Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 259 – Nike Free Damendes

Unknown Speaker 0:04
What? We want it? We’re live. Yeah, thanks. So Unknown Speaker 0:09
I’m not seeing it on my screen. All right, well, hopefully we’re live. Welcome everybody
to Hump Day hangout number 259 was Semantic Mastery. Before we get going, I want to say,
you know, it’s Episode 259. And we were just talking about what that makes next week. Next
week will be Episode 260, which is five years of Hump Day Hangouts. Unbelievable. Unknown Speaker 0:31
Definitely. So we’re going to have some good stuff coming up. What we do, though, and we’re
going to continue this kind of the way we roll our Hump Day hangout anniversary, is
we definitely reward the people who show up. So we’re definitely going to have some good
stuff going on next week. Make sure you show up. You’ve got to be there live, to be in
on this. So show up next week, clear out your schedule, come join us. It’s going to be a
good one. And we’ll have some great stuff going on and maybe a couple of things to give
away. We’ll see Unknown Speaker 1:00
We’ll see how that goes. Unknown Speaker 1:02
Before we get into that, though, let’s say hi to everybody real quick. And I, let’s see,
I’ll just start top of my screen Bradley, how’s it going? Good man, happy to be home.
After being in Denver for a week. You know, I don’t. I’m not like some of you guys, my
my partners that can work when travel. When I travel, I get very little work done. I just,
I just can’t do it. I don’t know how you guys do it. But so I’m so backed up. It’s ridiculous.
I’ve been working 14 hours a day this week, trying to get caught up. I worked on Sunday
to which is a very rare occasion for me anymore. So I’m just happy to be home, trying to get
caught up so that I can breathe again. Awesome. Yeah. And for those of you who don’t know
where Bradley was, he was in Denver, with us for poker live 2019. And we know Well,
obviously, most of you are not able to join us live, which is a bummer. But the good news
is this year we’re going to be able to get you access to the recordings. And that is
going to be happening early next week. So definitely keep Unknown Speaker 2:00
Your eyes and ears open. If you’re not in the Facebook group, join it, I’ll pop the
link on the page here shortly. Or if you’re subscribed to Semantic Mastery, you’ll get
an email about that and that is going to be a great way to get caught up on all that stuff
really quick. You know, it’s a bummer you can’t join live and get all the networking
and after hours, insights and all that but you can still get a lot of the core really
meaty information from the recording. Yeah, because the most valuable stuff is shared
over drinks after after the event. So unfortunately, we don’t we don’t record that stuff. Unknown Speaker 2:37
So next All right, Chris. How you doing man? Doing good. super happy to be back in Austria.
Like those Unknown Speaker 2:45
Australian Swiss chocolate not like the Unknown Speaker 2:49
stuff from dinner. Unknown Speaker 2:52
All right. I didn’t know that. That was a deal. Well, you got to bring your own supply
next time. You can’t Yeah, don’t let that shit on the plane today. Unknown Speaker 3:01
Man and or not how you doing you back? You’re back on the East Coast right yes I’m back
in Florida I’m super super happy with you know meeting a lot of great people at fulfil
live some repeat offenders as well you know they went they went on fulfil live 2018 2019
and it was awesome it was really really great really happy and we have some good good good
big plans coming up for this year as well so stay tuned if you’re wrong Get out of here
just in time I’m still in Denver and snows coming in so Hernan you left just in time. Unknown Speaker 3:34
So thank you Thank you man Unknown Speaker 3:38
Marco speaking of the weather How you doing man? Unknown Speaker 3:41
I’m good man I’m actually in a really mellow mood today. Unknown Speaker 3:45
Well although I haven’t smoked any gonna say man, what do you smoke? Unknown Speaker 3:51
Sam Cooke I smoked some Sam Cooke so it’s gonna, you know, you can’t get in in a hard
mood when you listen to Sam Cooke Unknown Speaker 4:01
Yes, that’s awesome. Well, I want to say to you if you’re just joining us and you’re wondering
what the heck is going on here? Well, you’re in the right place. We’re going to dive into
your questions. If you’ve got any questions about digital marketing, we’re here to help
answer them or point you in the right direction. This is the place you want to be every week
Semantic slash HD questions you can ask your questions live. Of course, we
tell people to put them up there ahead of time, please try to limit yourself to one
question at a time so we can go through and answer people’s questions. But if you can’t
join us live, you can pop it on there ahead of time and you can check out the replay on
our YouTube channel which you should definitely subscribe to. Because you can watch these
replays as well as other videos that we post about digital marketing, SEO, getting clients
all that sort of good stuff. And then the next step because we always have people ask
us where should I start with Semantic Mastery should I join the mastermind should I do this?
Should I do that? Grab the battle plan, go over to battle plan dot Semantic Mastery,
calm grab that. That’s going to give you repeatable processes get a lot of the stuff knocked out
whether it’s dealing with your on page SEO Unknown Speaker 5:00
Whether it’s dealing with a brand new site, a YouTube channel, you need to find out about
GMV, whatever it is just go over there, that’ll get you sorted out. And the next step would
definitely be to join the mastermind at mastermind, that Semantic Unknown Speaker 5:16
And since I’m on my laptop, and I’m having a hard time scrolling while I’m looking at
the screen, last but not least, certainly head over to MGYB dot CEO. I know I sound
like a little bit of a broken record each week. But I want to remind people about this
who don’t use it enough or who are new and don’t know about you know how easy it is to
outsource some of the stuff we get a lot of questions about syndication networks about
RYS Drive stats about press releases, and you can get all of this stuff done for you
over at MGYB dot CEO. All right, this is what we do for ourselves is what we tell people
to do. If you’ve got a client, you know, build that into the project costs so you aren’t
doing the work that you can go over here, get it done professionally and then move on,
get more clients and build your revenue. Anything else you guys want to add on to that, I think Unknown Speaker 6:00
say about the same thing every every week about MZYV. But I think it’s really important
that people not only understand what’s available, but why it’s available there. Unknown Speaker 6:12
Yeah. Are we ready for questions I was reading, I was pre reading questions. So Oh, gotcha.
