Does SMS Marketing Work in this AI era?
Remember the days when phone meant QWERTY and messenger meant SMS.
People used to send short and sweet messages and then wait for the response from the other side.
But then this internet changed it all.
If you look now, SMS is almost dead. Or is it not?
Many great digital marketing companies still consider SMSs to be a great arrow in their quiver.
They say it works like a charming spell.
One Digital Marketing Company in Melbourne, Blurn, has even increased the profits of companies many times.
So, how does SMS marketing work?
Understanding the core of SMS marketing!
If we just look at the present world, almost everything is the internet.
The Internet has penetrated our hard skulls and weaved itself with our neurons profoundly.
Every little business gets done over the internet.
It has not only boosted the profits of companies but has also served people goods and services at the comfort of their beds.
This has created a huge competition among companies and thus they try every means to carve their company’s name in customers’ brains.
For this various methods of marketing like social media marketing, email, blogging, influencer, etc.
get employed. SMS marketing is one of those many ways.
In SMS marketing targeted messages get channelled to the targeted customers using SMS as the medium.
But do people really use SMS marketing?
The effectiveness of SMS marketing – Does SMS marketing work?
Believe it or not, SMS marketing, in some areas, is far more effective than Email marketing itself.
Why? Because people started to exploit Emails to the core and this led people to be a little away from Emails.
Except professionals, rarely do people open up their mail accounts.
The data says that at present times SMSs have more chances of getting opened than Emails.
How many times do you remember yourself opening your mail too?
SMSs have a high probability of 98% of getting opened.
This exceeds Emails by a great margin.
For this very reason many a great digital marketing company like Blurn in Melbourne have been using this strategy effectively.
Here are some of the benefits of SMSs as a digital marketing strategy.
Should SMS marketing be mixed with other strategies?
Now the question comes if SMS marketing can stand alone with pride and guide the chariot to triumph or should it be accompanied with other strategies?
One thing you must know is that SMS has the highest rate of getting opened among all other mediums.
And with the present technology, SMS campaigns are easily trackable.
But the thing is that SMSs are very limited.
You can convey your message using text alone, and that too in limited word count.
This impediment calls for a mix of other strategies.
The best way is to use SMS to push your brand’s name into the minds of people.
Thereafter you must use other strategies like email, social media, video platforms, etc. to pull them further towards you.
The road to success can be concluded in two steps – let the consumer believe that the solution to a problem is synonymous to your brand name; let the consumer remember it always.
Says Blurn, Digital Marketing Company in Melbourne has been using it successfully.
SMS marketing can help you to push your brand name and other strategies can help you tempt your potential consumer base further down in the sales funnel.
The thing to note is that SMS marketing is not just about sending SMS.
It begins from planning, goes through proper SMS framing and sending, and ends at analysing and adjusting.
One needs different tools and software to work their way out through this.
Blurn Melbourne advises to hire a digital marketing company around you.
It can save you time and transcend your business in no time.
Wrap up
Does SMS marketing work?
SMS marketing is still a viable way to reach customers in the AI era.
With careful targeting and messaging, it can be an effective tool for digital marketing companies to increase their profits.
Giant digital marketing companies have shown that SMS marketing can be successful in the modern age.
If you’re looking to increase your profits, give SMS marketing a try today.
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