Does Website Traffic = Store Traffic & Sales? | Digital Marketing

Website Traffic = Store Traffic

sure that all of you business owners out there have a really nice website. Did you ever stop to think why you have one? Most people would answer, everyone else has one so I should have one too. Afterall everyone is on the web. Yes everyone is on the web but how many of you are really taking advantage of that fact?

Imagine over a billion searches are being done every month on the internet. People are searching for lawyers, Jewelry, Chiropractors, Plumbers …. And the list goes on and on. Now, of those billion searches, how many are your business getting? Maybe 1,000. How many of those 1000 users actually contacted you? Most probably none. So, one may ask who are they contacting if not me. The answer is easy your competitors. That’s right they are getting your business. They are getting your business because they are making their websites prone to traffic. While you are not and that is taking advantage of the World Wide Web or WWW. All that web traffic  is going to the competition. The website is giving your store the exposure it needs so people who live nearby and far away know you exist and will end up there.

Store Traffic

A properly set up website will increase your store traffic as well as sales. All you have to do is increase your website’s visibility on the internet. It’s easy to see which of your competitors is getting your traffic. Just do a search for one of the services you offer on the net and see who comes up first on the page. Then by scrolling down you will be able to locate your business listing. Consider what will happen if the traffic to your site increased from 1,000 users a month to 10,000 users a month. It’s a fact that there will be a considerable increase in sales. Isn’t this something worth investing in? Just know it’s a lot cheaper investing in the internet than conventional advertising platforms.

In conclusion, take the first step and change the way you grow your business. Call 914 902 8099 or