Make it your New Year’s resolution to invest in your digital success!Now through December 31, you canget an IMPACT+ PRO account for 50% off! You’ll get access to 15+ marketing and sales courses, all of the on-demand recordings from our virtual events and more.Sign up today! (Fun fact, a pro subscription also gets youaccess to our virtual peer groups.)
On the clock, I’m a big fan of having rules and guidelines to follow, because they keep me in check.
I mean, can you even imagine how much further I would have gone off the reservation with “Video Gangsta” had Stephanie not had firm virtual event speaker guidelines in place for Video Sales & Marketing World?
In the kitchen, however, I like a little bit of flexibility.
I call this one “Cat Lady Christmas.”
For instance, I will not be judged for using parpadelle instead of fettuccine for my Christmas alfredo last night. Nor will I accept any slanderous comments against my sterling character for the downright aggressive amount of extra cheese I added to the sauce.
I did what I did. And I stand by it.
This is probably why I’m such a trash heap when it comes to baking. In cooking, you can get overzealous with your seasonings, adjust ingredients on the fly, and put your own personal, wacky spin on every recipe.
In baking… everything is so rigid.
Just thinking about the precision required to make something like a pie crust gives me a panic attack:
“Add the water to your dough with an eye-dropper a half-drop at a time. Any faster than this and your dough will start screaming obscenities at you. Additionally, the water must be precisely 39.75433465666543323 degrees. A single half-degree warmer or colder will result in your pie dough falling apart, the global economy collapsing, and all societal norms disintegrating into ash.”
There’s just too much pressure, you know?
Now, here’s THE LATEST…
Poorly optimized noindexed pages can negatively impact your site rankings, says Google (3-minute read)
There are a few reasons for noindexing, but many marketers noindex pages that house content they don’t want to give away without something in return. For example, a page that includes a recording of a webinar may be noindexed so that someone needs to fill out a landing page form to access it versus simply searching and finding it without giving their information. While nonindexed pages remain an important part of a website strategy, they can also actually harm your search rankings if not correctly optimized — and IMPACT Director of Operations Kaitlyn Petro has the full story.
7 essential tips for managing your virtual event speakers with air-tight guidelines (8-minute read)
After months of producing virtual events and learning a lot each time, we’ve refined our speaker guidelines to set the right expectations and hold our presenters accountable for delivering on what we all agreed upon. Without this, you could wind up with tech issues like glitchy video, poor audio, slides that are too small to read, among other common issues. Which, in turn, can result in your attendees thinking negatively of you for a poor-quality event. The solution? Well, IMPACT Director of Community and Events Stephanie Baiocchi is here to share with you her seven tips for setting the right expectations with virtual event speakers with clear guidelines.
How to drive qualified traffic and leads with your business podcast (38-minute audio podcast + transcript)
How do the podcasting pros get the most mileage out of their podcast guest appearances? This week on The Inbound Success Podcast, Command Your Brand CEO Jeremy Slate shares his strategies for podcast public relations. Jeremy is a podcasting pro who hosts the Create Your Own Life podcast and is an active podcast guest himself. In this episode, he talks about the specific tactics he uses to market his own podcast guest appearances and help his clients get the most mileage out of theirs
What’s new on the Digital Sales & Marketing Channel
We’re releasing new educational content for digital marketers, business leaders, and sales pros every single week on our YouTube Channel. Don’t miss out and subscribe to our channel today!
ICYMI (the totally self-centered Liz edition!)
Normally I share a random assortment of stuff we’ve published that I think is worthy of an extra gander by your peepers.
This time, however, having realized that I personally wrote 50+ long-form articles for IMPACT this year, I’d show off a few of my own favorites from 2020, as the year comes to a close.
IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing. Here’s a recent discussion that caught my eye for those who work in non-profits:
With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST…
All I wanted for Christmas was a nap, personally. Just sayin’…
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