All right. Well, then no, I’m going to keep keep on going here. I do want to circle back
to something I mentioned in the intro. You know, last year, we never released, you know,
the pokey live recordings were not available for sale on their own. And so this year, this
is definitely a good opportunity for you if you’re interested in poker live either. I
know we had a lot of people couldn’t make it due to calendar, you know, complex, people
who couldn’t make it either due to travel or whatever it was. You know, like Bradley
said, It’s tough. You know, you do get a lot out of the networking, the after hours stuff,
but you can get caught up to date and really see where, you know, not only we think things
are going where you should be aiming yourself for 2020 Unknown Speaker 7:00
But as well as the guest speakers to, we had some fantastic guest speakers. And I’ll be
sharing the links on both the Facebook page and through emails and you can go and find
out more about that starting early next week. And we will definitely have an early action
takers discount for people who know that this is what they want to grab. Going to take action
on that and do that. So keep your eyes open next week. Definitely be worth it. Unknown Speaker 7:23
Sweet. Cool. Other than that, guys, anything else we need to cover before we dive into
questions? Unknown Speaker 7:31
else? Alright, let’s do it. Cool. All right, let me grab the screen standby for a moment. Unknown Speaker 7:42
Chris pushed my Unknown Speaker 7:46
image of me in a speedo off slacks and nobody gets to see that. I found a better image of
you. Unknown Speaker 7:55
But anyways, Alright, let me grab this. I think we’re good now. Can you guys see my
screen Unknown Speaker 8:00
Yeah, yep. Alright, it looks like Mike is up first he says Hello guys, thanks for the
great information. Which way do you recommend to create a short URL? I understand that the
Google shortener GOGL doesn’t work anymore. And you good alternative Can you please share
some best practices on how to use short links and why? Thanks a lot. Unknown Speaker 8:21
For redirects that I create now I just use my own domain we actually have one in MGYB
that is just super powerful now because it’s been used in so many drive stacks and link
building Unknown Speaker 8:32
people build links to them and all that kind of stuff. So it’s actually pretty strong.
Some of the MGYB dot CEO links that we create will actually show up in search and in the
top 10 for like brand searches and such it’s pretty it’s pretty cool. But so the reason
I mentioned that is because I do that with with clients and such I actually will install
pretty links pro which is a plugin if you go to Semantic Mastery comm slash pretty links Unknown Speaker 9:00
I think I think that’s the URL anyways, it’ll you can buy the pro version, it’s like 20
bucks, it’s inexpensive, it’s really good. We use that a lot for my clients, I install
it on their own domain. And if I’m doing short stuff short URLs I for like redirects and
press releases, for example, or if I’m going to order a DR stack for them or add to a DR
stack, then we’ll do short URLs for the Dr. Stack files through their Pretty Link pro
plugin, so that we can actually use their domain. And that’s just because it adds just,
you know, kind of pushes some additional power into their own domain. Or you could always
set one up like on your own domain that you use specifically just for redirects. That’s
something else that you can do. I know that Marco’s got some suggestions on some of the
short URLs Unknown Speaker 9:48
for creators that you can you can use out there that already have some authority built
or a lot of authority built to them. I know like hourly. hourly, which was a Hootsuite
shortener, I don’t know if you can still use that Unknown Speaker 10:00
Unless you have an account Hootsuite, but those are pretty powerful T dot CEO, which
was a Twitter shortener you can use to be able to use that. I don’t know if he still
can. I’m not a Twitter user. But there are some other URL shorteners out there. And it
just makes sense to do it to create additional redirects, for SEO purposes as well as to
honestly to short and really long, ugly URLs. But for the SEO benefits, you can you can
use those to create additional URLs to build links to and do some other cool stuff. Marco,
what say you about that? I know you’ve got some suggestions. Yeah. I there’s a list in
in vape. Here. I think it is of the top shorteners, and then I would have to find new york because
that’s the one that I always give everyone in Unknown Speaker 10:43
like RYS Academy reloaded and when they ask the questions in Facebook, that’s my go to
a URL. Unknown Speaker 10:51
And I sent I send them to their their list. Unknown Speaker 10:56
Right here, the eight best alternatives to you go Google your Unknown Speaker 11:00
shortener and Zapier right there. So it says Bitly careful with Bitly. Guys though, like
I use Bitly, I’ve even got the Bitly Chrome extension, I use Bitly quite a bit for like,
shortening URLs when I’m taking notes for my own stuff or for process docs and things
like that for my VA, but for SEO purposes Bitly at least they used to, I haven’t checked
it in a long time. They used to arbitrarily sometimes add a change it from a 312 or 302
redirect, which kills any SEO value. Unknown Speaker 11:30
So I wouldn’t recommend using Bitly for SEO purposes, but a lot of these other ones here
you can still use I haven’t tested all of these by the way, but I would just check them
and see what ones you know go to like where goes calm or redirect detective or something
like that and check a redirect that you create with them to see what they look like but just
keep in mind that Bitly will sometimes just add it will change it to a 302 redirect for
no no apparent reason and it will kill any SEO value. Okay. Unknown Speaker 11:59
There you go. Unknown Speaker 12:00
URL shorteners. Next is Ralph. He says, Hey guys, I have a client who has two companies
at the same address. And using the same phone number they have a GMB setup for both companies.
