The 21st century, we aren’t living on Mars or under the sea, but so much has changed in our world. How we design, build, and use structures continues to evolve and surprise us. Can you say the same about marketing for architectural firms?
While the architecture industry has changed radically over the decades, the marketing for architecture firms hasn’t. Most still rely on the traditional methods of finding new leads and building a client base. However, the world of digital marketing is ready and able to turn that on its head!
If your architecture firm is struggling to generate the leads and income you want, pour a cup of coffee, and read on. Life is about to change for the better.
Is Digital Marketing Right for the Architecture Industry?
Sure, you are on social media platforms for pleasure, and consume digital content all day long. But, what does any of that have to do with marketing for architectural firms? Everything! Just because the industry, as a whole, has been slow to adopt digital marketing practices, doesn’t mean it won’t work for you. Here are some key options you should be trying today to grow your business into the future.
Social Media for Architecture Firms
Think social media is not for architecture professionals? Think again! Social media is much more than TicTok videos and Instagram food photos. There is a platform for every niche and audience. Your ideal client is on at least one major platform. Each social media outlet requires different content, and also engages with audiences in a different way. Here is a quick summary:
Create an Online Architecture Portfolio through Your Website
Is your website just an online version of your business card? You know, a collection of contact information, summaries of skills, and proof that you are a professional? Websites can be powerful digital marketing tools for architectural firms. Turn yours into a living portfolio with professional photography, and updates on projects, awards, and innovations by your architecture firm.
SEO for architecture websites
Now that you have transformed your boring website into an engaging portfolio, it’s time to get visible online. SEO stands for search engine optimization. This is how Google and other search engines decide who shows up in your search results. Investing in SEO practices and tools will bring your ideal clients to you. So, you generate leads without even trying. Without SEO, the only people who will most likely see your website are the people you drive there through networking, cold calls, social media shares, and lead generation programs. However, think of how many more people are looking for an architectural firm just like yours! Optimizing your content and website will put your website to work for you.
Content Marketing for Architectural Firms
Are you creating content consistently for your audience? Content is what drives online business and builds communities of fans. But wait, this doesn’t mean churning out long, tedious, and boring blog posts about architecture policies and practices. First, find your very specific and specialized niche. Then, build a loyal fan base through engaging content that only you can deliver. Blogging isn’t dead, but here are some other forms of content you may not have considered.
Video Marketing
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, videos are worth a billion! Architecture firms can tell stories about their projects, answer questions about their niche, conduct video tours of award winning designs and more. Tell a story for your ideal audience. This will help build the like, know, and trust factors that are so important in business. Future clients will feel connected to you before they even meet you.
Podcasting for Prospects
What sets you apart from every other architect? You are an expert and a podcast is the perfect platform to prove it. Podcasting is the fastest growing type of content consumed online. The demand is huge and competition for many niches is low. A podcast creates easily consumed content for any audience. If you don’t want to create your own podcast, be a guest on an already established one. This will drive traffic to your website and help establish you as the go to expert in your niche market.
Marketing for Architecture Firms through Virtual Networking
Building relationships will always be a primary way to market your business. Now the networking event can come to you. Networking online removes the barriers of time and travel. You can instantly be anywhere. This will greatly expand your reach and impact. Also, virtual networking is easier to fit into your day because you can easily find a network that meets at the time and day that works best for your business without sacrificing availability to clients.
Direct Marketing to Your Existing Audience
Where’s your phone? When was the last time you checked it for updates? Be honest, we know you looked. This is the power of direct marketing. Email marketing delivers updates about your business, offers, and interesting facts about your niche. It also keeps you in front of your ideal client base. They may not read every message, but your name will keep popping up in their Inbox. This keeps you on their mind and preserves your connection. Even better, SMS (text message) marketing delivers messages that almost everyone reads. This is a newer form of direct marketing but it has great potential, and is having quite an impact across niches.
Marketing in 2021 is full of possibilities and promise, but where do you start? If you are eager to reach new audiences, while keeping in touch with the ones you already have, it’s time to . R Creative offers personalized service to build the perfect online marketing plan . for a personalized analysis of your exact digital marketing needs to make 2021 a year of promise and growth.
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