Internet and mobile have changed the whole world including each one of us. Technology is touching everyone in some way or the other way. The last decade have been the most phenomenal growth in technology and the most powerful one is definitely the Internet. This may be the only technology, which has touched everyone without your economic status or paying power. While internet or the digital world in particular have changed the way we live today, it has also opened an array of career opportunities; the myth that the technology, especially the internet will cut the job across the world have completely proved wrong that it is now have become one of the biggest job market for various professionals; now lets look at how Digital Marketing as a whole can be a good career opportunities;
As mentioned earlier digital world have grown like a wild fire and touched upon each one of us some or the other way, this has become an integral part of our business and further a place where you can market your product and services; while marketing through internet is still not have become an integral part of every marketing activity, the pace in it is moving from traditional to digital is very fast. Most businesses today use internet media or popularly known as Digital Media. This new media have opened up a large opportunity to marketer’s to plan their marketing exercises much more effectively as Digital Media gives you a much more target oriented marketing than the traditional media. It gives you the power to choose an activity or campaign on the basis of region, income group, gender group, age and other filtration to reach your TG, which the traditional media have not been able to give. This fast paced growth of Digital Marketing has also opened number of career verticals and opportunities, lets discuss some of the most important avenues of career opportunities in Digital Media.
Organic Value Creators / :
Today we search for every information through the google or other search engines. Imagine the search results you get are the efforts of professionals who are called as Organic Value Creators. The job profile of a SEO specialist to ensure his client business pop up in the first or the early pages of a search engine. Paid advertisements and Paid campaigns may give you instant result the most effective Digital Marketing is Organic value creation of your business. Gone are the days you will have a website only for your web presence, today every business expect business generation or lead generation through their website. An SEO specialist is one of the important person in the Digital Media Value Chain. Anybody who is a 12 + can become an SEO specialist and start earning a salary starting from 2.5 to 3.0 lacs per annum. Remember there is huge shortage of qualified quality SEO specialists in the Market.
We all have a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, linked in account which we use everyday to communicate or express our view to our friends and relatives. Today we all have more virtual friends than the real friends. Social media is not any more just a place to hang around, it is also a serious place where opinions are created, formulated and even activated. Quite often now you here that your friend have found his life partner through Facebook or any other social media sites. Linkedin the network of professionals are used by both companies and individuals to find jobs or getting the right resource. When the social media is making all the waves all around, there is a huge career opportunity is also has opened for professionals who are called Social Media Specialists. Handling social media pages of companies / businesses or individuals often require the help of professionals who intern assist them in creating brands on social media or maintain your CRM (customer relationship management) through it. If you are social media buff and have a creative acumen along with communication skill an ideal career is awaiting for you as Social Media Specialist. An average salary of a qualified professional may start from 2.5 – 3.0 lacs per annum in any of the Digital Media Marketing Agency.
Content Writers:
Internet is all about content. You search for any information which will be given in fraction of seconds. Have you ever thought these information given are generated from multiple sources across the globe. The content you see in the internet can be broadly placed as marketed content or factual information. Quite often the factual content can also be a marketed content. The amount of information and data which internet has and further will be added every day will be required qualified content writers. The writing content for content marketing require special skill sets according to various mode of communication with in the internet. Writing a blog or article are a very a few activities of content writer in Digital Media, it also come with content development for websites, review creation content, content for social media and so on. the opportunities are unlimited and growth potential as a career is really promising. If you are a graduate in English or any local mainstream language with a passion for writing, this is an ideal career opportunity for today and tomorrow. Getting trained under senior is essential for you to make sure that your skills are apt for Digital Marketing : once you have an experience of 2 years you can easily command a salary of Rs. 3.0 – 5.0 lacs per year.
Campaign Managers :
The percent of Digital Media spend of the marketing budget have marginally increased over the last five years by corporates and business houses. The marketing war is not only happening on television and print media, it is making waves in the internet too. While the traditional media have always been and will remain so for one way communication, the Digital media have opened an opportunity for brands and businesses to communicate with its TG and the customers also have now the window to raise their doubts, clarifications or review online. Digital Media today is one of the favorite advertisement spot for businesses, with adwords, PPC (pay per click), Re-marketing etc.. the avenues of advertising in the internet is growing day by day, so as the requirement of effective Campaign Managers. Planning a Digital Media Campaign and effectively executing the same requires professional expertise. A campaign manager is a very important profile in digital marketing department and with the growing advertisement spend by brands and businesses, the need of this profile is going to get increased with the time to come.
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