I’m thinking that Google won’t like that they are using the same phone number. I guess the
better way to ask the question is, is it is it okay for two different companies to use
the same phone number in GMB? Well, I mean, you can get away with it. But the problem
is if you’re going to be building citations, it invigorates the data, right? And that causes
problems you It causes any IP issues, you should really have Unknown Speaker 12:36
an IP you should have three or four including the URL, you should have three unique data
points within that if you’re going to do it. So for example, if you have a company that
has multiple locations, you can use the same GMB name right the same business name, but
then your address, phone and URL or should be unique because otherwise you can create
any PSU Unknown Speaker 13:00
In it’s called invigoration, right you can ambiguous the data which makes it difficult
for Google to determine, which is what. And so having two different company names sharing
the same phone number and the same location, unless you have like a, you know, different
suite number or something behind it that can cause problems. So I wouldn’t recommend it
at all, what I would recommend that you would do would be to get a tracking phone number
for one of them, like a forwarding phone number, and go into Google and update, change the
phone number in one of the listings so that both listings have a unique phone number.
That makes sense. But you’ve got the same address too. So we using the same address
and the same phone number will absolutely cause issues. Unknown Speaker 13:42
If you’re using the same address and it’s like you know your client has two different
businesses at the address then they should be able to all they have to do usually is
notify the post office that they’re going to add sweet one or or a or like a and b or
sweet one and two or something like that. Unknown Speaker 14:01
You should get permission from the post office to do that or notify that. So the mail carrier
will bring will still deliver in the mail. But I would update the GMB address to include
some sort of unique identifier for each business as well. All it takes is like I said, like,
you know, it could be 123 Main Street a and 123 Main Street be, it’s going to the same
address but that A and B actually create we’re creating makes the address unique. So do that
and do that. Do it make a unique phone number, otherwise, you’re going to have a hard time
getting results. Anytime you go to build citations. It’s going to kind of muddy the waters for
for both businesses. That makes sense. Anybody want to comment on that? Unknown Speaker 14:40
No, I was fine. Okay. Unknown Speaker 14:45
Next up, he says I’d like to hear about your or hear your experience if you have built
a website that is targeted for two different target market base, target markets based on
demography and language wise. Unknown Speaker 14:59
But if you don’t have this kind of Unknown Speaker 15:00
Experience what’s your take on this issue for example, target market a country using
English language target market big country using be language, foreign language? What’s
your take if this website is built brand name calm brand name com slash so in a folder Unknown Speaker 15:18
this website provide similar services for a newbie, I look forward to hearing your feedback
and recommendations. Yeah, I mean, you can do that if you’re putting that the brand like
the the, the foreign language version of it in a subdirectory. You can do that you can
also do it on a sub domain. That’s typically how I’ve done it. I’ve only done it a few
times. Unknown Speaker 15:38
One of my biggest Tree Service clients or contract service, lead generation service
providers that I do Tree Service stuff for. He’s as he speaks Spanish, and so we set up
Spanish subdomain for several of the locations not all of them, but several of the locations
and that that tends to work fairly well because so because you know, obviously some people Unknown Speaker 16:00
Go and in US cities go and search for stuff and Google in Spanish and so that works what
I typically would do it underneath the sub domain but you can do it in a subdirectory
I don’t have a lot of experience on that. Although I know Hernan and Marco both do so
what do you guys? What can you guys suggest about something like that? Unknown Speaker 16:21
I’m setting it up for a foreign language, it’s pretty easy. Like, you could you could
definitely do what you suggested Bradley, and then basically can hammer them with links
in terms of Spanish. Like, you know, all of the stuff that he’s working on the English
speaking market usually works really really well on foreign languages because if you can
get ranked and you can you can push power and relevancy on on the English speaking markets
and you can definitely do enough Spanish market. So tactics do not change this just become
cheap, or easier, I should say. Does that make sense? Unknown Speaker 17:00
Yeah, Mark, what do you think? Unknown Speaker 17:03
Yeah, I mean, this is just as simple as sub domain or, or a folder, right? Unknown Speaker 17:10
That I mean, you want to take advantage of the fact. So unless it’s relevant. So there’s
you’ll be publishing relevant content. And I think that the only difference is, is the
age, the age of the people and the language. But the product or service is going to be
the same as long as it’s that way, then you’re not going to run into problems, your problem
will come if it’s two things that you’re targeting that are totally unrelated. And you’re trying
to push that on the same website. That could create an issue, right? Because right now,
it’s all about entities. And it’s all about relating your entity to the keywords in the
niche. And if you have two separate sets of keywords for the niche than that, then that’s
a recipe for disaster. Unknown Speaker 17:53
Yeah, so he said, I heard is this going to affect how SEO should work? work? How SEO
works? Unknown Speaker 18:00
should be done for a which would be the English site? No, it doesn’t as Marco said as long
as like. So for example, we had another site that we had Semantic Mastery actually that
we had a translator that we had hired to translate it into Spanish. And we put it on an ES dot
subdomain. Unknown Speaker 18:17
And it was all she did was she was just translating all the pages on the main site, the root domain
into Spanish that we had a mirrored site. So basically, all we did was clone the site,
and then install it on a subdomain and ES dot sub domain. And then she went through
page by page and post by post and translated everything. And again, as Marco said, That’s
not going to create any issues there. Then what you can do and you could do it in a sub
folder too. But then all you would do is put like, you know, a link in the navigation menu
or in the footer or wherever on the group domain that would point people to the Spanish
version of the site or the whatever language it is that you’re you want to translate to
and vice versa. Unknown Speaker 19:00
Right. So on the foreign language site, it would point back to the English site. And
I don’t see any issue with that, because that’s, that’s pretty normal for sites that have multi Unknown Speaker 19:09
that serve multiple markets or multiple countries, different languages. So yeah, it shouldn’t,
it shouldn’t cause any problem as her Nan said, You’re like, I’m assuming you would
try to be ranking the foreign language site in a different country. I can, I’m just making
that assumption. So focus on the a site, right, which would be your English site, I guess,
for the SEO part of it. And that should bleed over to your foreign language site. Right?
