Don’t Miss These Fantastic Digital Marketing Trends

The internet is
very different from what it was 20 years ago. Nowadays, we have become more
dependent on this technology and use it for almost everything in our lives. We
use it not only to connect with friends and family around the world, we also
use it for shopping or to do our jobs. Aside from this, mobile phones have changed
how we shop and do business.

However, the
internet is also becoming more competitive. There are simply too many blogs and
ecommerce store who are vying for reader’s and buyer’s attention. Digital
marketing trends are also ever shifting. So how do you get ahead and not get
lost in the shuffle?

In this blog we
will talk about digital marketing trends that are making it easier for
marketers to stay ahead of the competition.

Paid Voice Search

Voice search has
been going up recently. This is because more and more people are using their
mobile phones to browse the web. Most searches happen when users are looking to
purchase a product or service. Since mobile phones have limited screen sizes,
typing can be cumbersome especially when you’re on your mobile phone.


Paid voice
search is gaining popularity because you don’t need to type. Just press the
microphone button on your phone or use the smart assistant (Alexa, Google
Assistant, Siri) and you will be shown the top results. This is why you need to
invest in voice search too.

Optimize your
marketing strategy for voice search. To do this, you need to understand how
users search for information. Question words are very popular in queries. Searchers
usually use words like how, when, who, where, when and most of all; why. Adding
these words in your content can put you in the spotlight.

keywords are also used a lot in voice search. People who use voice search tend
to speak naturally. This is why voice searches are more specific. For example,
instead of searching for “restaurant in Sydney” they would ask “where is a good
pizza restaurant in Sydney?”.

Interactive Content

Content is still
king but is quickly being outpaced by interactive content. This is because
there is simply too much content online. Readers are now becoming more
demanding and want content that is relevant, engaging and accessible no matter
what device they use.

Good examples of
interactive content include quizzes, surveys and social games. Investing time
and money on incorporating interactive formats to your digital marketing
strategy can have tremendous payoffs. So make sure to supplement your content
with infographics, white papers, case studies and ebooks.

Nowdays, readers
have very short attention span. If you can’t keep their attention for 8
seconds, you’re going to lose them to the competition. So planning and
implementing an interactive content strategy can help you retain and attract

TikTok Advertising

TikTok is not
new but has slowly encased itself in the teen and tween market. TikTok is easy
to use. You just use the app to create a short video and then upload and share
on social media platforms.


You’re missing
out on a lot if you’re not on TikTok because as of this writing there is an
estimated 500 million active users worldwide and 66% of users are under 30
years old and 40% of them are between 25 and 30. The reach of this app is enormous.

TikTok launched
a bidding ad feature and currently only has the in-feed video ad. They allow
you to target ads based on age, gender and geographic location. This means
TikTok has a massive potential especially if your target market is within the
range of their majority users. This means that if you are targeting teenagers
and the college demographics, being and advertising on TikTok can improve visibility
and traffic.

Keeping up with
the never-ending changes in digital marketing can be daunting. Things change
almost instantly and what’s in yesterday might be out tomorrow. However,
staying up to date and developing a sound digital marketing
strategy can help you adapt to the shifting online environment while
staying ahead of your competitors.

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