Digital Marketing: New Courageous Storytellers Resources

Digital Marketing With Greg Swan: Tips, Tricks, & Projections

It doesn’t really matter what you studied in school or when you graduated; when it comes to digital marketing, we’re all exploring a whole new realm of possibilities for local churches that are relatively new and constantly evolving. Staying on top of all the trends and all the platforms requires work and continuing education, which is just what we have planned for you this month!

If your church has a website, an email newsletter, and a presence on social media, we have tools and tips here that will be very beneficial.

Some churches may still feel a little icky using “business” terms like marketing when discussing church strategy (Ick. “Strategy?!”). Remember: one of our core priorities as a local church is to reach out to people who have yet to discover the life and love of Jesus. Websites and emails are simply tools at our disposal, and we’d be wise to use them to their full potential for the good of the kingdom!

This Month’s Resources

  • A webinar (and audio download) with marketer Greg Swan (he’s done work for Coca-Cola, Nike, Verizon, and others) where he shares his tips, tricks, and projections for digital marketing.
  • Should you diversify your digital ads (try something other than Facebook)?
  • Getting started with Google Ads.
  • 10 ways to boost your search rankings (SEO).
  • How to get more people to read your email newsletters.
  • Market to your semi-regular attenders, not completely new people.
  • The non-lead magnet. (Huh?)
  • Your church can be a neighbor. 
  • How to host an online class through email drip campaigns.
  • Sample email drip campaign for new attenders.
  • Facebook Ads checklist.
  • Learning from Google Analytics and Facebook Insights.

Plus our awesome social graphics.

See the Resources

Check out this month’s digital marketing resources, and if you’re not a member of Courageous Storytellers, consider joining.

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