Essential Digital Marketing Strategies for Builders and Property Developers

The most important thing to remember with any content marketing effort is that your activities need to remain consistent. If you commit to blogging and publishing these posts to your social media and email databases, it’s a long term strategy and you can’t drop the ball or your audience will stop listening to you. However, if you can commit and make it a focus, the rewards will be very incredibly important for your future developments. As you position yourself as a thought leader within the industry, your proven track record will be a testament to your credibility.

As more and more people come across your website, you will also find that your audience will widen to include investors, reporters, politicians, procurement departments, consultants, lawyers, and even your competitors. Foster trust and respect by positioning yourself as an industry expert. Write blog posts on a wide range of topics encompassing industry issues and practical building advice. Blogging is an excellent way to showcase your expertise and prove that you know your business.

With this intelligent strategy, Contevo has been able to acquire  highly targeted and cost efficient leads for builders and property developers. As a result, our clients have been able to build long term relationships with their customers and have stopped wasting their marketing and media on blind shotgun approaches.