With digital marketing it’s all about all-hands-on-deck. But if you’re a solo-preneur like me, you’re back to wearing one too many hats again. *le sigh! Sometimes it’s hard to not feel like you’re lagging behind the competition! But that doesn’t mean you can’t become a one woman/man army!
We all want successful digital marketing strategies that pack a mean punch and makes our audience engage, however it doesn’t always seem that easy to accomplish. Well, I’m here to try and save the day with a few digital marketing tips that you can keep handy in your back pocket!
So, don’t waste any time … Let’s get started with some different weapons (digital marketing tips) that will pack a punch and carry you to success.
This is a mistake that many rookie business owners make, including myself, trying to do everything at once. We get ahead of ourselves and dive into setting up (and branding) about 10 social media accounts before finding out which ones work for our audience AND a rigorous blogging schedule about what feels like a zillion topics that we haven’t even had the time to properly researched yet. But that’s not all … the worst of the worst is that we haven’t even ever used more than half of those social platforms in the past!
Bet that sounds a little too familiar?
If so, then stop! Just STOP! One of the worst mistakes one can make is trying to manage too many social accounts at one time. #LessIsMore! The main goal should be focusing on brand consistency. Not being overwhelmed while trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t. This goes for all business platforms – not just social ones! 😉
The best pieces of content are the ones directed at your target audiences. You truly need to understand your customer … what gets them psyched as well as what keeps them up at night. So, start creating content that will address their needs and concerns, and put their minds at ease!
An email list is probably one of the most valuable and responsive assets you can have. And unlike your social media followers, you own your email marketing list. I know for a fact that many of your competitors aren’t even thinking about creating an email list for their business. Instead they can just get away with just building a huge ass social following. Which is all fine and dandy as does good in its own way BUT it’s no email list! 😉
Text can be boring sometimes. I’ll admit it … Even I veer away from social posts that don’t have some sort of visual aspect to keep me interested. People get bored with text stupid fast! So, whatever you do, don’t underestimate the power, and importance, of a visual element. Also, break up that text a bit … don’t just cram it all into one large, sloshy paragraph. You’ll lose your audience for sure that way!
We all know readers love visual content, and infographics are a prime example of beloved, linkable visual assets.
Videos (whether Facebook Live’s or of the promotional type) are and absolutely incredible way to draw in — and retain — the attention of your followers. The current retention rate for visual information is roughly 65% vs. the 10% reach for text only based content. Plus, those who view said videos are much more likely to convert than those that don’t.
Podcasts are great and literally all the rage right now because users can download them and then listen on the go!
So, what are your digital marketing tips that pack a huge ass punch for your business/brand?