Many of those interested in digital marketing find it suitable to start with a digital marketing course. Yet, some main questions remain persistent. What is the best digital marketing course? What should learners expect? Most importantly, how do you find a digital marketing course, and how much do they cost? Learners are always looking for the best course to invest their time and money in and guarantee the best experience. This article will help you find out what to look for in a course and avoid confusion. Who Needs a Digital Marketing Course? Digital marketing has disrupted all marketing departments in every industry. It has broken through traditional strategies and demanded an extra seat at the table. This has obliged even experienced specialists to expand their knowledge through a digital marketing course, or a degree. In addition, new entrants in the field, especially millennials, might need a digital marketing course to put their career on track, or formalise the experience and knowledge they’ve already gained. Moreover, a digital marketing course is the best place to start for start-up business owners. This is because they are keen on spreading the word about their business in the most cost-efficient way. Benefits of Taking a Digital Marketing Course No matter who you are or what your profession is, digital marketing is a subject almost anyone can benefit from. You need digital marketing to promote an idea, build a good-looking LinkedIn profile, or persuade recruiters that you’re fit for a job. In any resume, online communication skills and a digital marketing background are good assets. Even content creators, bloggers, and vloggers need to understand the basics of digital marketing to get more efficient results. What Can You Learn in a Digital Marketing Course? Surely, each digital marketing course has a different syllabus. However, there are some basics that almost all of them tackle. Or at least, these are headlines that you should find in the contents of a valuable course. Marketing in a Digital World The first component to look for in a digital marketing course is a solid and comprehensible introduction to the topic. Many unprofessional instructors use complex terms as a sales hook to convince their potential learners that they know what they’re talking about. A deep learning process is less about decorated terms and more about a practical experience and a thorough understanding. Therefore, the introduction of your course must be comprehensive, easily-understood, and steady-paced. It is always good to invest enough time when approaching a brand-new subject. Introductory topics may include: A brief introduction about what the course will cover, Digital marketing definition, The power of digital marketing on an organization’s performance, How digital marketing walks hand-in-hand with the entire marketing strategy, Consumer digital behaviour, The concept of digital campaigns and advertising, Basic marketing and branding concepts. Digital Media Channels This is a natural starting point for any training. You can’t deal with digital marketing without knowing all its different channels. Every channel has a unique theme, different properties, and different audiences as well. Some are casual, while others are professional. Some are aimed at an older age group, while others engage the younger generations. Understanding the nature of every channel is key to becoming a good digital marketer. In addition, there are also common approaches used within all channels. Those include content marketing, video marketing, viral marketing, among countless others. These are all basics that will enable you to pick the right channel for your business. Nowadays, many just tend to create business accounts on all platforms, they end up wasting resources and distracting their audience. That’s why, a digital marketing course should allow you to figure that out. Digital Marketing Analytics Market research and data analysis is the only path to making valid and consumer-based marketing decisions. This doesn’t apply only to marketing, but rather in all high-risk situations. Interestingly, one of the great perks of digital marketing is that all its activities are measurable and traceable. This has given space for digital marketing analytics to be a broad subject with different tools and apps to master. For the record, there are entire books and courses discussing data collection, analytics, and visualization. It is one of the hottest topics around. A single course would not provide all the information about all of the tools out there. However, a good digital marketing course should give you sufficient knowledge about all, and some deeper insight into one particular tool at least. Digital Media Strategies and Marketing Principles Marketing is a major that includes many techniques, strategies, and approaches that students study in renowned business schools. Digital technology only introduced new channels where marketers could practice marketing strategies. Therefore, a digital marketing course should give you the basics of marketing strategies. Particularly, those commonly used on digital platforms. For example, concepts like SEO, content strategy, social media marketing, brand image, and online public relations are crucial for any digital marketer to understand. The marketing mix is also another important concept in promoting any brand. These lessons are all listed under what to look for in a digital marketing course. Practical Project A qualified digital marketing course must be rich from a theoretical point of view. However, that doesn’t mean it should ignore practical experience. Digital marketing is a practical job. It deals with real-life influence and affecting consumers’ decisions. The assessment of any marketing effort comes in the form of measuring the return of investment, a higher market share, and other real results. There’s a big capacity for trial and error when it comes to marketing campaigns. For that reason, practical experience is highly useful to anyone aiming to become a digital marketer. If you have a great experience in theory, but not in practice, you will have trouble penetrating the real market. In-Class VS Online Digital Marketing Course Learners differ in nature and lifestyle, and their preferred learning methods