If you can rank it in the English version on the US, essentially, you’re going to you
should be able to rank in almost any other country, especially foreign language speaking
countries. That makes sense. So he says note, I heard that using a plugin translation is
not recommended if we want to make our website rank higher based on the target market demographics. Unknown Speaker 19:53
Well, I don’t know. I mean, I’ve used plugins, that’s what I did for my Tree Service sites,
and I didn’t have any issues with it. And we did. We Unknown Speaker 20:00
We did get traffic. I mean, I wasn’t intentionally trying to rank for Spanish terms. But I know
that for a fact that we got traffic leads from people spoke Spanish that had found the
pages. And all we all I use for that was a plugin. However, like I just mentioned, the
site that we had built Semantic Mastery for a project, we had hired a translator to actually
manually translate those pages. I think it does a better job, there’s no doubt. So if
you’re going to be sending a lot of traffic to that on your foreign language site, you’re
probably better off there might be something out there that does really, really well with
that. I don’t know. You could do some searching for it, or else just get a translator to do
it manually. So he says I use Go ahead. Yeah, before you move on, you have to use a combination,
right? Because you can’t have it translated word for word, use Google Translate, and then
have someone edit my phone. Because a lot of times when you go from one language to
the other through Google Translate, it’ll spit back garbage it the stuff will sometimes
be on an Unknown Speaker 21:00
intelligible. So you do have to have a human editor go in and clean it up, especially if
you’re serving it to an end user whom you want to convert on the website. Yeah. The
last part of that was I don’t want to use a separate domain because I don’t want to
be people to get confused. Yeah, again, just link within the navigation menu or the sidebar
or something like that to the English version of the site, and vice versa. So that you anybody
that comes that lands on either one of the sites will know that they have that all they
have to do is click, you know, the call to action to point them to the right to the site
that they want to watch. They want to be visiting. Right. Unknown Speaker 21:38
Simon’s up he says in Jeffrey Smith boot camp top of siloed keywords have 1 million plus
competing pages, but in local SEO top of siloed keywords have nowhere near 1 million competing
pages. Can we consider the keywords we want to target as our top of siloed keywords regardless
of the number of competing pages they have. He also recommends using a sidebar with links
but our page design has no side Unknown Speaker 22:00
Can we just add navigation links to the bottom of the page instead? Thank you. Okay, um,
yeah, number of competing pages just as an indication of what your competition is going
to look like, right, the more the higher the competing pages for your exact, Unknown Speaker 22:15
exact match keyword, then that usually means you know, it’s going to be tougher generally,
for you to rank for that type of a term. But you’re right and local. It’s nowhere near
that what depends on the market, but and the keyword. But generally, it’s going to be a
hell of a lot lower than that. But that’s fine, you can still get an idea of what your
competition levels are going to be by, for example, all your top level keywords across
that your particular project, do it in URL or in title search, right? So that’s a Boolean
operator Boolean search and do an in title search with your keyword in quotes and see
how many pages are competing for across all of the keywords that you’re trying to your
top level keywords that you’re trying to target. target for your your market your area, and Unknown Speaker 23:00
You could also do that across some other locations, right? So for the same keyword, but with other
local modifier is included, just to get an idea of what the competition levels are like
that can. That is how you can determine your benchmark or your baseline. Right? And then
from there, you can use that kind of number two, very quickly determine what your competition
levels are going to be for the same type of keywords in different areas, if that makes
sense. And then from there, but yeah, I mean, there’s no reason that you can’t Unknown Speaker 23:31
there’s no reason that you can’t still target those types of keywords just because as as
your top level keywords, just because there’s not a million pages. Does that make sense?
You’re just it’s competition is relative Marco always says local is relative well, competition
is relative as well, right? Your competition for the same keyword that you may be looking
at a new if you were to search that same top level local keyword in New York City, it may
very well have over a million competing pages, but in a smaller, much smaller Unknown Speaker 24:00
City it may not get anywhere near that. But that doesn’t mean that it can’t be used as
a top level keyword. That makes sense. Anybody want to comment on that before go to the next
part of that? Yeah. Yeah, give Just give me a second. Sorry. This Unknown Speaker 24:14
is this is the again, as with everything, it depends right Cup competition, it’s going
to be different if you’re in in mud lick Kentucky, or if you’re going after New York City, because
I can tell you that anything local, in New York City is going to have competition in
the millions, it’s just going to have it so it’s any big city in the US, which is which
is why it’s so important to understand your market and to understand what it is that you’re
targeting. Now if if for example, as as we we’ve seen in the land, when we’re doing that
there’s just a few keywords that that you have that you have to go after, but there’s
still a top market level category right? This still at a top keyword, sell land or buy land. Unknown Speaker 25:00
What you do with that keyword thereafter, it’s what’s going to make it or break it,
so to speak. It’s how you’re going to push for that top level so that you try, what you’re
trying to do is appear for sell land or buy land. But it’s going to pull up everything
that’s related to that. This is this is what I could set a bottom feeding what what what
we’re targeting now, which is working from the from bottom, and excuse me, from the top
of bringing everything up, we don’t work, bottom feeding and then work our way up. Unknown Speaker 25:29
We kind of switched it, because we can push so much power. But it’s really important to
understand the market and what you’re after, whether your keywords are related to the location,
and also understand what your competitors are doing. So the most important part of all
this is it’s not really what’s in Jeffrey Smith training. Although it is top notch.
