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As part of our thought leadership to help marketers navigate the COVID-19 age, we recently published Fearless Digital Marketing: The Retailer’s Guide to Navigating COVID-19. In today’s blog, we’ll cover how to examine your messaging through the lens of the current times – and how to use data and empathy to strike the right tone. Director of Creative Strategy Becca Debono contributed to this post.
We’ve been preaching comprehensive testing frameworks for a while for your creative and messaging. If you’re late to the game on that, it’s go time on two fronts a) proactively remove or edit any tone-deaf messaging or imagery; b) test for themes that resonate as consumer needs and behavior change.
Questions to ask as you evaluate your ads:
Along with your messaging and creative, consider your offers: if you’re selling casual sneakers, throw in a fun, vibrant set of shoelaces to help cheer up your customers. If you’re selling home office equipment, throw in a discount on an ergonomic back pillow. Little gestures that don’t cost you much but show empathy for consumers who need a pick-me-up can earn genuine goodwill now and loyal customers for the future.