Digital Marketing News: Facebook’s Newest Ads, Bravery in Marketing, YouTube’s Masthead Ads, Influencers on LinkedIn & More

Less is more when it comes to online advertising, research suggests
Brand recall may decrease when ad exposure rises too much, according to newly-released research. Four or more digital ad exposures brought brand awareness rates down by 3 percent, while two and three online ad exposures increased brand awareness by 6 percent, new study data from Sublime has shown. Campaign

Google Makes YouTube Masthead Ads Available to All Advertisers
Google has eased restrictions on YouTube masthead advertisements, making the premium placement ad type — which had only been offered as a part of full-day takeovers — available to all advertisers. Marketers can also now buy on a cost-per-thousand basis, the search giant recently announced. Search Engine Journal

Social influencers see stardom potential on LinkedIn and Pinteres
Pinterest and LinkedIn (client) are increasingly seeing social influencers utilizing the platforms, and CNN takes a look at how creators such as Goldie Chan and others are finding new audiences and success with online video. CNN

New research uncovers biggest differentiator of effective marketing: Bravery
Bravery plays an important role in digital marketing efforts that go on to win awards, according to a newly-released analysis looking at some 6,000 award-winning campaigns. The new Effie awards analysis looked at successes that often stem from being different and brave. AdAge

Facebook has begun offering more advertisers options for inserting ads within search results on the social giant’s platform, including new news feed campaign options for marketers, but without keyword targeting yet, the firm recently announced. Search Engine Journal

LinkedIn rolls out new feature to help SMBs promote their service offerings
LinkedIn has begun offering small and midsize businesses new options for showcasing service offerings directly within profile pages, offering digital marketers greater client exposure possibilities, the firm recently announced. Marketing Land

Amazon Takes Google Ad Market Share, Microsoft Advertising Holds Strong
Amazon cut into Google’s advertising market share during the second quarter of 2019, garnering ad revenue growth of 53 percent for sponsored brands and 102 percent for sponsored products, while Google spending growth slowed from the prior quarter. Microsoft’s Bing also saw desktop ad spending growth, its strongest since 2016. MediaPost

Twitter ad revenue up a fifth as user growth returns
Twitter saw digital ad engagements rise 20 percent for the second quarter of 2019, accounting for $727 million, while the firm also saw an average monetizable daily active usage (mDAU) increase of some 5 million, several of the positive results Twitter recently announced. The Drum

With new conversion data tool and product updates, Pinterest solidifies pitch to advertisers
Pinterest has begun testing several new advertising tools that will let buyers share conversion data and have it analyzed by the platform, to discover possible channel overlap, and has also rolled out additional tools for marketers, the visual-oriented firm recently announced. DigiDay

Email Opens by Time of Day
10:00 to 11:00 a.m. is prime time for opening e-mail, while the wee hours of the morning between 2:00 and 3:00 a.m. see the lowest open rates, two of many findings in a newly-released study of more than 10 billion e-mail interactions conducted by Litmus. MarketingProfs


A lighthearted look at marketing effectiveness by Marketoonist Tom Fishburne — Marketoonist

Man Wondering Why You Only Watched Parts 1-23 of His 74 Part Insta-Story — The Hard Times

BREAKING: Mute Button On Ad Opens Second, Louder Ad — The Onion

‘I’m Funny’ Thinks Man Hitting Send on Tweet That Will Ruin His Life — The Hard Times


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