Marketing is dynamic. Digital Marketing is even more dynamic. Algorithms keep changing and Marketers need to keep abreast with the developments. If you have authored a text book on Digital Marketing in 2018, you need to publish an updated edition in 2020. This is exactly what Prof.Seema Gupta did with her book titled Digital Marketing | Second Edition published by Mc Graw Hill. I have been following Seema Gupta, Associate Professor at Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, for the last two years. I have studied her first edition and now, I have the pleasure of buying her second edition from Amazon.
Digital Marketing | Second Edition by Seema Gupta is a must for both practitioners as well as beginners. The new paperback, with cover design suggesting connected globalized world, carries 126 additional pages, all coloured on glossy paper. There are four new chapters namely Digital Analytics, Video Marketing, Online Reputation Management and Technological Advancements in Digital Marketing. Digital Analytics replaces the chapter Web Analytics, as in the first edition, and includes Affiliate Marketing. Video Marketing tells us how it can be leveraged by using different social media platforms including YouTube which was covered earlier in Display Advertising. The last two chapters, Chapter 13 is Online Reputation Management and Chapter 14 is Technological Advancements in Digital Marketing. These two chapters are web chapters which you have to get from McGraw Hill online learning centre on Connect. If you have difficulties in getting these two web chapters, please get in touch with me
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