That! Company, has the responsibility to the digital marketing industry to always provide our clients and readers with accurate and knowledgeable white label digital marketing solutions and internet marketing information. When we bring new members onto our team, we not only ensure they are great relationship builders and dependable consultants, but we also make it a priority that they receive the knowledgeable internet marketing training needed to pass on to our readers and clients.
Over the years, a few consultants of different departments have gained enough knowledge and experience to be considered experts in their respective disciplines. Only after they have achieved that status are they asked to oversee the content delivered on our sites and ensure its accuracy.
That! Company, in order to maintain the integrity of its brands and prevent inaccurate content from entering its site(s), has implemented a set of processes and procedures to evaluate all content that is submitted for publication on any of our websites. Once the content is submitted, it is reviewed by an editing team who verify that it is original content, well-written, and conforms with all our policies. If any changes need to be made, the editor will contact the author for clarification or edits.
Once the edits are complete, the content is then reviewed by a second editor to ensure that they meet our standards. If any further edits are required, we will contact the author for clarification or revisions before posting.
That! Company has always been committed to delivering truthful and accurate information to our readers and clients and has maintained an unwavering commitment to upholding the standards of truth and integrity. All content published on That! Company sites will be checked, re-checked, and edited to ensure that it is not only accurate but also provides our clients and readers with the correct information they need.
Employees from across our organization are the authors of the content found on our site(s). The author of any content or articles submitted for publication on our sites is responsible for making sure that the information contained in their writing is derived from a reliable and credible source.
When writing for That! Company, the author pledges to deliver content that is well-researched, accurate, and embodies the highest levels of quality and integrity. Our editorial team reserves the right to reject any submitted content that significantly deviates from our policies or does not meet our editorial standards.
The following is a list of our digital marketing experts who have been officially designated as Editors, Writers, and Editors-In-Chief:
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