Digital Marketing Skill Institute is a global digital marketing training company that uses digital technologies to accelerate the development of digital marketing talents and match them with organisations globally either as employees or entrepreneurs. Individuals, companies and their teams of every size build their digital skills using our EdTech product to achieve digital transformation and business growth.
Our Founder, Tobi Asehinde started from his Bedroom in the University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom and ever since the company has grown to become a Global Business with over 115,384 people trained in over 37 countries and 4 continents. All this was achieved without never raising a dime of venture capital money 100% of our business is funded by our customers which gives us the ability to focus on the customer success and experience while thinking long term and building the industry’s highest-quality training and consulting products with high standards delivery.
We believe in being the best. In a world where companies compete with pricing, we believe in competing with value as this is what makes us the best in the business and people will pay for value from the best. We are on a mission to help and empower 1 million people by 2030 to start, grow and scale wildly profitable business and career using digital marketing across the globe. This is a big deal for us because what we do does not just impact the people we help, but the people that work for them, their families and even their customers. Most importantly what we do creates jobs. If we achieve this goal, we will add millions of jobs, and millions of money to the economy.
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