differ accordingly. While some prefer in-class courses, others prefer online ones. Here’s a glimpse of each type’s pros and cons, as well as where to find them. Pros of In-Class Courses In-class courses offer a lot of benefits, which are difficult to replicate online. Here are a selection of the biggest selling points of in-person learning. Interaction The huge benefit that in-class courses provide is the variety of methods of interaction. This is one major benefit that online classes cannot offer. Interaction and communication make the learning process engaging and fun. That makes it easier to continue the course. It helps the learner follow up with what’s being taught, ask questions, participate in group projects, and maybe even make new friends. This gives the learners a unique experience that may not be available online. Accurate Assessment Assessment tends to be more accurate in in-class courses. Since in-class instructors deal face to face with each learner, and spend relatively enough time with their students to assess their progress. So, they are eligible to give a fairly accurate report of that learner’s progress and commitment through the course. The instructors’ comments and feedback are credible and reflect the knowledge of the learner. They reflect an actual evaluation of how far the learner has benefited from the course. Favourable Professional Resumes Employers and higher educational institutes still tend to prefer traditional coursework over online classes. Many like to think that the quality of these traditional classes is often better. This idea comes from the common belief that in-class courses offer an in-depth perspective. This may or may not be correct according to the institute behind the course. Many online courses offer valuable material, so it all depends on the course content and the expertise. Pros of Online Courses Of course, online courses have their benefits too. The key is figuring out whether or not these outweigh the unique selling points of in-person learning. Flexibility This is a major downside that attracts many learners towards an online digital marketing course. While in-class courses are valuable, they require a great commitment on the learner’s behalf. Learners must be present at a specific time and location for a rather long period of time. They have to rearrange their schedule in order to find time for class, in addition to dedicating time to study its material and finish assignments and projects. Many professionals who work from nine to five find it difficult to do that because of their busy schedule. On the other hand, online courses are highly flexible. You can fit them within your busy schedule without sacrificing other tasks. You can take your course anywhere and anytime. All you need is your laptop and an Internet connection. Whether it’s during a break, or while commuting, an online class is ready whenever you are. Cost Another round that online courses win. In-class courses are often more expensive than online courses, which makes them an investment that many fail to commit to. In the past, in-class courses were the only option; the only place to learn valuable content and get a certificate, so people paid a lot of money to attend that. This is no longer the case. Credible educational platforms now offer highly informative material prepared by the best professors from prestigious institutes, in addition to a certificate, too. Low cost is a great attraction and it is often the reason why many go for an online digital marketing course. Where to Find a Digital Marketing Course One challenge of the rise in popularity of digital marketing is the corresponding rise in the number of courses available. This can often make it difficult to know which is right for your specific goals. Getting a Digital Marketing Diploma or Degree One of the best ways to learn digital marketing is to get a degree in the field. Since digital marketing has taken off, universities across the world have quickly been catching up with the demands of the workforce and are now offering digital marketing as an undergraduate degree. Some advantages to pursuing a degree in digital marketing as opposed to trying to learn digital marketing on your own or take a single course in digital marketing are: A degree in digital marketing offers an in-depth study of the field. Some classes will be general, while others will be very specifically targeted towards a certain aspect of the subject. Put it all together and a degree in digital marketing means you will have a very broad and comprehensive knowledge of the subject that you can apply toward advancing your career. Learning in a classroom certainly has its drawbacks, but studying under a professor who is an expert in the field is still one of the most effective ways to learn any subject, digital marketing included. Getting a degree in digital marketing from a reputable university will provide you with access to resources you may not be able to find on your own. These resources include software, technology, and even human resources such as classmates and faculty who can help you with any questions you may have. If moving off to a university isn’t practical for you, getting your degree online may be the perfect choice. Many esteemed universities now offer online enrolment, and digital marketing is one of the many degrees you can earn without ever having to step foot into a physical classroom. Going back to school to get a digital marketing diploma isn’t for everyone. It’s an expensive and time consuming process that is a huge commitment for anyone to undertake. However, if you are looking for the best, most comprehensive possible education in digital marketing, pursuing a degree in digital marketing is the way to go. Taking a Digital Marketing Course If getting a degree in digital marketing isn’t the choice for you, never fear. There are other much more affordable and much less time-consuming ways to learn digital marketing. One of these ways is to take a single course on the subject. Rather than taking all of the classes required to get a degree in the field, taking one or more digital marketing courses allows you to cherry-pick which topics you want to learn and customize your education around your own schedule, budget, and areas of interest. Digital