There’s been a lot of talk recently about email marketing: Is it still effective? Is it relevant? The answer is yes, it’s alive and well, and still incredibly effective and inexpensive. Here are three things to keep in mind before starting your next email marketing campaign:
Develop Your Strategy, Set Goals and Consider Timing
Before getting started, ask yourself these questions:
Depending on your answers to these questions, you can create a content calendar planned for the entire quarter, or a mini-brief that lays out a plan for one specific email. It’s important to map out exactly what it is you’re trying to accomplish because without a plan, how else can you measure if your plan worked?
Don’t Slack on Your Content
You may be tired of hearing that “Content is King”, but the truth is that it most definitely is. So think like an editor and give the people what they want: videos, newsletters, behind the scenes information and NOT just another ad for an upcoming show or event. And it all starts with your subject line – according to Salesforce, 64% of folks open email solely because of the subject line. So make it catchy! Make sure to include the correct links to your social media pages, and don’t forget your call to action. After all, you are looking to get something out of this, right?
Measure, Rinse, and Repeat
It’s important to find out if what you’re doing is working. Track to see if you’re getting clicks, customers are engaging with you, you’re getting social media likes and – best case scenario – you’re selling more tickets. If not, take a deep breath and a step back, and try a new approach. Successful campaigns take patience, and most times a few tries!