It’s understanding who your competition is no, regardless, the numbers might switch by
zero or by two zeros. So instead of a million competing pages, you might be dealing with
100,000 or 10 Unknown Speaker 26:00
thousand, it depends which but but your top level category is going to be determined by
the competition. Still. So like Bradley said, your competition and what you target becomes
relative to the population size that you’re targeting. Right? Unknown Speaker 26:15
Yeah, don’t base your top level keywords based upon number of competing pages base your top
level keywords upon logic, right like what what is the logical what is the the actual
top level keyword, the top market level keyword. And then from there you build your solid structure
out. So it really doesn’t matter what the number of competing pages are it just again,
that’s just an indication of how much work and efforts it’s going to take to be able
to get results for that. That’s all that means. Unknown Speaker 26:45
He also recommends using a sidebar with links, but our page doesn’t design has no sidebar,
can you just add navigation links to the bottom of the page instead? Thank you. Yeah, and
I think what he’s talking about, I’m assuming that what what you mean is when he’s talking
about the siloed Unknown Speaker 27:00
Specific, Unknown Speaker 27:01
like category, or post URLs, like the hierarchy, in other words in the plugin that he has,
which the new ones coming out very, very soon. I know we’ve been saying that for months,
but we really mean it this time. It has an SEO or like a silo. Unknown Speaker 27:20
silo function built into it to where if you’re in any particular category, right, which is
a silo then only posts and subcategories, you know, anything that’s within that particular
silo will show up in that that menu, right? And so it’s a way to kind of create a navigational
and kind of like a Unknown Speaker 27:42
silo loop, like almost like a link wheel within the navigational or you know, sidebar or the
footer or something like that. So, yes, if you have a widget area, and if that’s what
you’re talking about, which again, I can only assume that that’s what you’re talking about,
then you could put that SEO silo menu, widget in the footer. And it was Unknown Speaker 28:00
would still do the same thing as it would in the sidebar. That makes sense. Okay. Unknown Speaker 28:05
You could also do those manually by the way if you use stuff like widget logic as a plugin
to like set up logic like says only display this if in this cat but it’s a pain in the
ass. So just use the SEO plugin is much easier. So wills Up next, what’s up? Well, he says,
Hey guys, I haven’t electrician with a GMB and a and website who wants to expand their
reach further than the presumed 10 k proximity radius and forced by Google My Business. Would
it be a matter of creating new landing pages for the suburbs slash cities they want to
expand into and in those pages also describe the services they would like to offer, then
proceed with the usual battle plan strategy to get those new locations to rank. Also by
creating the ranking of this new content, creating and ranking this new content would
the GMB then start to rank for the new locations or have I got this wrong? Unknown Speaker 29:00
Well, it may but it’s it’s very difficult to overcome the proximity issue with GMB.
It’s not that it can’t be done Marco, you know, we Marco will tell you it can be done
and we know it can be done. We’ve done it, but it requires a lot of effort depending
again, it’s it depends on a lot of factors but like what we teach in local GMB pro can
help you to overcome those proximity issues, but it requires work and consistent effort
to do so. Unknown Speaker 29:25
But what other What are your other options, right, your only options are to rank organically
by doing what you just mentioned, which is to create location based silos essentially
or landing pages which can be become silos which is honestly how you should do it. I’ve
got just quickly on us on a side I’ve got a pest control client. It’s the same Pest
Control client that had their GMB suspended for like two months for just some stupid edit
that I made to their page anyways, and finally, we finally got it reinstated. And because
of proximity issues, they are not ranking in near as many people Unknown Speaker 30:00
repackages they used to we used to dominate in a very broad area, like I’m talking like
five County area, and now they predominantly rank in the county that the business is physically
located in. But a lot of the, you know, adjacent areas are not, they’re not getting very good
results. And as far as the three pack goes, so I actually had my blogger, she, she’s been
blogging for them for, you know, years, this client has been a client of mine for years.
Well, I sent her some training on how to, I went in, set some silos up in the site,
and I said, Look, we’re going to switch from doing more topical type post to doing more
geographically latest, you’re still going to have, you know, obviously, topical relevance,
but we’re going to target every post we do three posts per week for this client. We have
been for years. So what I did is I said, Okay, look, here’s the counties, I’ve created silos
for them. There’s, you know, this many cities within the county. What I want you to do is
for the next, you know, and every single time you create a post, I want you to create a
post Unknown Speaker 31:00
It’s a topical post, but I want you to target a specific area within that county, optimize
it for that area, and then add it to that category, that location based silo. And then
we do the Mondo silo linking structure, internal linking structure, which is like daisy chaining
post together with no reciprocal links. Anyways, we started this about three, maybe four weeks
ago now. And just yesterday, as a matter of fact, or maybe it was Monday. Anyways, this
week, I was I was just reviewing one of her blog posts that she created, and we’re in
a very specific county right now. And she has been for the last several weeks because
there’s a lot of locations in this county. So I was looking at her blog posts and I was
just curious, and I was like, Oh, let me go see what how this is performing. And I did
a search for that particular, you know, their primary service plus the location that was
mentioned in the blog post. Even though the blog post was not about their primary service.
It was a bug related, like a pest. It was about silver fish. Actually, this company
does mosquito Unknown Speaker 32:00
Take control like outdoor pest control. But this blog post was about a Unknown Speaker 32:05
was about silverfish, but she optimized it for that particular location. So I did a search
for mosquito control plus that location. And lo and behold, not only was that post ranked
even though it wasn’t about mosquito control, the post is ranked an organic section, but
so is the homepage of the site for which is is optimized for mosquito control. But it
was again, it was way outside of where they’re physically located. So they got to organic
rankings from that. And it’s just because of the relevancy that she’s been able to create
the location relevancy, by creating that Mondo silo structure. I showed her how to do it.
So I provided her with some training videos. We talked about this in the mastermind too,
by the way, and then by linking from those what from some of those internal posts are
from within that silo to the homepage and actually pushed not only the post but the
homepage to rank on page. One for organic for Unknown Speaker 33:00
that keyword. So, my point is you can do all of this organically and that’s really the
only option you have or else. The other option would be to get spam GMB listings, which I
don’t recommend doing anymore because of Google being on you know, Warpath or rampage lately,
or for the last many months and or the or the other option is to do the organic SEO
as well as employee or implement the local GMB pro methods which again, requires consistent
effort to get results. If you combine those two though, it is very possible that you can
get the GMB to start ranking in some of the other areas, but it takes a lot of effort.
And so what does that cost worth? You know what I mean? Like how much are you getting
paid to do it? Yeah, I don’t know that you’d be compensated enough to do it. It really
depends on the level of competition. Mark, I know you got some comments on that. Yeah,
it all the time and effort versus what this client is willing to pay you for your work.
