In recent months, with Covid-19 and health measures as protagonists, online sales have not decreased. On the contrary, ecommerce has grown strongly. So that the trend is consolidated and your business benefits from it, fine-tune your virtual store with these optimizations for virtual stores that we propose.
Starting scenario
Before the pandemic, consumer habits pointed to the consolidation of digital commerce as an unavoidable trend. For a year, with the health alarm and restrictive measures, this trend is taking hold. Some say that any business that wants to have a future must offer its services and products online. And we are in it.
With the intensification of the digital business model, marketing strategies and customer relations require their own tactics, different from those we can use in physical commerce. Let’s take advantage of the advantages offered by technology and the virtual part of the business.
The center of everything is the customer
Any assessment, decision or strategy in the commercial field requires putting the customer, the consumer, at its epicenter. With this approach, analyzing your behavior, your purchasing decisions, your needs, your security or your shopping experience will be key to the business, adapting to all of this. On every platform, you should focus on customers. If we take YouTube as an example, we will see that it’s perfect because of the video engine. Buy YouTube views, stay consistent with the quality content and engage with the comments – that’s a recipe to get more customers from YouTube.
Optimizations for virtual stores to consider
Be transparent and offer all the information about the company and its products or services. Transparency is synonymous with security for customers, so it is important to facilitate all the possibilities that are part of the purchase process. In the face of cyberattacks and other frauds , you must have a secure website and the customer must know it. Security badges, privacy policies or SSL certificates are examples of security methods in transactions and with customer information, thereby achieving a secure environment.
Giving good service makes a difference
Customer service will be essential for the public to associate the brand with an agile and efficient service, resolving customer problems. Accompany you throughout the customer journey process to improve your shopping experience.
The website is like a showcase
It needs a good design in accordance with the strategic planning of the business. The home page can be the first impression that the public takes and it is important that it shows our strategic products, with quality graphic content and as much information as possible. Continuing in the line of the previous item, the product descriptions are relevant elements. With them we help consumers in their purchase decision and also these texts help SEO positioning. If our texts are complete and original, working with keywords, we can improve indexing in search engines. Our goal is sales and to achieve this we need to optimize the conversion funnel, when the customer decides to buy and not abandon the shopping cart. If our clients do not discover additional costs or access a simple, secure and agile payment system, for example, we help to complete the purchase.
Don’t forget about offers to increase the value of the customer’s purchase. If the offerings are useful and complementary to the main product, the results can be significant. For this we can use two strategies: upselling (offers of substitute products of higher value) and cross-selling (offers of complementary products to the purchase product).
In many ecommerce models, the question arises as to whether pre-purchase registration is necessary. It is worth assessing whether this previous step of creating an account, which can be a barrier in the purchase decision, compensates with the fact of having a contact database. It is interesting that the brand offers both possibilities in the purchase, as a registered customer or as a guest without registration.
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