Don’t be concerned by existing competition, be concerned by competition yet to come.
You probably wondered if there is anyone out there, who does what you do, better than yourself, and honestly, we all have.
Yes, the Artificial Intelligence, breaking the glass ceilings in today’s world, especially when it comes to digital marketing, leaving competitors against each other like the classic Bruce Lee vs Chuck Norris. A real fight of course.
Concerning or Comforting?
Studies have shown that 54% of retail marketers have started using AI, where 47% of the digitally matured organization have established an AI strategy.
Ammunitions are being loaded for a psychological warfare, where AI is like a nuclear.
Furthermore, Gartner studies found that 20% of the content created by businesses, will be done by AI.
This number will boost from 20% to more than 50% in a blink of an eye, extremely effecting the current occupations to a huge extent.
The Army of AI:
There are already AI robots like Heliograf and Cyborg, who have published hundreds of articles and blogs on variety of topics from sports to politics.
These AI robots are said to create content in multiple languages with written fluency, and to our surprise, they are able to do more than just that.
Is this concerning or comforting? From businesses side, this is an opportunity like a hungry hyena ready to strike.
Life is Unfair:
Just for the record, we all have heard of the famous AI robot, Sophia.
She or ‘IT’, was granted citizenship of Saudi Arab, a country hard to avail its citizenship, even if you were born and spent your whole life over there till death.
Life is unfair and AI doesn’t care. To top it off, Sophia is currently pursuing a career in marketing.
With this being said, lets take a look at how implications of AI.
According to the above example the topic has the independent and dependent variable and also is suitable for doing research as the title is not vague or too broad.
It is a well-established fact that AI is able to process billions of data within minutes. But AI also has the ability to create a full-length textual content, all by itself through interpreting data.
The content AI produce, can be of any style, whether a long story, blogs, news, web content, reports and even for mobile applications, all done effectively that a reader wont be able to differentiate that a robot wrote this.
Content Creators Paradise?
This extremly useful tool is time and cost saver that produces more and more content everyday.
Lets say for example, a company that provides write my assignment services online for students at either school or university level, can produce high quality content for its customers and have an increased customer base, according to the content they produce.
Sneak Attack:
Even if digital marketers use techniques like PPC, then AI NLG is able to produce content and earn through PPC feature online.
This increases the brand awarness by optimizing your web content on search engines, through consistant usage of keywords.
AI is intelligent for a reason. AI is able to track the activities of your followers on social media and converts them into written content, which is then processed for further marketing purpose.
Let’s say for example, if you share your brands services on social media, like cheap dissertation writing services worldwide, then the number of shares, comments, likes, will all be tracked by AI and presented into a numerical or written form for marketing purpose.
This is an advantage for content writers because it gives them valuable insights of what the audience are exactly looking for, where according to that, marketers enhance their performance for better customer experience.
Also, it gives a chance to enhance your company’s web content.
Which bicycle repairing shop would you prefer? A fancy looking shop or the one that has in-depth knowledge of bicycles? That’s a rhetorical question. It is obvious you would prefer the one with in-dept knowledge.
This is where AI proves its expertise. AI provides information on which Keywords are most engaging and which generates the most traffic.
AI analyze the search engines data and produces a full report on which keyword is most popular at the moment and most viewed. AI even informs how many times this keyword has been used over the past week and in how many articles.
The same is done here with LSI, where even the startups are able to possess in-dept knowledge of what’s going on in the industry with the help of AI.
One for All:
Not just for marketers, but LSI can also be used by students, where they can buy assignment online service that is relevant to their university or school work with the use of keywords.
An AI software, which informs the content writers what potential topics to write about, that increases traffic.
This is not really a topic generator, but simply shows the trends of content and how they are engaging.
The Magic:
This is one of the content strategies performed by AI, which drives data and information from online activities of target audience, and shows which type of content are getting the most reaction.
With the use of AI, content writers can easily develop an effective content strategy.
If any customer visits your website, then AI can track their eye movements.
Marketers will know which area of your website or blogs, the customer spends most time looking at.
With this information, content writers can develop a strategy to improve the areas, where more people spend time looking at, making it more triggering.
With AI, businesses are now able to improve the slightest details of their content.
An AI software which helps business to maintain relevancy of their content.
AI can analyze your content and show which part of the content is relevant to your business, throwing away whatever is unnecessary.
This saves a lot of time in proofreading and increases the engaging factor. Studies shows
that 70% of the customers are willing to read your content online, only if it is relevant and related to
their interest.
Unnecessary information can be annoying, just like those pop-up and YouTube ads, that we all want to get rid of immediately.
Friend or A Foe? You Decide
AI is a huge cost and time saver for both content writers and digital marketers with its effective implications mentioned above.
Content writers need AI for creating more content in less time, increase fluency, improvise relevancy and bring qualitative information, free of plagiarism. Whereas, digital marketers need AI to build effective strategies and simply add value to their brand.
But the fact remains, not to completely depend upon AI, as errors can lose millions. Since AI is trying to become human, they are inclined towards errors.
Elbert Hubbard, who isn’t even from this century, said that ‘one machine can do work of 50 ordinary men, but not the work of one extraordinary man’.
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