With the uptrend in ecommerce, penetrating the marketplace is becoming increasingly challenging, especially for start ups and small businesses. Anyone with an internet connection can create a website and build a brand. However, being able to thrive as an online entrepreneur is a different matter.
Choosing the best digital marketing partner for your business can make or break your company. To simplify the decision-making process, here are eight practical ways to select the right digital marketing agency for your business. An intelligent entrepreneur will choose the right partner agency to help the brand carry out specialised marketing efforts that meet the business’ needs.
Identify goals and desired results
The first step in choosing a digital marketing agency is understanding your goals and the desired outcomes. Every company is different. Likewise, every marketing agency will have its own area of expertise. Be transparent with what you want to achieve by breaking down deliverables and align these with the agency.
Case in point: you want to increase and optimise your website’s search ranking performance. Communicate this goal and assess the steps the agency will undertake to achieve it. Action steps would be developing a content marketing system or a series of marketing efforts to encourage positive reviews on all platforms.
Find the right fit for your goals and desired outcome for favourable results and a harmonious partnership.
There are reputable agencies that can act as a one-stop-shop for all your digital marketing needs. Using them can be cost-efficient because the they will have inhouse experts on website creation, graphic design, or customer relationship management. Some specialist web design agencies like XIST2 in Oxford also offer SEO solutions that will help your website be found in search engine results.
Select an agency with a gleaming resume and impressive portfolio
Essentially, the past works and clients will speak of the level of professionalism and marketing know-how the agency has. Take the time to conduct due diligence before starting to work with them. Search engine optimisation (SEO) strategies, content marketing systems, and graphic design pegs are in the portfolio and past client listings.
Gauge credibility of the company with their team members
Ensure that the marketing agency has a pool of talent that meets your project needs and vision. For example, if your business requires a logo or a website, the agency must employ a graphic designer or artist. Conduct a LinkedIn search of their talents by searching the agency and their people.
A solid industry reputation
A reputable social proof, like reviews and client testimonials, will help you gain insights about the agency. Conduct a Google search to weigh in positive, negative, and neutral reviews. These reviews will set the stage on the level of satisfaction their clientele have.
A well-designed website
The best digital marketers know that their website is their online business card. The best digital marketing agency must be able to impress you with their website. If they are unable to execute their site, how can they deliver a better one for you? Think twice if the website is low-quality or has a poor user experience.
The agency doesn’t have unrealistic expectations
Give close attention to the promises the agency makes. A legitimate and dependable agency would not make outlandish claims of delivering the number one spot in Google rankings. This is a red flag because they should know that topping the rankings takes time and entails long-term marketing plans and execution. Be wary of these partnerships because impossible deliverables usually utilise black hat SEO techniques that might harm your online reputation.
Reliability and easy to reach
The best marketing agency offers impeccable customer service and do not complicate the process or call to action. The website must be accommodating, and the agency should take active participation in simplifying the customer’s journey.
Similar core values and culture
Your business’ values and culture must align with the partner marketing agency. This helps ensure that the working methods and goals of the agency mesh and blend well with your team. Scrutinise the words and phrases they use to describe what they value and how they operate. Your company must collaborate with an agency you are comfortable with. After all, they are responsible for your brand reputation and image.
There are several ways to align and maximise the strategic partnership you have with a digital marketing agency. Identifying the characteristics of the right agency and communicating it can set the stage for a successful collaboration throughout the project.
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