If your business depends on 100% uptime on your website then setting up a Failover server is a great option to achieve this.
How does Failover it work?
If a network outage is detected for any reason, the system will automatically direct your traffic to the backup Failover server. So even as you (and your server administrator) sleep there will be no downtime if your server has an issue.
The failover server is kept in sync with the source server every hour.
The Failover server ideally would be on a completely redundant provider and location. So if an entire data centre goes down you will not be effected.
Failover protection starts from AU$99 per month and is only available to customers on our Live plan or above.
Is your website mission critical? Contact us today for a quote.
Clark Marshall has over thirteen years experience in building websites, and has been working exclusively with WordPress for the past ten. A self confessed lover of coffee he loves nothing more than hanging out in cafe’s catching up with mates as he travels the world together with his wife. In a previous life we are convinced he was a golden retriever as his love for dogs is infectious as is his chilled out demeanour.
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