I mean, this is for a client and and you Unknown Speaker 34:00
You have you have to understand the math here, whether it’s actually worth it for the client
to go there. Now if it is and you’re going to be paid for it, there are specific things
that you could do. You have to create a relationship. Because as Bradley did, between that location
that you’re that you want to be displayed in, and and your business center because you’re
centered, as you said, Unknown Speaker 34:23
10 kilometers away, maybe more, maybe less, who knows, only Google knows. But it’s that
relationship where the centroid can be related and we’ve seen a bleed over into nearby cities
into a nearby county maybe. But you have to give the bot right you have to give that that
the math, the algorithm a reason to create that relationship between your business centroid,
which is where your business is located and and the surroundings and that area that you’re
targeting outside of that proximity. Unknown Speaker 35:00
We have to override what we call our overriding the proximity factor. And there are very specific
things that you could do that I’ve discussed in both our mastermind and in local GMB Pro
to accomplish that. And it’s specifically through the GMB and in conjunction with what
Bradley just shared in here, I’m not gonna share of course in here, because it’s paid
training, and people have paid a lot of money to get that. And so but but I mean, what Brandi
gave you a great suggestion, I don’t know. Will is in Australia, they have a post office
with street address in Australia, then by all means, go get a pin in the area where
you want to rank. It’s a lot easier to work in another GMB. Now that it’s another thing
that we teach in local GMB Pro how to optimize your Google My Business listing so that it’s
ready in and ready to go by the time the pin comes back. Yeah, and the last thing I would
recommend is, you know, this is not SEO, but it’s a way to get into the maps pack. I don’t
know about if he’s in Australia, if they do this. Unknown Speaker 36:00
In Australia, but in here in the United States, Unknown Speaker 36:03
if you have a GSB, and you use Google ads, search ads, and you enable the location extension,
as long as you end up with a high the highest quality score, which that’s, you know, your
max cost per click bid or your or your max cost per click Yeah, your max CPC bid, but
also increasing your quality score. So just having really good ads hype, you know, super
optimized ads, really good landing page, that kind of stuff. You can get your Unknown Speaker 36:32
GMB to rank in the maps three pack above the three pack like in other words, they’ve ranks
in there with it, but it’s an ad and so and it will rank in the three pack as well as
if somebody clicks to expand the maps pack to show more, it will rank at the top there.
And you can do that by using Google ads, search ads, with the location extension enabled.
And if there’s nobody else competing, like if there’s no other advertisers, other companies
using Google Ads with the local Unknown Speaker 37:00
extension enabled, then you don’t even have to have high quality score to get in that
maps pack, you’ll be the only one. If you are competing with other companies that are
doing the same thing, then the way to out rank them in the maps three pack, even though
it’s a paid ad is to get your your quality score higher, which means a more relevant
ad higher click through rate that our landing page experience, all of that kind of stuff,
which again, that’s just, you know, standard, basic Google Ads stuff, which by the way,
Google Ads has been, I mean, come such a long way as far as their platform with their machine
learning, artificial intelligence. They have automated bidding strategies now. They provide
you with recommendations three years ago, any recommendation to Google, the ads platform
would have given me out to tell you I used to say to my screen, go shut your hat. I mean,
because they were awful, they would usually end up costing a lot of money and with very
poor results, but I can tell you for a fact, because I still I managed a lot of bad stuff
now. That the the Unknown Speaker 38:00
Automated bidding strategies are really, really, really good. Now, in fact, all I do now is
set up manual campaigns just long enough to get enough data into the account to where
the recommendations start to appear. And what I’ll do is I’ll test different recommend recommendations
that the ads platform provides. And kind of, you know, it takes screenshots and things
like that. And I’ll test different targeting strap bidding, automated bidding strategies,
things like that, to see which ones provide the better results, lowers cost per conversion,
all of that kind of stuff. And it’s, it’s really come a long way, guys, I can’t say
it’s still it’s still can be expensive. It’s still takes time to dial a campaign in, but
it’s in my opinion, if you haven’t, I don’t know. Again, I don’t know what it’s like in
Australia, but here in the States. They keep pushing more and more add stuff above the
fold and more and more SEO related ranking type stuff, right. So organic and organic
maps listings below the fold. With the carousels now like the Google guaranteed ads Unknown Speaker 39:00
regular Google Ads ads in the maps pack like it’s just insane. So I would recommend that,
um, you know, you may you may want to look at adding ads to your repertoire of services,
because it’s something that I think Google is going to continue pushing more people to
paid services including potentially GMB stuff. So I think it’s something that if you’re not
proficient with yet, you probably should start start looking into it now. Unknown Speaker 39:25
Okay. Unknown Speaker 39:27
Paul’s up he says, Hey, guys, if you run a p o box to verify GMB, what happens if you
stop paying the monthly p o box rental, I need to re verify the GMB later that p o box
number will be gone. Can you rent a new p o box number and get the verification card
sent to it somehow? All right. I’ve only in all of my years now that I’ve been doing maps
SEO and again, knock on wood. I’m not saying that. Unknown Speaker 39:49
It can’t happen. But I’ve only had to re verify a location via us mail twice. And all the
years that I’ve been doing this which is about 10 now Unknown Speaker 40:00
And, Unknown Speaker 40:02
and that I mean, I’m talking about, you know, well over 100 GMB listings that I’ve managed
between, Unknown Speaker 40:09
you know, lead gen stuff and client stuff well into the hundreds is what I’m saying.
