Digital Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Small Business – Root Droids

Digital Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Small Business - Root Droids

Digital marketing can be a great way to grow your small business. You can promote your products or services and get them in front of a large number of potential buyers. This can set you on your way to making the sales you need and to generating the revenue you require to grow even further.

It sounds nice, and it is nice, sure. But it’s not easy.

There is a lot of competition out there, especially if we talk about the digital marketing channels. Search engines? Packed with websites. Email marketing? Millions of brands are doing it already. Content marketing? There are more than 600 million blogs in existence.

To help you get a foothold in this situation, we’re going to discuss a few tips and pointers. Hopefully, by the end, you’ll be equipped with a better understanding of how to navigate your way to success amidst it all.

Digital Marketing for Small Businesses | Effective Strategies

Creating and optimizing a website is, in a way, a technique of content marketing. That is why we’re mentioning it here in our “digital marketing” post.

Before we move on further, we should explain what we mean by this.

Content marketing is basically the method that involves creating and sharing/publishing different types of content. One channel of such sharing blogs while another such channel is e-books, etc.

In the same way, the various web pages on a website, i.e., the ones other than the blogs, are also a medium of content sharing. For example, if a company creates some content introducing itself and then publishes it on the main landing page, this act will come within the ambit of content marketing. And this step would obviously come after the website creation itself.

Coming back to the point now…

Other than the juxtaposition we’ve pulled with content marketing, creating and optimizing a website is also a direct way of digital marketing in that it gives a place for your customers and users, etc., to interact with your brand.

Moving on from the benefits and perks, let’s take a look at the steps that you can follow to actually create and optimize your website.

Creating a website itself isn’t a big deal nowadays. You can use an online platform like WordPress or Wix to make a standard website. We won’t chalk out the exact details about it, but here is a guide on Forbes that you can check out on creating a website for a small business.

The “optimization” thing is trickier, so here are the steps that you can follow for it:

There is a ton of other stuff that you need to do during this process, but we’re not going to delve into all of those. Our purpose in mentioning and explaining website optimization above was to simply highlight its potential and importance as a digital marketing method as well as the rough steps that you can follow for it.

Let’s move on to the next strategy.

User testimonials and reviews are an important but slightly overlooked part of content marketing.

When a user is initially interested in a brand or a business, they look for ways to establish its legitimacy and reliability. One easy and straight way to do it is to read user reviews and testimonials.

Such reviews and testimonials – especially if they are found on third-party reviewing apps – can make your potential clients/customers easy by showing them what the brand is actually about…apart from what it all says on the website, etc.

Here are some tips that you can follow to properly garner and showcase user testimonials for your business.

Email marketing is a popular digital marketing strategy that has a very positive ROI. Although it does not need much of an investment, to begin with, it does bring good results.

Thanks to the many online tools that exist for this purpose, email marketing is quite easily done. Tools like Mailchimp, for instance, allow you to make emails, create contact lists, send said emails, and get insights on how well they perform.

You can do more or less the same things with platforms like SendinBlue.

By using email marketing, you can directly let your users/customers know about any new product or service that you may have released. You can also use the same method to tell them about any new promotions or discounts in your store.

As we’ve done above, let’s outline some of the main steps/tips about email marketing that you should know:

Digital marketing is pretty vast. It’s a lot more than the three things that we’ve mentioned in the post above. But, when starting out, a small business cannot tackle all the different techniques and methods involved in digital marketing. They have to take baby steps and start with one method at a time.

That is what the purpose of our post was. If you don’t know where to get started, you can try out the steps/tips that we’ve mentioned above. 

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