Finish The Phrase: Digital Marketing Is Like…

Finish The Phrase: Digital Marketing Is Like…

If chairs are like Facebook, what is digital marketing like?

I pondered over this question one day as I was doing a research for one of my Digital Marketing Concierge clients. I find it funny that a brand as big as Facebook compared itself to something as mundane as a chair.

But maybe that’s where their genius is.

Anyway, this was an analogy used by Facebook – the ad was mocked and picked upon by many people. Personally, I quite like it. Oh, if you haven’t seen it yet, here it is:

So I was thinking, what is digital marketing like?

This was an important question, so I asked our team at the weekly meeting. Everyone arrived very sober and we treated this topic with the uttermost seriousness.

Here follow some of our ideas, but I’d really love to see what other things you come up with.

#DigitalMarketing is like breakfast

You need a well-balanced breakfast if you want to rule the day: protein, healthy fats, carbohydrates, fruits, veggies. It works the same with digital marketing: you need a well-balanced strategy, a kick-ass team, engaging content, awesome tools.

#DigitalMarketing is like dating

…Or more like a relationship. One between you and your clients/customers/followers. If you find yourself engrossed in meaningful conversations with your audience, sparks and bubbly hearts will ignite. Oh, and if you get it right on the first date, then you might be lucky enough for a second… and a third. Digital marketing is a lot like love…

#DigitalMarketing is like fishing

To me, there is barely anything entertaining in the activity of fishing. But digital marketing is a lot like fishing… but in the addictive way. You’re putting out great offers (baits – but let’s not call them that, because they’re great offers) and waiting for your target audience to take a bite. At the same time, your audience is on the lookout for what you are offering: not only are they the fish in the sea, but they also happen to be the fish that likes the worm on your hook (ahem, offer).

#DigitalMarketing is like gardening

Both require you to do a lot of work without seeing immediate results. Just like gardening, digital marketing requires months to flourish; it works through trial and error. With gardening, you are doing a lot of weeding, clipping, digging, mounding, watering. These efforts are similar to your marketing efforts when you are trying to build a brand: you have to decide what you want to grow, when is the best time to start, pick the tools, prepare the market, sow the product, keep the audience interested, and finally see your product flourish as it gains popularity.

#DigitalMarketing is like kissing, a lot like flirting, even more like sex

Well, of course, we couldn’t take sex out of the equation, could we?

It’s like kissing, because it takes two to do it. It’s like flirting, because you’re supposed to lure your audience into liking you. And of course, it is a lot like sex, because everybody thinks they’re good at it.

#DigitalMarketing is like driving a car

Everybody thinks driving a car is a piece of cake and we’re all entitled to it. If you want to buy drinks in a store, you need to show the cashier your driver’s license, that’s how mainstream driving is. But the truth is, in order to become a driver you need to pass some bloody hard tests: you need to study, you need to practice driving and at the end you need to pass an exam.

And once we find ourselves behind the wheel… well, just don’t forget you are not the only driver in the world trying to reach a destination.

#DigitalMarketing is like talking to children

Because you will often feel like nobody is paying attention to what you’re saying.

In fact, you should be tailoring your message to different groups of customers just like you need to talk differently to children of different ages.

#DigitalMarketing is like laundry


(say no more)

#DigitalMarketing is like football

Digital marketing is like football or like any other team sport. You cannot do it on your own, and nor can one of your employees. Each team member plays an important part in the team, occupies a unique position, possesses different training and skills, and sees the game from a unique perspective.

Any other ideas? What is digital marketing like to you?

The post Finish The Phrase: Digital Marketing Is Like… appeared first on Super Savvy Business | Digital Marketing Agency Sydney.

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