marketing courses can be taken from the same universities that offer a degree in digital marketing as well as many universities that may not offer digital marketing as a degree but still have several classes on the subject. Advantages of taking a digital marketing course include: You will have much less of a time commitment. While taking even a single course is still going to require you to adjust your schedule a little bit and make room for an extra workload, it doesn’t compare to the time commitment involved with getting a degree and is much easier for someone already in the workforce to accomplish. The ability to select as many or as few courses as you want in whatever focuses you choose gives you a lot of freedom as to what aspects of digital marketing you want to learn. You can get a general, broad education in digital marketing or you can become an expert in a single focus area such as SEO or content marketing. The choice is entirely yours. While having taken a single course in digital marketing doesn’t afford you the same credentials as having a degree in the subject, it still looks good on a resume and is a great way to set yourself apart in the workforce. If you are self-employed or an entrepreneur wanting to learn digital marketing to advance your own startup, having the credentials isn’t the most important thing anyway, and taking one or more courses in digital marketing will likely give you all the knowledge on the subject you need to succeed. The ability to take a single digital marketing course offers a lot of flexibility to professionals who don’t have the time or desire to pursue a degree in the subject. For many, taking a single course (or a few select courses) is the perfect solution to learn digital marketing without having to significantly interrupt their busy lives. In-Class Digital Marketing Course in Belfast In Belfast alone, there are multiple options for digital marketing courses, which all suit different needs and goals. In fact, there are a wide range of course providers, with different options targeted at meeting the needs of business and individuals. Belfast Academy of Marketing Belfast Academy of Marketing is an accredited study centre of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) and of the CAM Foundation. Their tuition schedule is designed to suit professional marketers with a range of study options including evening classes, intense, and blended learning. The CIM is the world’s largest professional body for marketing courses. The curriculum covers all different levels and types of marketing. Surely, that includes the CIM digital marketing courses. The Belfast Academy also offers one-day digital marketing workshops about specific topics. For example, copy-writing skills, SEO workshops, social media marketing, and event management. Their tutors are well-equipped with professional experience, as well as coaching and training background. Belfast Met Belfast Met is the largest further and Higher Education College in Northern Ireland, and one of the largest in the UK. They have developed a portfolio of courses to meet different learners’ needs; starting from Level 1 up to those undertaking degrees and post-graduate studies. Of course, the college is popular with employers for its good reputation of relevant and high quality learning. This is particularly useful for young professionals, who already have 4 to 7 years of experience, and are trying to give their career the right push forward. Belfast Met offers full-time and part-time courses to match busy schedules. They also offer the CIM Marketing course, OCNNI Digital Marketing course, along with others. Digital Marketing Training from ProfileTree At ProfileTree, we offer bespoke digital marketing training programs, aimed at helping SMEs compete in the online business environment. These can include training members of staff to use specific tools, or broader training regarding marketing strategy. Our dedicated digital training team have a wealth on mentorship experience in areas including: Social media, Email marketing and CRM, Ecommerce, Content marketing, Digital strategy, WordPress, Marketing intelligence, Video. Our training programs can be designed to suit organisations’ budgets and time commitments, from as little as a couple of hours to as much as several weeks. Our goal is to find a cost-effective way to help you bring modern digital strategies into your marketing mix. Online Digital Marketing Courses Now then, let’s take a look at some of the options for online digital marketing courses. Coursera Coursera is the most professional online learning platform. It offers specializations, online college degrees, and courses accredited from the most renowned universities all over the world. The respectable names behind these courses, such as the University of Stanford and the University of London, give them credibility. And, in some cases, it offers higher value than in-class courses. In addition, Coursera offers a certificate that a learner can add to their CV or LinkedIn profile once the course is finished. Digital Marketing Course from the University of Illinois The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign offers a unique digital marketing specialization. It is the most popular one on the website. In 2016, this specialization was one of the top 10 specializations in terms of enrolments and was truly a success. It entails 7 courses that tackle all relevant digital marketing topics. In addition, the final course is a capstone project that gives you a glimpse at a real-life business problem and puts your knowledge to practice. Lynda Lynda, LinkedIn’s learning platform, is another e-learning platform that offers rich courses. Similar to Coursera, Lynda offers a certificate for learners for finishing their courses. The website doesn’t have one specialization with relevant topics, however, it does have many courses listed under marketing. The courses revolve around digital marketing topic such as content marketing and strategy, SEO, online advertising, etc. The advantage of this is that it goes through every topic separately, and therefore, allowing an in-depth look. It’s a good opportunity if you’re looking for one specific skill to master, and not the entire digital marketing package. Alison Alison is a free online