And I’ve only had to re verify two of them at like, especially the lead gen listings
which are spam but you know, their spam listings. Unknown Speaker 40:20
p o box I did you know, I’ve got many, many of them out there that I’ve done that with
and I’ve only had to re verify two of them over all these years. So I used to always
renew my P o box p o boxes that I had verified with. But the problem that I found and this
is I stopped doing it and here’s why because I would get a phone call from the post office
every six or eight months and they would say you have to come in and collect all your mail
because your post your post office boxes full and they they would literally put a box like
a cardboard box underneath the post office box on the other side where they you know,
put the mail in and all that and they would continue Unknown Speaker 41:00
Fill the box up until the box started to overflow. And then then I would get a call from the
postmaster at that office location. And they would be mad, like, hey, you’ve got to come
in and clear all this stuff out, or we’re going to close your box. And so I would literally
once every six months or so I would schedule like two days out of a week, to continuous
days to live. And I’ve mapped it all out. And I would drive from post office location
to location to location and collect all this mail. And I used to ask the post office managers,
hey, can’t you just throw all that stuff out? It’s junk mail, and they wouldn’t do it because
I’d say like, I’m gonna have to drive to your location just to pick up the mail and put
it in the trash. There’s nothing I need there and they said, doesn’t matter. You either
come get it or we’re going to close your box. And I did that for years guys. And finally
it got to the point where it was just too cumbersome like it was unmanageable because
I have so many of them. So I just said fuck it. I’ve only had two that I’ve ever had to
re verify the postcard. So I just stopped paying and I’m actually let every single one
of my Unknown Speaker 42:00
Except for the ones that I actually do want to receive mail at which you know, like some
some valid businesses, I’ve closed all of my P o boxes. So now just so you know what
I do when I do set up which I still do it that way but I still set up p o boxes for
GM bs is it works. I just do a three month, right you can go right online, run a p o box
for three months, very inexpensive. You still got to go to the post office to fill out the
paperwork, sign the documents, get the key and the boxes signed and all of that. But
then I go back a week later, or 10 days later, get the postcard from Google, verify my GMB
listing, then I go right back online, and I cancel the account. And that’s it. So it
cost me three, three months, which depending on the area, and it could be as low as like
nine bucks. It’s ridiculous. And I just don’t renew them anymore. So my answer is, you know,
let it go. It’s very unlikely that you’re ever going to have to re verify it that way.
If you do. Unknown Speaker 42:54
I don’t know because I haven’t had to do it. Since Google’s made all these changes. In
the past, I would just go in and Unknown Speaker 43:00
The you the the address the physical location of the you know it because I have done that
in the past where I’ve had to revert or I’ve had to get another box in the same location.
And I just went in and change the actual box number and then updated it and requested a
new verification card at that point. And then I was able to re verify it, but I don’t know
now because it’s changed so much the GMB like how they’re handling everything, it you may
not be able to even do that now or it might cause a suspension and I don’t know. Unknown Speaker 43:31
Marco, would you know about that? Unknown Speaker 43:35
No, okay. I wouldn’t worry about it, though. It’s highly unlikely. Unknown Speaker 43:42
You know, remember guys, that’s the that’s the Nate that that’s one of the risks we take
when we do something like that. It just it’s part of the part of the process. So and I
think destroying mail, even by the post office violates federal law. That’s why they make
you come and pick up your garbage. You Unknown Speaker 44:00
I know I said, I even told him, I’ll send something in writing. Like I was like, Okay,
I can fax you or send via us mail or email, anyone, any which way you prefer, I can send
something that’s giving my authorization for you to discard the mail and my P o box and
they wouldn’t do it. They know like, so I used to do that driving shit. Like, it got
to the point where it was ridiculous. They would have to spend literally two full days
going around and those are just the ones that were local. Unknown Speaker 44:26
So I just stopped doing Unknown Speaker 44:29
our next question says, Okay, guys, thank you so much for the enlightenment. I was battling
previously whether to buy another domain or not. Okay, so he’s talking about the foreign
language stuff. Now I’m relieved to know what to do next. I bought the battle plan version
three yesterday. I’d like to implement it for this. Very good. Awesome, thank you. Battle
Plan. Yes. Don’t skip any of the steps carry it through to the end. And let us know how
it Unknown Speaker 44:53
Yeah. JACK says I had a temporary office address for our business. I don’t know somebody brought
it to Google’s attention but Unknown Speaker 45:00
They can get with all of the reviews, SEO work, etc. and not have to set up a new one
from their home address which is verified but it just is sitting there waiting. On review.
I saw your post somewhere recently where you liked the P o box better than the temporary
office. Yes, I still still think, you know, it could have very well been that just there
was some sort of manual. Remember, there’s a big GMB spam team right now that’s been
out there. That’s just you know, they their, that’s their entire job is to just go try
to identify spam listings and terminate them suspend them. And it’s very, I mean, it’s
easy to do it with a p o box too, but I you know, because the street address is the post
office address. However, I’ve not I have had one recently suspended one of my Tree Service
sites. And I think that was the reason because I hadn’t done anything in the GMB at all for
four months and and I just noticed it was suspended about maybe three weeks ago. And
I’m assuming that that got caught up in the same type of thing that I’m assuming yours
got caught up in which is just it was man Unknown Speaker 46:00
reviewed by the spam team and they saw that it was at a post office so they, they, they
suspended it. But I’ve noticed that those read those offices those shared workspaces
and you know things like that as well as using places like ups stores, they tend to get suspended
almost immediately or get caught much quicker and sooner than po boxes do. So unfortunately
it is what it is. As far as if you have now a verified one to a home address that’s much
better. But if it’s not been you know, if it’s not been reviewed like in other words,
if you submitted the if you verified it because you received the card and entered the number
of the pin number and and all of that and submitted it but now it’s being it’s being
left for for review. I know for a fact that there’s an issue with that we’ve heard about
it in our mastermind as well as I have a client that tried to verify we you know, I tried
to verify another GMB listing for him at an employee’s home address. Unknown Speaker 47:00
In a different city, and it was the same thing, it’s a valid home address. But once I submitted
the pin, because we received it, he sent me a, you know, screen. He took a photo with
his phone and sent me the pen. And I verified it. And that was, I’d say a month ago, and
it’s still pending, still pending for whatever reason. So I think there’s just a glitch going
on with that. Unknown Speaker 47:21
Mark, do you got any comments on that? Unknown Speaker 47:25
Well, even though it’s pending, if it was already verified, everything will go live
at the post will go live. So I said, just leave it because I got one go live though.
What’s that the map won’t go live. Yeah, but the post and everything. Everything should
be a website in the post. If it’s verified. Your pending verification if it’s verified,
and it goes into pending, then yes, the map, the map listing is there, everything’s there,
but it’s just whatever change you know, I’m telling you that my the one that I’m talking
about specifically. Unknown Speaker 47:59
It’s been Unknown Speaker 48:00
Pet I’ve submitted the verification number and it says it will be. You know, it takes
up to three days to be reviewed before it goes live on Google Maps and it’s been stuck
in that position like in pending for about a month now and the GMB website is live and
published and the GMB posts will will publish to the GMB website. But there’s no maps listing.
And so the GMB post won’t show up in a knowledge panel because there’s no knowledge panel either
because it the maps listing isn’t there. What I’m saying is the GMB website is the only
thing out of that entire setup that I did for the GMB that is live, everything else
is still not published because it’s in pending status. Does that make sense? Yep. So unfortunately,
I don’t know I don’t know how to how to force that either. It used to be that you could
have an unverified listing and you could verify it and it would it but it would be published
but it would still show as unverified even though you verified it. And then I’ve had
in the past I’ve had people like our you know, one of our members in our Semantic Mastery
mastermind Unknown Speaker 49:00
Who was a high level local guide? Just go post a review because it was a published listing,
although it was unverified. publicly, it showed on verified, and I would have somebody that
was a high level local guide, go post a review. And within a matter of days, sometimes hours
it would go, it would say verified, right, but no longer if it’s unverified, even if
you submitted the verification number, at least in my experience, if it’s, if it’s still
in that pending status, it’s not going to publish, which means you can’t do anything
about it. So unfortunately, I can’t help you with that. You just have to wait. I don’t
know what else what else to say. Unknown Speaker 49:36
Okay, next question. And we’re almost out of time. We only got a few minutes left guys.
He goes when using the sidebar and listening to post in the category. How many posts did
we display if there were 100 posts in the category, what would be the max to display
I would just, you know, do 10 something like that. It’s not even really 100% necessary
it you know it as long as they’re only post URLs that are showing from within that category
doesn’t bleed the silo Unknown Speaker 50:00
The theme of the silo if that makes sense, but there’s really no reason to put 100 post
URLs or or you know, links to post in a sidebar or footer that’s, that’s just ugly and nobody’s
going to click through all of that. So, you know, put 510 max maybe I would just do whatever
looks a static you know, whatever. Unknown Speaker 50:19
Whatever looks good, right for your particular design. Unknown Speaker 50:25
Can I get the charity link please fits ask for it. Okay, cool. He get you gave it to
him. By the way. Another question. If you don’t mind. Guys, do you have any experience
using virtual offices to verify your new GMB profile? No, don’t do that. I just answered
that. Really? Unknown Speaker 50:40
And do you also cover GSB topic in the battle plan for beginner? Yeah, that’s what that’s
for that it’s really for beginners. I mean, it’s for beginners and Unknown Speaker 50:48
it’s just the process the step by step process that we use, whether it’s a new site, an established
site, local, non local, doesn’t matter. Okay, so Unknown Speaker 50:59
haven’t gone through all the things Unknown Speaker 51:00
Pages yet, if not which Semantic Mastery product do you recommend for beginning to start building?
GMB? Thanks guys? I am a sheet slasher Oh, sorry. Unknown Speaker 51:09
Okay, uh, what I would recommend is, if you’re just doing GMB stuff like there’s no better
product in my opinion than local GME Pro Unknown Speaker 51:19
you know, with local, local PR pros a great add on for that because you can get some really
good results using press releases to but if you were, like I said local gym before the
battle plan will help you a lot, right because it really points you to the done for you services
and MGYB which is your best bet. Use the money that your client gives you to purchase done
for you services. But if you want to understand the concepts and how everything goes together
on a much deeper level than honestly by local GMB Pro, and that’s going to show you how
to get much better results out of a single GMB listing instead of trying to build multiple
GMB listings. And then obviously we have stuff like local PR pro which is a great complement
to that or RYS Academy 16 Unknown Speaker 52:00
offensive, but it’s very, very powerful. But once again, you can buy done for you Dr stacks,
which can push GM bees very, very powerfully. You can buy those directly from NGYB. So Unknown Speaker 52:11
just go through the battle plan, do that first. And then once you start implementing all everything
that we talked about in there, don’t skip on parts don’t don’t just do 25% of it and
contact us and say that’s not working. doesn’t work like that. If you put all the pieces
together will work. There’s It doesn’t mean you’re going to rank every time you put all
the pieces together because it depends on the level of competition, a lot of other variables
but you do that at link building to it. Posting consistently that kind of stuff. You should
get results. If you need additional push after putting those components together. That’s
when you can get into the advanced training and do the advanced steps. Okay. Unknown Speaker 52:51
Okay, great. This is a good tip. He says I’ve had two GM bees that got stuck in pending
I called GMB team and acted real stupid. Marco always recommends it Unknown Speaker 53:00
When you call G, Google support it all you always ask you act really stupid. He says
and asked why it’s not going live both went live a week after I called that’s a good idea.
That’s something I have not tried. So thank you for that. Unknown Speaker 53:13
comment on that. Unknown Speaker 53:17
Nope. Nobody has any comments. Well, there’s no other questions, guys. I’m good. I think
we’re gonna wrap it up. Unknown Speaker 53:25
Okay, cool. Let’s do it. We’re close enough. Thanks, everybody for being here. We will
see you guys next week. Thank you guys, guys. See you next week. Bye. Bye. Bye, everyone. Transcribed by