Digital Marketing Reporting and Analysis by Hunterdon Business Services

Digital Marketing Reporting and Analysis Services

Transform Your Key Performance Metrics into Visual, Valuable Insights

You need credible digital marketing reporting and analysis to make data-driven decisions about your website and other digital marketing efforts. HBS meets and exceeds this need with our digital marketing reporting and analysis services. We provide comprehensive, visually appealing, easy-to-understand reports encompassing numerous online data sources and key, pertinent data points.

The charts and tables produced are then augmented by commentary providing additional insight to you based on our experience and expertise. Our analyses highlight areas of success and areas of improvement over a customizable period of time and, depending on the data sources’ repositories of information for your business, can compare data to the previous reporting period. The reports are customized for your business, focus on your business goals, and are branded for your business (utilizing your logo and colors).

In essence, HBS’ digital marketing and reporting analysis services take the guesswork out of your digital marketing efforts. Having a tool to measure your website and digital marketing efforts’ successes — or shortcomings — will empower you to create the right strategy for your business! 

With HBS’ comprehensive marketing reporting and analysis services, you designate the frequency of your reports. Choose from:

Online, Real-Time Access 24/7

With online access, your report will be available when and where you need it. The data is synced with its source when the report is accessed. Alternatively, you can produce a copy of the report and save it for point-in-time analyses.

Access your reports at meetings on a large screen! Our reports can be critical in gaining support for implementing additional marketing strategies and for re-allocating your valuable marketing budget to profit your business. 

Interact with Your Data

Sort by a particular column, scroll over and highlight the item you are focusing on at the time. Scroll down to see all the entries of a table, which may or may not be available in a PDF or printed version of the report.

Finally you’re in control of your data!  

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