learning platform, and it is a treasure for students or those on a tight budget. Once you have finished a course, you can download your learner record as proof of attendance. You may need to purchase a certificate for a more official recognition, however, this is not mandatory. All you need is to create a free account and start learning. The digital marketing section on Alison also has different topics: Fundamentals of Marketing Your Business Online, Google Analytics, Social Media Strategy for Small Businesses, and Advertising Your Business Online. They are all a good start for learners aiming to develop themselves with the lowest amount of financial investment. Things to Look for in a Digital Marketing Course There are many things that you need to check before you sign up for a course, or make a payment. Sometimes, learners are in a hurry to find a course that they end up choosing the wrong one. This leads to their frustration later once the course is up and going. They end up dropping out, and wasting their money and time. Now, before making big plans, you need to ask some questions and make sure you have the right answers. Course Objective and Curriculum Why are you taking the course? How will this course help with your career? Is this really the right path to achieve this goal? A digital marketing course is an investment of time, effort, and money. Any learner would love to see results for those three. Sometimes learners go for the wrong course because the course objective is not aligned with their own. On the other hand, a learner may choose a course expecting to learn one thing, and in fact, the course tackles a different subject. Therefore, you must check the syllabus and the course outline before enrolling. Make sure that the digital marketing course objective matches your needs. Ratings and Reviews Word of mouth matters in educational services. Do not blindly what an institute or an instructor says about the course. Nobody would say that the course they offer is average. Listen to past students: how they experienced the course, what they found a point of strength and what they found a point of weakness. Ask about the instructor’s qualifications, do they have the necessary qualifications to teach digital marketing? If you are going for an online course, check its rating and the different reviews it has. If there’s a common negative review, then you should probably consider if it will affect your learning process. Creators The course instructor plays a major role in the learning process. However, it is not the only factor. When there’s an institution supporting the course, there’s a great chance that the material is developed by the institution itself. That’s why you should also review the history of that institution. How long has it been in the field? What kind of academic awards did it achieve? Does it have a record of academic excellence and what is their specialty? This is also one thing to look for before enrolling for a high-investment course. Money back guarantee This is particularly useful for an online digital marketing course, or for an expensive in-class one. Many times, learners end up being disappointed within the beginning of the course. Therefore, many platforms offer a money-back guarantee policy. It differs from one place to another. Some places offer a full money-back guarantee, while others deduct a percentage. Digital Marketing Course Fees Digital marketing courses vary in their prices intensely. It depends on many factors: location, online or in-class, the institution, the instructor’s reputation, etc. The biggest category falls between 250 pounds to 1000 pounds. However, the range varies from free courses to those which cross 1000 pounds. Generally, online classes tend to be remarkably cheaper than in-class courses. Free Digital Marketing Course and Financial Aid Some institutions, academies, and even online platforms offer financial aid for those who cannot afford the fees. Financial aids come in the shape of scholarships and discounts to students. Usually, applicants need to meet some requirements for the financial aid to be accepted. Coursera is one of the online platforms that offer help to those who cannot afford their courses. On a side note, universities have stricter requirements to provide aids; that makes sense, since their fees are often much higher. Tips to Finish Your Digital Marketing Course Efficiently The common scenario is that we all start excited about a new course. As time goes by, we lose interest and, in many cases, drop out. Here are some tips that’ll keep you going and complete your digital marketing course: Calendar Divide the number of hours you need to spend per week studying or preparing for the course. Set a schedule and mark your calendar with important assignments and deadlines. This keeps you engaged and keeps you motivated to reach your goal. Group Learning Find a study group. Learners are much more likely to successfully complete a course if they enrol with friends, or connect with other learners in the course forums. Groups also allow you to share knowledge and see answers from different perspectives. Application The best way to benefit from any learning experience is to apply what you learn. If you’re employed in the digital marketing field, this is a great chance to apply what you learn in the course. On the contrary, if you’re not an employee yet, try to find a way to apply what you learn through some personal mock projects. You never find out what you’re missing until you execute a task. Ask Questions Responsive learners are the best learners. Respond to questions asked by your instructors. Interact with your fellow learners, express your ideas, and explore theirs too. Learning is an interactive process, and even through online classes, students who engage have the best results and are more likely to complete their course. Digital Marketing Courses: The Bottom Line Digital marketing is the new rising profession in the IT industry, and in many other fields. Taking a digital marketing course will allow you to explore that field and take your first steps to pursue a digital marketing career. Think about all the previous considerations and tips before you enrol for a course, and then go for it!
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