Search engine optimization or SEO for short is not merely about links and keywords. There is much more to it than what it’s letting on. Search giants like Google use the consumer experience as their basis on whether your website has indeed provided the quality content that the consumers need. More often than not, user experience (UX) is the most commonly overlooked area of SEO. There are many instances when businesses forget that part of their main goal is to make the experience of all customers easy and smooth if they want to increase their traffic and decrease the bounce rates. Here are four ways to improve your UX and SEO.
Content is LIFE!
Saying that search engines are fond of content is putting it mildly. In truth, they LOVE content. Content generates HTML code to text ration that crawlers can understand. For site owners to increase their page rankings, they have to fill their site with text. That’s how search engines like it, which in turn, increases the chance of your page(s) being shown in search results.
Nevertheless, it is also essential to bear in mind that weak user metrics is the shortcut to losing your page one ranking and dropping your site off the front page quickly. To avoid that, you should have a page structure that divides your content into small pieces allowing users to quickly scan through it, thus increasing their time spent on your pages.
Also, remember that internal linking can help increase the number of your page views. So it is important to learn .
Develop smooth and easy website navigation
One quickest way to enhance your user experience is to make your site navigation as easy as possible. The more fluid users can navigate on your site, the easier for them to find the information that they’re looking for. UX designer jobs have a particular skillset in making sure that your navigation menu is structured correctly because it will guide your visitors to their site destinations.
Good quality SEO means visitors can be directed to your other pages aside from your home page through search engines before they can even visit your website. Your website must also be intuitive enough to encourage users to go to the other pages on your site.
Track user signals
Believe it or not, artificial intelligence is becoming an essential role in the world of AI today. Take a look at how Google uses AI lately. Search engines remain working with user signals to enhance their smart search capabilities. For that to happen, Google considers a handful of different metrics for user signals, which includes the number of Google local listings post-click, click-to-call, and five-star reviews. The clearer you have an understanding of user sentiment and behavior, the more you convert visitor’s actions into search traffic.
Create a mobile-friendly site
You’d probably heard enough about the importance of mobile-friendly sites these days. This is because the mobile site is one of your main components of digital success. Aside from your desktop website, you have to ensure that your mobile website is as user-friendly as the former. Considering that most sites are more geared up for desktops, you will need to take another extra step to evaluate if your website is optimized for mobile devices. This entails ensuring that your content loads quickly meaning it should not take more than three seconds to load. Otherwise, visitors will more likely leave your site.
Lastly, check-in with your web developer and see to it that your website has been tested for its responsiveness on various devices.