Our Digital Marketing Fundamentals Digital Textbook title is a good place to start laying the foundations with your curriculum. Gaining a core understanding of the basic knowledge base in the industry to go on to our other content and improve comprehension.
In addition to our teacher manuals we provide a slick teacher training online platform that makes it easy for instructors to deliver the digital marketing fundamentals content. We have 100’s of instructor tutorial videos, chapter by chapter power point decks, and supplemental materiel that will give you flexibility the run your class between 40-50 hours in length.
While each title of our content can be a great starting point for any course offering that you may be putting together, fundamentals is not a requirement. Having said that, many of our customers do start here because it’s an excellent introduction for students and aspiring digital marketing professionals who want to learn about key baseline industry language comprehension and an overview of project planning methods used in this exciting industry including: