessarily knows exactly what it means. The truth is that unless you’re an SEO expert who constantly keeps up to date with enhancements, you’ll never fully understand it. Many business owners want to… read more Google has quickly topped the ranks as one of the most powerful organisations on the planet. With continuously rising revenues in the billions of dollars, it’s pretty clear that it’s not going anywhere, anytime soon. Google is renowned for its leading search engine,… read more Website development has become big business in today’s digitally driven world. Now more than ever, it’s critical for organisations to have an online presence. Not having a digital identity could put your company’s growth at risk in what is now a majorly cut throat,… read more Your social media presence is a critical element of your overall online existence. Your Social Media Marketing Strategy is your game plan to building brand awareness, as well as growing your social following and building your online community. A social media strategy… read more We all know that going digital can open us up to a whole new world, but many of us may not know exactly where to start. SEO, metadata, PPC, Google Analytics, the list of technical jargon goes on and on. If you’re nowhere near a digital marketing expert then all of… read more There’s a lot to comb through when it comes to Facebook advertising; it can be a bit overwhelming if you’re not a seasoned expert. From global organisations to momtrepreneurs, and everyone in between, Facebook is being used as a platform for businesses to connect with… read more Technology is developing at such a rate that sometimes it’s hard to keep up. There are both positives and negatives to its rapid development, but one such benefit is the progress of the website design world. Websites are now so common that most businesses either… read more More often than not, it’s the social media management agencies that keep the most effective social media marketing strategies to themselves. Keeping these best kept secrets to themselves gives them an edge over others, that may not have the insider knowledge. Social… read more When it comes to Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), there are many “experts” out there claiming that they know how to get anyone to the number one position. Often, these “experts” are taking shortcuts and selling the same old gimmicks, to unsuspecting customers who are… read more You’re not alone if you’re constantly searching for a better way to do things, and to get more out of your marketing efforts. It’s a continuous struggle for many businesses in an ever-increasingly competitive world, where consumers can purchase on a whim with the… read more When it comes to business, we’re in a digital era that’s here to stay. Websites are now a key element of operations, rather than an extra that sits on the sidelines. Your website is the digital representation of your brand and therefore needs to be an extension of… read more Social media has revolutionized the way we do business. It’s a fantastic way for small businesses to reach a global audience without needing a huge marketing budget. It’s given small business the opportunity to compete on a global stage with large international… read more Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is getting more and more complex in today’s online world. Google is becoming smarter and smarter, and is therefore making SEO harder to crack. Keywords are no longer the sole driver of SEO; Google is much too smart for that. Its… read more PPC advertising has revolutionised the way we market our goods and services. The traditional forms of advertising are quickly taking a backseat, and PPC advertising is rapidly coming to the forefront. PPC is a hugely accessible form of online advertising that has a… read more As the world increasingly becomes a digital one, having an online presence for your business is pretty much a MUST. Not having a digital presence is a risky strategy, and can be the difference between building a lasting brand and one that fades into the background…. read more Social media marketing has blown up in the last decade; it has now become a large player in the digital marketing landscape. Both large and small businesses alike are taking the plunge and embarking on some form of social media marketing. Like all forms of digital… read more The SEO and digital marketing landscape as a whole has changed a lot in the last 10 years. Various technological advancements in the information technology industry both in the hardware and software sectors have led to the evolution of the Internet as we know it. The… read more Facebook is steadily taking over the world, there’s no doubt about that. Currently, 2.23 billion people log in to the platform every month which is an astonishing figure; it has the largest user base of any social network, as well as one of the most engaged. More and… read more Small business website design doesn’t have to be too complicated. Use these 7 simple steps to design a website that improves your bottom line and converts. Your website is the digital face of your business and should therefore represent your brand; investing in a… read more Not sure where to start when it comes to social media marketing? Build a winning campaign with these top tips from a leading Social Media Management Agency. Social media has completely transformed the marketing landscape and is now a substantial aspect of most… read more Not ranking on Google? An SEO specialist in Melbourne unleashes the top 7 traffic driving strategies to easily improve your SEO and rank in no time. Search engine optimisation (SEO) has developed