Connecting with your prospects and clients has never been easier! We’ve partnered with Creating Your Space to bring RollMaster Software users high-level marketing processes with minimal effort. Using the Digital Marketing Hub, you’ll be able to send emails, text messages, and more without needing to hire a marketing agency! Stay top of mind and reach out to your prospects to help create sales, and stay connected with clients to generate repeat buyers.
Using RollMaster and Creating Your Space makes the marketing process more efficient. The automated emails feature has been amazing! It is more efficient for chasing leads and makes it much easier to close the sale.
Using RollMaster and Creating Your Space makes the marketing process more efficient. The automated emails feature has been amazing! It is more efficient for chasing leads and makes it much easier to close the sale.
Highly Polished Marketing Materials Connected To Your RollMaster Software
The Digital Marketing Hub makes marketing your flooring business downright easy. With professional email templates, and expert-created campaigns you’ll be able to compete with minimal effort so you can work on what you do best: growing your business. When you add on the Digital Marketing Hub, you’ll get a personal meeting with a Creating Your Space marketing expert to set up campaigns for your business! Capabilities include: