Digital Marketing Workflows Have Changed | Brandworkz Blog

Brand management has evolved — it’s no longer a small-scale activity managed by a single person or two. And as brands went digital, digital marketing became the focus. To easily take on the challenges of the quickly-swelling market competition and sky-rocketing customer expectations, we can’t stress enough the importance of evolving the building blocks working behind brand management.

Digital marketing workflows are crucial — they influence the implementation of your brand marketing strategy by controlling the time-to-market for your digital assets and the content you use to take your brand message across — and every brand uses workflows in some way or other to meet its targets. The problem is — the old workflows are not effective anymore, and inefficient workflows can be a burden for the process rather than a solution.

Transforming your digital marketing workflows according to the evolving branding and project management needs is the key to being at the top of your game. It’s no longer enough to simply have digital marketing workflows for your brand. Your workflow has to go above and beyond to ensure everyone can work efficiently and with as few snags as possible.

This is where sophisticated, automated workflows come into the picture, helping to cope with approvals and branches, and considerably reducing the pressure on content design and development teams.

Suggested reading: Brand management itself is something that’s constantly changing — get to grips with the tips you should take up this year with our blog, .

They’re tailored to your needs

If your team members are still sacrificing time and productivity to fit into your workflows, it’s time to wear your decision-makers hat and change things up. Effective brand asset production processes are now dynamic and evolving continuously according to the changing requirements. Trying to fit them into an old, static workflow map isn’t going to help your development or marketing team in any way. If your graphic designer is still waiting days just for the approval of their latest design, your system needs an immediate upgrade that fits into your team’s requirements, not the other way around.

Two essential features offered by modern workflows include,

So, look for digital marketing workflows that actually listen to what you need and cater to you. A smart solution can be the key to achieving your marketing goals more seamlessly while helping you to gain higher ROI on your brand assets.

You get a bird’s eye view of your workflows

Keeping track of what your team members are doing, as well as the individual performance of every member, is one of the biggest challenges you’ll face as a brand manager. Large teams, multiple people working on the same project, plus hybrid working from different locations — all make the task even more complicated to supervise manually.

To ensure that your teams are working efficiently while helping the brand to achieve its long- and short-term goals, you need the right technology to back you up. There is only so much manual monitoring a brand manager can do, and modern workflows are the solution you need to save time so that you can focus on more important aspects of the process — like implementing your gorgeous new assets in your brand strategy.

They can cope with endless branches

As marketing moves online, the need for developing more brand assets has grown exponentially. Several social media platforms, many of which ask for unique content formats, have propelled brands to create more brand marketing assets than ever. For truly effective social media management, brands need unique, high-quality content in large numbers. Hence, for a lot of companies, there’s no longer any value in a simple back-and-forth process that takes days to conclude. The solution? Sophisticated approval workflows.

They centralise all approvals

Approvals are critical for brand consistency, and cutting corners in the approval process means risking your brand image. At the same time, manually approving everything is not the solution because then it becomes a bottleneck, and nothing gets done. On top of that, when your team has steep deadlines to meet, lengthy approval processes can be a point of stress for your team. Having to email or even print assets for approval results in things getting missed out on and only elongates the process.

Modern workflows allow you to approve everything in one place with the click of a button. An advanced BMS provides an integrated, centralised platform that:

This means you can permanently say bye to the back-and-forth approval process without cutting corners.

Centralised workflows mean all the feedback and suggestions are added directly to the content, making it straightforward to follow through and implement.  What’s more, they also store and audit all interactions for compliance and keep a clear record of all the updates and edits.

Suggested reading: There are tons of challenges that can come about in brand management, but there are a few key ones to look out for — find out what they are (and how to tackle them) with our blog .   

Make modern workflows the default

The digital market is super competitive. To grab a place in this quickly growing yet saturated market, all your background processes need to be efficient and ROI-focused. You need the latest technology to make it all work and align with your business goals. Workflows might seem like a small piece of your overall marketing campaigns, but they determine the efficiency of your content production team, thus controlling a seamless implementation of all your marketing campaigns.

Modern digital marketing workflows like Brandworkz are totally centralised and automated. They are customised and monitored by a team of experts to fit into your process and improve efficiency. They provide a concise yet comprehensive, single-point view of your total process and are designed to cope with endless branches. Plus, they centralise all approvals, streamline and reduce stress on your team.

To know more about how Brandworkz digital marketing workflows can improve your process, book a demo today!

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