in leaps and bounds over the last few years. It’s no longer just about… read more You may have come across the term “Pay-Per-Click Advertising” and you’re curious to learn more about it, or you know that you want to use it but you’re not sure where to start; whatever the case may be, there’s always more to learn in this ever-changing digital… read more The world wide web has changed the way we do business. Websites are now a critical part of an organisation’s operation; they are the way forward in today’s digital world. Web designers have never been in such high demand. But are the customers none the wiser? Are they… read more Whether you’ve previously embarked on the social media journey for your business or not. There are some key steps that you need to take when creating a social media campaign to ensure it’s successful. Social media can be everything you want it to be or don’t want it… read more My mother in-law called me the other day. Her ducted heater died. It was in the middle of winter. She needed someone to go over there and repair it. God bless her, she is not technically savvy, doesn’t have a computer let alone any form of Internet connection. Imagine… read more eCommerce is the buzzword in business nowadays. Everyone wants to get on the bandwagon but many don’t know how to do it the right way. If you’re wanting to grow your business then knowing how to advertise your business online may be the way to go. Online sales are… read more If a website looks great, but doesn’t convert then it’s just a piece of art, and is pretty useless to a business. While your website is the face of your business in today’s tech world, it serves a purpose i.e. to make sales, of whatever offering your business has…. read more It took a while to get people to realise the importance of digital marketing. I think it’s fairly safe to say that today, most businesses are more than familiar with how vital this marketing avenue is to their growth and success. Next came the challenge of getting… read more There was a time when I’d start an article like this by explaining what SEO is, why it’s important, and why you need an SEO consultant. I firmly believe those days are past. It’s all but impossible to put a business online today without being bombarded by unsolicited… read more The heading says it all: advertising. While social media is from of advertising, it’s completely different to the conventional types of advertising, and that’s where a lot of businesses get it wrong. They have the misconception that it doesn’t take as much time and… read more When it comes to website development, Melbourne leads the way with one company being raw and honest about the common money-grabbing tricks in the industry. Back in the day, each and every newly conceived website was hard-coded. What that means is that every single… read more As a business owner, you may have little or loads of knowledge about the ins and outs of how social media works. Whatever the case may be, you will be sure about one thing, that you need to have a presence. Today’s world is a digital one, and the benefit of operating… read more If you’re a business owner that wants to increase your sales via your website, then where you rank on Google is going to have a dramatic impact. As you know, if you want more people to see your marketing materials, then you need to position them exactly where your… read more It happens often in the online business world. You hire a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising agency for assistance with an ad campaign, and suddenly you’re costs for marketing and campaigning increase exponentially with no return on investment (ROI). Because you’re… read more Lately, I’ve been witnessing the following scenario way too often: first, someone commits to ordering professional web design services. They then proceed to finding a designer with the most visually striking portfolio, paying them a pretty penny and receiving a… read more Using social media is something most businesses know they need to do; few know how to do; and fewer still know how to do well. Those that don’t know how to run an effective social media marketing campaign come to the conclusion it’s not worth trying. As one of the… read more Every second, 40,000 people search for something on Google. Is your business visible to those people? As a SEO Expert from Melbourne with vast experience, I’ve seen many businesses who have sadly had negative experiences with Aussie SEO Experts. As many business… read more Are you a business owner looking for growth? Growing your business online means you will need to reach more people as they search online for your type of product or service. To increase your reach, you will need more traffic. The main traffic sources are online paid… read more If you have a small business and you’re looking for online growth, then we’re going to show you how to do it. What you need is a Digital Marketing Strategy. These days there’s no doubt about the power and influence the Internet can have on a business. In fact for… read more If you own a business and you’re serious about its growth, then where your website is positioned in Google is vitally important. We all know that right? Having a great looking and professionally done website is important but if no one can find it, then it’s not doing… read more Have you ironed out the details of your 2019 digital marketing strategy? Before you reach out to your SEO consultant, here are a few interesting facts. According to a recent study, 70% of online marketers plan on allocating more marketing dollars for their digital… read more
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