Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council (RMBC) are currently preparing an open tender exercise to procure services in relation to Foster Carer Recruitment – Digital Marketing Services. In advance of this RMBC are wishing to consul with the market as detailed below. . Included within this market engagement notice are the following draft documents: • Draft Service Specification • RMBC Standards documents for ICT Systems and Software • Rotherham Fostering supporting service information • Draft tender questions . RMBC would like to seek and engage views from the market in relation to the following: 1. Views from the market in relation to the draft Service Specification 2. Views from the market in relation to the RMBC Standards documents for ICT Systems and Software 3. Views from the market in relation to the proposed method statement questions and any considerations that should be given with regard to word counts for each question. . Potential bidders should consider: . 1. Their experience in providing recruitment in a Health and Social Care setting, specifically recruiting Foster Carers. 2. Whether or not the supplier is able to comply with the requirements listed in Standards documents for ICT Systems and Software. . The Anticipated contract start date 01/04/2022 Anticipated contract length 3+1+1 years Anticipated contract value £200,000 per annum . The closing date for this consultation is 31/05/2021 . The Anticipated latest tender issue date is 16/08/2021 The anticipated latest tender Award date is 04/01/2022 . Potential Bidders should note that if RMBC are able to bring the publishing dated forward for the tender which it is hoping to do, that this will also impact all the dates mentioned here with the exception of the closing date for the Market Engagement – Soft Market testing event closing date and the Contract Start Date which will remain as detailed. . Both the market engagement documentation detailed above and the resultant tender documents when the tender itself is published will be available from https://www.yortender.co.uk with reference DN530964. . For support with registration on the YORtender website or if you are having difficulties accessing the documents through YORtender, please contact the YORtender helpdesk on 0330 005 0352 or [email protected]
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