Featured Employee Of The Month: Digital Marketing Manager, Atena

Employee Feature Questionnaire

1.What was your very first job?

I’m not sure if working for your parents counts, but at my dad’s Persian rug store! I would help with rug repairs and delivering them to customers’ houses. My first non-family business job was at TJ Maxx.

2. What degree(s) do you have, and from which institutes and fields of study?

Dual Bachelor of Arts in Communications and Psychology from Keene State College in NH.

3. What do you think is one of the most significant changes that you’ve seen since you started working in your industry?

How rapidly the way people consume content has changed, and just generally how much digital marketing has evolved as a whole. One of the most fascinating things I’ve noticed is how short of a timespan a brand has to grab the attention of the consumer. Seeing how brands are executing this in different ways is also very interesting, and valuable for my own strategizing efforts.

4. What excites you most about the digital marketing world?

I love that as a digital marketer you have the opportunity to think outside of the box and be disruptive. The opportunity for creativity is endless, and it’s really amazing to see what’s being done in the space and be a part of that process.

5. What do you do when you are not at work?

I recently picked up surfing, and it has been a challenge but super fun! I’m usually at the beach doing some water-related activity, cooking for friends and family, entertaining out of town guests, or planning a trip to a new country I want to visit.

6. Do you have any hobbies?

Absolutely! Surfing, boating, snorkeling, cooking, traveling, dancing, hiking, camping, backpacking, indoor rock climbing, road tripping, making new friends, beach cleanups, and taking my 2-year-old nephew on adventures.

7. What thing(s) are you obsessed with?

I really enjoy a good cup of coffee, I can’t survive without it. Also, Mexican food, sushi, road trips, overcoming my fears, and my adorable little nephews.

8. What’s one thing about yourself that would surprise people?

I’m actually a billionaire. Kidding! But I did used to be in a DJ duo group with my friend Jasmine when I lived in CT. Took the Night!!!

9. What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Someone very wise told me a few times to live in the present.  Don’t focus and get caught up in the past or the future because the moment you’re living now is precious and deserves your attention. You’ll never have that moment again, so don’t waste it.

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