In a competitive sales environment, it is not enough to have good marketing and homebuyer presentations. You and your team members must radically differentiate yourselves in order to compete at a higher level, add value and win!
Having a high-value, impressive marketing presentation is great, but creating a digital format is even better. It also allows you to operate more quickly and respond to requests faster, giving you an even greater competitive edge.
As a marketing tool, digital presentations are key and relevant. Create a digital Pre-Marketing, Marketing and Home-Buying Guide that demonstrates the services you provide for marketing and selling your client’s current home, as well as assisting in the purchase of their next home. Display this on your laptop, iPad or tablet for a fantastic presentation. You can also text or email this to people conveniently and quickly. Imagine during your open house or out in the community, you can tell someone that you will simply text or email them your guide? Cool, right? You will be competing at much higher level.
You can also print these if you want to leave them with a copy of your presentation or guide. Using Adobe Spark as your digital presentation allows you to include a call-to-action button (CTA) to “Book Appointment Now,” as well as drop in video of you and your team, or the community or other services you provide. Use the Adobe Spark pages to create custom marketing pages for your:
Offer your digital marketing as a lead magnet on social media. Once you have your digital marketing piece, you can start offering it to potential buyers and sellers through mass email campaigns, social media links and on postcards with a QR code.
Create a landing page and form (where new clients can request your services) with any one of the following messages to help create new buyer and seller leads that you can send your digital marketing piece to as an introduction to you, your team and your amazing services:
Using digital presentations for new clients before appointments, or on social media as a lead magnet, will help you increase your lead generation and conversion in the coming months. Offering a digital presentation shows you’re ahead of the technology curve and using all the latest video and social media marketing available to not only market your team, but even more importantly, your client’s home. You demonstrate that you are up to speed with technology and marketing tools and will be extremely impressive.
Whether going on a marketing (listing) appointment or a new buyer consultation, your presentation is going to ROCK! You will be adding tremendous value and showing off your marketing skills in your presentations.
For a free copy of my exclusive “Maximizing Social Media to Generate Listings” webinar, click here.
Sherri Johnson is CEO and founder of Sherri Johnson Coaching & Consulting. With 20 years of experience in real estate, Johnson offers coaching, consulting and keynotes, and is a national speaker for the Homes.com Secrets of Top Selling Agents tour and the Official Real Estate Coach for McKissock Learning and Real Estate Express. Sign up for a free 30-minute coaching strategy session or visit www.sherrijohnson.com for more information.