It’s that time of the year again when the shadow of those long winter nights is starting to loom. It’s no coincidence that autumn is the busiest time for night courses – it’s a great time of the year to refocus and take up a new challenge after enjoying all those lazy sunny evenings (ish!).
August is always a busy time for me, putting together courses and fielding queries. This year, there’s enormous demand for upskilling in the area of Digital Marketing and Social Media and I’ll be running numerous courses throughout the autumn. There are courses to suit all levels of skill and of varying length, depending on the final qualification – internal certification, QQI L5, Diploma.
For ease of reference I’ve included a list of the confirmed Digital Marketing courses below. There will be new courses added over the coming weeks, so keep an eye on our website!
If the commitment of a night course is too much for you right now but you’d still like to improve your digital marketing and social media skills, we offer one-to-one tailor made sessions and workshops. Contact Communications Hub for more information!
Digital Marketing Courses for Autumn 2019
- 4-week Social Media for Business Course running with IRD Duhallow starting in September:
- 10 week QQI L5 Digital Marketing Course in Mallow College:
- 10 week course in Cork Training Centre, Bishopstown:
If you need any more information on the above, please don’t hesitate to contact us! Email: [email protected]
COMMUNICATIONS HUB specialise in Digital Marketing Training, Social Media Training and Online Management for Business.
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