Digital marketing (also known as online marketing) is the use of internet to attract customers. You can reach out to your clients by using email, search platforms and social media. In order to successfully advertise your business, you will definitely need to take a closer look at some of the most efficient digital market strategies for restaurants. There are many ways to promote your food service establishment. The use of digital devices is huge. Almost everyone around the country uses their mobile phones. That is why digital marketing campaigns have become a prominent gateway to success.
How to Form a Digital Marketing Plan for a Restaurant
When you decide to write down your digital marketing plan, you will need to take couple of things into consideration. Web positioning, analytics, social media, target audience and such. Structuring a digital marketing plan will allow you to focus on your business goals and specific strategies that will help you achieve those goals. Email marketing campaigns, use of the CRM system, social media – these are just some of the digital marketing strategies for a restaurant. You must also revise your budget, because paid media advertising plays a significant role in marketing as well. You can definitely increase your chances for success and gain clients if you do your research and come up with a good marketing plan for your business.
The Secrets of Digital Marketing in Restaurant Industry
If someone thinks that marketing is just throwing events and posting cute pictures on social media, then let us stop you right there – good marketing is so much more than that. Digitalization is an inseparable component of any marketing strategy. Brand awareness can be successfully built by implementing specific online methods. We would like to elaborate a bit on that topic in further paragraphs.
How to Do Digital Marketing for Restaurants?
There are a lot of things in restaurant marketing that are digital. One of the most powerful tools are social media. This widely known phenomenon is definitely not slowing down. Platforms like Instagram, Twitter or Facebook are gaining more and more popularity. Every restaurant business should have their IG and FB accounts! Social media frenzy has taken over the world, so one of the digital marketing strategies for your restaurant should be running updated social media accounts. Make sure to post regularly. Try to use Instagram to attract new clients. Perhaps you can invite a local influencer to collaborate? There is nothing better than a celebrity having lunch at your eatery. Works like magic! Every time!
Get those ads visible!
SEM (Search Engine Marketing) allows you to purchase an ad that will appear in a quite visible position somewhere on top of search result pages. Paid ads are definitely a good way to get brand recognition and improve your conversion. Online ads have far more ranges than any other forms of advertisement. It is because people are very much into technology, and everyone owns a phone with an internet access. We are subconsciously checking out what is going on in social media and other platforms. This is why a paid ad will definitely get to a certain number of consumers. You may also invest in those geo-targeted ads. Of course, you want your eatery to be known all over the city, but make sure that your local neighbors are well aware of the delicious food that is served at your restaurant.
Looking for an Additional Marketing Strategy for Restaurants? Try Content Marketing!
A lot of marketing teams around the country believe that content marketing is extremely crucial when it comes to running your restaurant business. Blogs, videos, landing pages and more – those are the key elements of a personalized content. If you own a restaurant, it might be a good idea to start up a blog. Just make sure to keep it updated. There is nothing worse than inconsistency! You can write about trying out new recipes or describe different situations from your restaurant’s life. Let your customers into your food establishment and make them feel as if they were part of your restaurant family. You can write a little bit about your staff, or trips to a local farmers market, where you get all the fresh produce to your restaurant’s kitchen. Ask your customers to leave comments, so that you will develop this nice bond with your clientele. This will definitely pay off!
Put Your Trust in Software
Technology has become a huge part of our lives. There are many marketing tools that will definitely help you out with your restaurant business. CRM is one of them. This system is responsible for maintaining a relationship between you and your clients. CRM will help you keep track of your customers, their visits and even their orders. You will be able to generate a personalized offers for your guests. Sending emails is a good digital marketing strategy for all the restaurants out there. You can notify your guests about any upcoming events or special discounts. And since CRM creates a file for each customer, you can also send an email around your client’s birthday and invite them for a free dessert in observance of their special day.
Online Menu is a Must
If you run a restaurant, your business has to be visible online. Social media is one, but a professional website is highly recommended as well. You can always hire someone to do it for you, or you can simply use WordPress or any other platform, that offers a wide range of different templates and restaurant themes. You do not need to have any coding knowledge. Templates are easily customizable, so all you have to do is to choose your favorite layouts and upload some pictures. Add the necessary info and it is done. A good-looking menu is very important. People who are visiting your website would like to see the food! Same with social media – make sure to post a lot of food pictures, so your customers will crave those delicious dishes!
Get Visible on Yelp
Yelp is a well-known platform for every business out there. Do you need a barber? Check Yelp. Feel like grabbing pizza? Go on Yelp and search for any restaurants near you. You definitely want your business to appear on Yelp. Just like paid ads are quite crucial for digital marketing techniques, Yelp is also essential when it comes to restaurant online visibility!
Google it!
If you own a restaurant and want to boost your sales and online visibility, then you should also take a closer look at Google My Business. You will be able to have some sort of an online business card on Google. People will be able to rate your eatery, upload pictures and such. A bit similar to Yelp in some ways. Google My Business also features clear contact info and customers will have the ability to leave comments. It is always good to respond to those comments. Even the less pleasant remarks should be answered in a polite manner. Unfortunately, not everyone follows the “good vibes only” thing, but do not get discouraged – your loyal customers will definitely appreciate your restaurant in their comments.
I Would Like to Make a Reservation for Four
Online reservation tools are something your restaurant needs. Not every eatery offers reservations, but if you want to upgrade your place a bit, introducing the ability to reserve a table might add some splendor to your business. Make it more desirable, since one needs to call in advance in order to get a seat. There are many online reservation apps like OpenTable, which integrates with your POS system and email marketing tools. Even if you run a bit smaller establishment, you can always give your guests an opportunity to save that spot, so they will not have to wait too long to be seated.
Take Good Care of Your Loyal Customers
How about a digital marketing strategy that rewards your devoted customers? You might want to implement a loyalty program to your restaurant. There are apps that will help you with that. 81% of people have stated that a loyalty program made them want to come back to the particular restaurant. There are apps like Square Loyalty or TapMango, which will help you boost those restaurant sales with their fully integrated loyalty program. Some apps are quite advanced. You can customize them, create digital punch cards and more. Those apps were made in order to encourage your customers to come back and collect even more points, so later they can exchange their points into rewards. With a loyalty program, you can keep your customers happy and boost your profits!
There are many digital marketing strategies for restaurants. All of the techniques were designed to improve your restaurant’s sales and make your business visible. Today’s world focuses on technology and internet, that is why you would want your food establishment to get the proper online recognition and stand out from the rest. With the right digital marketing strategy, your restaurant is bound to be successful.
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